Saturday, August 31, 2019
Swimming: An Important Life Skill
An Important Life Skill Swimming is a very important and necessary life skill to have; for this reason it should be included in part of the wellness curriculum at Negotiation High School. If a person has the proper knowledge of life saving skills/techniques, he or she will be able to save his or her own life as well as other people. Swimming is also an abundant way of exercise. Lastly, it is a pleasurable activity. Did you know that 3,400 people drown in the US per year? Imagine being one of those people.Even if it may not be fast, competitive swimming, basic skills are necessary for survival. If you have the ability to be resourceful and can float for a couple minutes you have the power to save your own life. Lifesaving is another crucial skill to have. When someone is close to drowning, he or she might only have a few moments to live. Within those moments, if a person who has been trained in lifesaving skills, he or she would be able to save the drowning victim. When doing so it is important not to make physical contact with the victim or else he or she might take the rescuer down with him or her.The swimming unit in wellness teaches us how to do so. It also instructs us on the cautions one should take while saving an unconscious victim so it does not result in the victim's neck snapping. Swimming is also a great way of exercise. It does not wear out the Joints so people can use this as a method of exercise even when they become elderly. It is an excellent way to stay in decent physical condition throughout the years. With other sports, people tend to have to give up playing since it often results in Joints starting to ache and wear down. This leads to people having to get urge.With swimming, this is a factor that people are not concerned with since joints are never strained. It can also be a pleasurable activity. If your friends all decided to go to the beach and you were the only one who did not know how to swim, most likely, you would not end up having a g reat time. Learning Just the basic skills of swimming can prevent you from having a bad time at the beach, for instance. There are many sports you can play in the water if competitive swimming is not an enjoyable activity in your opinion. This list of sports include: water polo, volleyball,Frisbee, etc. It can be inferred that swimming is a very imperative skill to know. It can be used to save another person's life or your own life with a few simple techniques and strokes. Swimming, correspondingly, is an amazing way to exercise and stay in shape through the course of a lifetime since it does not wear out Joints like most other sports do. In conclusion, it is also a great leisure activity. These are Just a few of the ample amount of reasons why swimming is a very important course and should be part of the wellness curriculum at Negotiation High School. By Mauritania
Friday, August 30, 2019
Indian Removal Act Essay
In 1791, the Cherokee Nation was allocated land in Georgia during a treaty with the U.S. In 1828, whites wanted to reclaim this land not only for settlement purposes, but because of the discovery of gold. President Jackson and the U.S Congress passed a policy of Indian removal for all lands east of the Mississippi River; this was known as The Indian Removal Act of 1830. As Georgia tried to reclaim this land, the Cherokee protested and took their case to the U.S Supreme Court, known as Worcester vs. Georgia. The act was instituted to authorize the Native Americans to move west. Native tribes included Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Seminole. While some tribes agreed to move west, many refused. The Native Americans resisted with great force as well as the Cherokee Indians being a significant part of the disagreement with the Supreme Court and Jackson. The Supreme Court favored the Cherokee Nations calling it â€Å"unconstitutional,†which caused controversy between Geor gia officials. In turn, the Georgia officials with the support of Jackson led to a forced march in 1838 with the removal of all Cherokee Indians known as The Trail of Tears. This march is also known to the Cherokee’s as â€Å"The Trail Where They Cried,†because approximately 4,000 died. Federal troops were given orders to remove 15,000 Cherokee people to their new home in Indian Territory, today known as Oklahoma. This removal violated the Supreme Court’s Decision. The repercussions of this removal led to many deaths of Native Americans, not only from the force of removal, but from disease, starvation and the cold during their transition to their new home west of the Mississippi. Poverty of many relocated Indians lasted close to 100 years. The resources they gained while living in the land that they were stripped from, not only led to this poverty, but the livelihood of many natives were broken. International treaties were broken because of Jackson’s decision to go against the Supreme Court. It took over 30 years to removal all native tribes west. The Seminoles refused to leave calling the Act â€Å"unjust.†This resulted in the Second Seminole war lasting 7 years from 1835-1842. Jackson spent millions of dollars during his administration for this to succeed. â€Å"By the end of his presidency, Jackson had signed into law almost seventy removal treaties, the result of which was to move nearly 50,000 eastern Indians to Indian Territoryâ€â€defined as the region belonging to the United States west of the Mississippi River but excluding the states of Missouri and Iowa as well as the Territory of Arkansasâ€â€and open millions of acres of rich land east of the Mississippi to white settlers (U.S. Department of State, 2014).†While some including the natives view this Act and unconstitutional to the treaties in which were implemented, others view this as a necessity to continue to make the government prosper. Many natives lost their lives. America is what it is today because of the mast amount of treaties and Act s placed upon us by our historical leaders. Although this Act went against the rights of settlers, domestic and international trade may not be what it is today if this was not forced by the powers of the Jackson administration. This takes us to the controversy of moral character and rights vs. the prosperity of the American people. Politics and economic infrastructure should be based upon both good moral character as well as the implementation of governing laws to ensure our prosperity as a nation. References: Murrin, J., Johnson, P., McPherson, J., Fahs, A., Gerstle, G., 2011. Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Fifth Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning: Boston, MA U.S. Department of State: Office of the Historian, 2014. Indian Treaties and The Removal act of 1830. Retrieved from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Case Study Healthcare Provider Essay Example for Free
Case Study Healthcare Provider Essay Game (151) , Plan (45) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints A large, regional healthcare provider is developing a new, integrated wellness and prevention program (IWPP) for their patients. This involves developing an overarching strategy and aligning existing prevention capabilities. The client has employed Point B to facilitate the development of the plan’s strategy, conceptual design, and roadmap for initial implementation. Describe how you would approach this effort. Broadly, the approach has three steps starting with the leadership team and then engaging the entire organization: I. Leadership Strategy Development and Plan II. Organization Engagement and Strategy Refinement III. Initial Implementation I. Leadership Strategy Development and Plan Once the leadership participants are confirmed with the sponsor, facilitated workshops will be structured to shape the key deliverables: business strategy, conceptual design and roadmap. Workshops will focus on: Finding a common understanding of what is a successful IWPP. This includes: †¢ Identifying current challenges for the healthcare provider as a whole and specific to an IWPP †¢ Agreeing to the existing strengths overall but with a focus on existing prevention capabilities †¢ Understanding what has and has not worked in the past †¢ Defining a common IWPP vision and values Defining what capabilities are needed and how to measure a successful IWPP. Capabilities will shape the conceptual design and span such things as: †¢ Technology †¢ Business processes †¢ Applications †¢ People/organization structure †¢ Information †¢ Geographic location Identifying the activities (immediate and future) to create a new IWPP. For example: †¢ People – assessing the organization’s culture and behaviours for integrative wellness, prevention and medical care †¢ Process – redesign business processes to emphasis case management and cross organization collaboration per patient(s) or member(s) †¢ Technology – data conversion to a common rollout schedule for compliance standards across the network e.g. ICD 10 Activity timing will determine when capabilities are in place to chart a roadmap of changes to the organization. II. Organization Engagement and Strategy Refinement The second step is the most intensive and often the most overlooked when developing strategy. The leadership team will be required to engage the broader organization to test the strategy, conceptual design and roadmap. This requires cascading participation from management, team leaders and front-line staff. For a healthcare provider this is critical given the complexity and diversity of the network (complementary service providers, insurers, medical providers, members and patients). Input is also required regarding how best to monitor progress, to measure outcomes and to continuously collect feedback once implementation is underway. Step II has the following benefits: †¢ Improve the leadership team’s work by adding operational detail †¢ Create strategy awareness so the organization’s day-to-day decision making better aligns with the strategic vision and intent. †¢ Start to foster ownership and champions for IWPP changes The third step focuses on identifying the activities that can be implemented first. Activities will be assessed by not only business value to achieve a new IWPP but also by other planning constraints such as the availability of people with the right skills, funding and interdependencies with existing project work. Step III also requires the establishment of implementation processes to monitor progress, to measure outcomes and to continually improve implementation methods based on feedback. Case Study Healthcare Provider. (2016, Mar 25). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The value of higher education in today's society Research Paper
The value of higher education in today's society - Research Paper Example Some people believe that higher education is expensive but it has to be noted that it is worth every penny that a person spends on it. This can be attributed to the fact education gives a student an opportunity to be employed in the best sector of the economy. Colleges have undergone tremendous changes over the years as they try to offer the best skills to their students (Byrne, 2005). Education is the key to the success of any given individual because it brings out the best in a person. Education cannot be ignored because of the fact that skills and other techniques, which are very important in life, are attained in school. Education comes at a cost, which means that every stakeholder in the industry has to play his or her part in order to ensure that all willing students have access to quality education. The governments of all various countries have to ensure that education is available and affordable to every person in the society irrespective of social status, race, gender, or ethnicity. This cannot be achieved if not all the people in the society value the benefits that come with good and quality education (Fa, 2007). American higher education system strengthens the economic and social sectors in the country. This can be attributed to the fact that individuals’ dreams and those of the society are met through a good and quality education. Although many people view education as a source of good livelihood to an individual, it has to be understood that the society benefits when its members are learned. The long-term benefits associated with a college degree are associated with what a person achieves in the future. Many students in college ask themselves whether they will be able to get a good job after spending all the money associated with higher education. The answer is yes because a college degree is a lifetime achievement that does not expire. College graduates are in a better position to make
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Basic Tissue Processing for Routine Light Microscopy Assignment
Basic Tissue Processing for Routine Light Microscopy - Assignment Example hnique as the tissues are fixed by cross linkages formed by proteins and the cross links does not harm the protein structure and the standard solution is 10% neutral buffered formalin. Glutaraldehyde is also used for fixation and the standard solution is 2% buffered glutaraldehyde. This causes deformations in protein structure and penetrates very slowly but provides overall cytoplasmic and nuclear detail. Alcohols are usually not used for tissues as contain protein denaturants and cause brittleness. Oxidizing agents such as potassium permanganate is also not used frequently as they cross link proteins and cause extensive denaturation. There are number of factors which affect the fixation process such as buffering, penetration, temperature, volume, time interval and concentration of the solutions. Once the tissue has been fixed, they are processed into thin microscopic sections and embedded in paraffin. The technique of fixing tissues into paraffin is called tissue processing. There a re two main steps in the processing which is dehydration and clearing. ‘Dehydration’ is a process of removing water from the tissues as wet fixed tissues cannot be directly infiltrated with paraffin. This is done by mixing alcohol (70%, 95% to 100%) with formalin. Once the tissues are dehydrated, the next step consists of removal of dehydrant with the substance that will be miscible with the paraffin. The common clearing agent used for this step is xylene. The next step involved is that the tissues are finally infiltrated with the embedding agent paraffin. ‘Infiltration’ is a process of impregnating the tissues with the embedding medium. This processed can be automated for large amount of tissues are processed. Automation consists of an instrument that moves through the tissues on a preset time. This activity can also be done with the help of tissue processor by manually picking the tissues out of the cassette and pouring paraffin over them. This ‘emb edding’ process is very
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Development of the United States Government Research Paper
The Development of the United States Government - Research Paper Example In western Massachusetts, the peasants held rallies against the injustice of high taxes and impartial justice provided by the courts to the creditors (Waldrep and Bellesiles, 104). In September 1786 Daniel Shays and other neighboring influential led numerous hundred men in compelling the Supreme Court in Springfield to postpone. Shays guided a force of nearly 1,200 men in an assail (January 1787) on the federal armory at Springfield, which was revolted. Pursued by the armed force, on February 4 he was determinedly conquered at Petersham and escaped to Vermont. Accordingly, the Massachusetts legislature ratified laws lessening the monetary condition of debtors. Though small in extent and easily subdued, Shays’s deed became, for some, an influential argument for a well-built and conventional national government, in that way causing the progress for the Constitutional Convention (Shays’ Rebellion-United States History). The states in accepting the article of amalgamation which formed a government, wherein all legislative power was entrusted in a single house, had gone away from practically all of their ethnicity from government (Stidham, 1). On September 17, 1787, 39 delegates signed the constitution in the Assembly Room of Independence hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Jordan, 17). At that juncture the distribution of legislative power between the House of Lords and the House of Commons was judged to be a crucial element of the English structure; and, in all of the settlements excluding Pennsylvania, two houses had been expanded and were offered by the entire state constitutions excluding those of Pennsylvania and Georgia. Together Randolph’s and Pinckney’s strategies were commenced straight away after the association of the convention, offered for two houses’ and two days afterward the convention determined, exclusive of debate, Pennsylvania and no-one else voting against i t, supportive of such an allocation of legislative power. Soon after
Atomic Weight of Magnesium Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Atomic Weight of Magnesium - Lab Report Example The ChemLab was used to simulate the reaction involving Magnesium and Hydrochloric acid, which produced hydrogen gas, magnesium and chloride ions. By measuring the amount of gas produced, the molecular weight of Magnesium was calculated. Using ChemLab, 30 ml 2M HCl was added to 300 ml H2O. 10 mg Magnesium was then added to the solution. After measuring the amount of Hydrogen produced, the molecular weight (grams per mole) of Magnesium was calculated. The calculation of the molecular weight using the weight of magnesium and the amount of hydrogen gas released was facilitated by the used of the balanced equation describing the reaction between magnesium and HCl: This means that a mole of magnesium needs two moles of HCl to produce a mole of hydrogen gas, a mole of magnesium ion, and a mole of chloride ion. This direct relation is applicable only when the parameter compared is the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties Essay
Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties - Essay Example The paper will shed light on the dynamics of civil liberties and the increasing security level that America needs to fulfill their duty to the nation. In a state of frenzy and panic the Congress passed the USA Patriot Act, six weeks after the 9/11 attack. This was a revision of the nation’s surveillance laws that allowed government further authority to spy on its own citizens. This was also an opportunity for the Congress to install the previously declined laws. The Act nevertheless violates the Constitution in many ways such as the First and Fourth Amendment. The First amendment promises free speech whereas the Fourth says that the government has no right to conduct a search neither without warranty nor without proving that a particular person is accused or responsible for committing a crime. The Act infringed upon the first amendment by allowing the FBI to investigate the American citizens and the fourth amendment, by failing to notify the person whose privacy is being invad ed without a pledge. Agencies and organizations that are responsible for security in America include â€Å"Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the National Geospatial-Imagery Agency (NGA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the State Department (INR), the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the military services and the Energy Department, and the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Treasury Department, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Coast Guard in DHS†(Best, 2010). In addition to these, which already hold sophisticate and high protocol, The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) was created â€Å"to analyze and integrate all intelligence possessed or acquired by any Federal agency†that were related to international terror acts. This appears to be USA in a state of paranoia but it took all measures possible to provide high security to its citizens who did not hesitate immediately after the September attack (Best, 2010). Civil liberties bear an ordinary and remote existence in everyday experiences. But in certain contexts the issue of civil liberties might have a direct impact on peoples’ freedom and sanctuary. Davis believed that â€Å"The competing issues in the civil liberties vs. security trade-off are thus fundamental to the very idea of democracy as reflected in the Bill of Rights: that citizens should be protected from the government. Because it is the government’s actions that may clash with individual rights, we expect popular perceptions of government trust in government, as well as patriotismâ€â€to play an important role in determining people’s willingness to trade off civil liberties for security.†(Davis, 2004) The government still struggles with the idea of civil liberty an d security because there is a chance of impeachment of one over the other. Clokie argues that the bill of rights needs to be closely analyzed before being misconceived. According to him it is an old remedy brought into practice because it takes a slink into the â€Å"past disappointments†(Clokie, 1947). America would go as far as torturing the truth out of the victim even if it takes his life. The violation of the amendments
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Initial public offering (federal express) session long project module Essay
Initial public offering (federal express) session long project module 1 - Essay Example The main reason for choosing this company is to due to the size and extent of the company. The company operates worldwide which provides a vaster and larger possibility to learn about the company and the various developments that it entails. The other reasons why this company has been chosen include the fact that the company holds a major share in the market, and the company has developed its business to such a great extent that it is recognized worldwide. FedEx not only provides express delivery business but also provides small package ground delivery as well. The company also provides a wide range of document related as well other business services. One other reason to choose this company is the type of IPO that they used. The company went in for an IPO to become public and to be listed in the New York Stock Exchange. This makes it a better company to study and allows a more focused view on how the company expands and improves the overall business. An initial public offering plays a major role in every business. In the case of FedEx, the company had its IPO on 12th April 1978 and the share price was $24 per share. The company has been trading on the NYSE since 28th December 1978 and uses the symbol of FDX. The company went in for a public offering in 1978 to raise enough capital and to also be listed in the New York Stock Exchange. The company used the IPO to set up the stock price. In 1978 when the company decided to go public, they used the IPO to distribute the shares of the company to public. Here once FedEx registered with the SEC, the company worked with investment banks to sign the contract and to be able to sell the shares of the company (Stock Market Investors, 2010). The contractors would need to provide an agreement which shows that they agree to underwrite the distribution of the shares (Chechile, 2004). Once the two parties had
Friday, August 23, 2019
How do sociological perspectives contribute to an understanding and Essay
How do sociological perspectives contribute to an understanding and explanation of media images of ageing and older age - Essay Example In the said analysis, this writer will elucidate upon as to why and how the type of media portrayal is what it is at present. The mass media has become an integral part of the postmodern society. Everyone, regardless of age, has some form of interaction with mass media in his life. Spring (1993) gives an estimate of how much of their leisure time elderly people (above-50) spend listening to the radio, watching television, listening to music, reading and going to the movies. His research reveals that as much as forty percent of their leisure is time dedicated to these activities. Knowing this, it is easy to see why creating a more accurate picture, if not a more compassionate and humanistic one, of the elderly’s situation in the realm of mass media, is very important. Curbing negativities in media’s portrayal of the elderly, many as they are as will be seen in the following paragraphs, should be given high priority. This is so because, it is undeniable that the mass media impacts interpersonal interaction1, affects our mental and physical health2, and, as most relevant to the proceeding discussion, the mass media greatly influence perceptions of aging and elderly people3. The images of the elderly as shown by the media vary depending on the (1) underlying purposes for which these images are created and, quite surprisingly, by the (2) type of communication medium in question. Broadly speaking, there are two types of media portrayal of the ageing population, first is the positive kind of portrayal, while the second paints a more negative picture of the group. Applying the concepts of sociology, the cause of this negative portrayal can be attributed to the phenomenon of ageism4 which will be given more attention later in this paper. For now, a more detailed presentation of the two types of portrayal is called for. Underlying purposes No great amount of intellect needs to be
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example for Free
The Legalization of Marijuana Essay The legalization of marijuana is one of the many controversial debates in America today. Some people believe that marijuana is a gateway drug and is very harmful, marijuana enthusiast argue that cannabis isn’t harmful and can drastically improve the American economy. â€Å"Marijuana prohibition cost America $7.7 billion dollars a year.†(Head 2012) The legalization of marijuana would avail many people. If marijuana is legalized then the American government could tax it and help pay the U.S. debt also, another benefit of legalizing marijuana is that it can be used for several medicinal purposes, and lastly the legalization of marijuana would save the Americans tax dollars for not having to take care of prisoners who would be arrested dealing with marijuana. Approximately 440,000 people die a year from smoking tobacco products and alcohol poisoning kills 50,000 people annually, while no one dies from smoking marijuana. â€Å"Alcohol and tobacco, though are legal, are for more harmful than marijuana.†(Head 2012) Over 4000 harmful chemicals are in cigarettes that cause countless deaths each year but tobacco is still somehow legal. Many people say that marijuana is a gateway drug but over 60 million people try marijuana, if marijuana was really a gateway drug millions of crack heads and heroin addicts would be running around America right now. Since marijuana is the most popular drug in America of course people who abuse other substances have tried marijuana. America is more than 10 trillion dollars in debt. â€Å"The legalization of marijuana would create another item that could be taxed.†(Messerli 2011) The taxation of marijuana could drastically increase Americas Economy. Over 20 million people in America smoke marijuana on the regular basis. â€Å"A study found that legalizing marijuana and taxing it can produce considerable revenue for America.†(Head 2012) Marijuana is already a major cash crop in the United States and billions of dollars are made from soliciting the drug. If marijuana was taxed then the United States will not have to worry about being in a debt crisis. The government would also make money if marijuana was grown in the United States and sold to other countries around the world. Marijuana is not only used for pleasurable purposes but it also used for medicinal purpose as well. Marijuana can be used for people suffering from many different kinds of sicknesses. Marijuana can be used as a pain reliever; marijuana can also help head trauma victims, stroke victims, and people who suffer from anxiety or depression. THC is a potent anti-oxidant which doctors rely for stroke and head trauma victims. Cannabis can be used for a cancer patient that is going through chemotherapy; marijuana would act as a nausea reducer which will help the patient be able to eat. If marijuana was legal then more studies would be done to help created more medicinal purposes for the herb. The prohibition on marijuana cost tax payers millions of dollars annually. â€Å"The marijuana prohibition cost 7.7 billion dollars a year.†(Head 2012) Marijuana illegality is helping other countries become wealthier, while the United States is losing money, by importing the substance in to America. The United States government arrest over 700,000 people a year for a charge dealing with marijuana, the money used for taking care of those offenders are coming out of the United States tax payers pocket. Tax payers are throwing away thousands of dollars to feed and shelter people who got arrested for having a plant. â€Å"Marijuana legalization would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new bio fuel to reduce carbon emissions.†(Unknown) The legalization of marijuana could better this world, marijuana has an untapped potential to make everything better in the world. In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana could benefit everyone. If marijuana was legal the United States of America debt would drastically decrease. Also tax payers would have more money in their pockets since they will never have to pay for the marijuana fugitives in prison. If marijuana was studied more then maybe diseases would be cured that people thought would never be cured. It is no reason that marijuana should be illegal since tobacco and alcohol kills thousands a year while marijuana kills none. As Sir Paul McCartney said â€Å"I support decriminalization. People are smoking pot anyway and to make them into criminals is wrong. It’s when you’re in jail you really become a criminal.â€
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Ashton DeShazier Essay Example for Free
Ashton DeShazier Essay My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,†a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best. My name is Ashton DeShazier. I was born in Selmer, Tennessee. I am now from the small town of Lexington, Tennessee, but my dreams have never been small. I cannot remember ever wanting any other career than that of a doctor. Soon after my birth, Mother became a single mom. She had to work full-time to support us. I learned early the value of hard work, but this is just a small part of what she has given me. Throughout my life, my mother has been there for me at all times, through all circumstances, and especially when no one else was. She is my Rock of Gibraltar whenever a problem occurs. She has taught me the importance of motherhood, dedication to work, and loyalty to those you love. I learn quickly, and academics come easily to me. I also began setting other goals for myself in elementary school. In the sixth grade at Caywood Elementary, my goal was to be a cheerleader. I not only met, but also exceeded my goal by becoming the Junior Varsity Cheerleading squad captain. I continued in the sport of cheer leading, once again becoming captain in the eighth grade. I was chosen for the Junior Beta Club in seventh and eighth grade as well. During this same time period, I became a member of â€Å"Show Choir,†a musical group at Caywood that performed Christmas and spring shows for the community-at- large, and the elderly in nursing homes in particular. My junior high years ended with me joining Drama, receiving one of the leading parts in an important play, and receiving the honor of Homecoming Princess. I began my high school career at Lexington High School. I continued to set goals for myself, but now with college in my sites. I reaffirmed my dedication to becoming a doctor, knowing I would never let this dream slip away. Vanderbilt is looking for prospective students who are leaders. I demonstrated throughout high school that leadership is one of my greatest assets. I attended Lexington High School the entire four years. From my freshman through my senior years, I was on the Competition Dance Team and an active member in D. A. R. E. For three years I was in both Drama and Beta, an organization requiring a cumulative GPA of at least 95. My ability to accept more responsibility resulted in me committing to additional groups and committees throughout the four years. These groups included World Travelers, Spanish Club(as President), Beta Upsilon Mu Sorority, Senior Committee, and Annual Staff. Additionally, I joined Renaissance. Admittance is based on academic excellence, superior behavior, and attendance records. I am a member of both the Honor Society and the Future Community and Career Leaders of America(FCCLA). At the end of my junior year, it was time to choose my classes for the next year. While many of my friends chose to end their high school years with easy classes, I chose many of the hardest classes offered. I knew that to achieve my goals of attending Vanderbilt and medical school, I could not take the easy road. I know the work will be hard and the challenges great, and I am anxious to prove myself worth. Acceptance at Vanderbilt is very important to me, and I will not accept anything less. I have considered many different schools, but I always return to Vanderbilt University as my only choice. What attracts me most is Vanderbilt’s high standards and reputation for excellence, traits I have honed and maintained throughout my schooling. Preparing to become a doctor means many more years of education, and I must learn from the best.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
A Social Commentary On Contemporary Social Issues
A Social Commentary On Contemporary Social Issues If popular, a pictured parody of controversial issues of a society is the most effective approach that target various dilemmas within a society without offending anyone belief, notion, religion, gender and lifestyle. Although satire is usually produced to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using jocularity as a weapon. The Simpsons series, as a very popular show worldwide, looms to be a brilliant epitomic example of paradoxical events in the American society. The main purpose of the current assay is to delineate the reflectiveness of The Simpsons show, representing the contemporary social issues of the American society. Introduction The main scope of the current essay is to show that to what extent the American series The Simpsons serve as a social commentary on contemporary social issues. To this end, different aspects of The Simpsons series will be discussed. Needless to say that media, in any kind, has gigantic impacts on social behavior casting cultural reorientation and documenting events. It is a double-blade sword, creating true or even false conceptualizations/notions that may lead a target society into one particular direction. That is why it is considered as one of the most pivotal tools for soft-impelling of habits. As a result, many merits can be transposed to something new even though the nature of human behavior is sometimes unpredictable. Speaking of cultures, inherently, is a controversial issue and no one can image all aspects of such intricate matte. While movies and premier series may influence social traditions, they are also projection and/or articulation of customs showing transitional changes of people deeds. In fact, in contemporary times, media represent transition/development of cultures within societies and even organizations ranging from the oil fields of Dallas to the law firm in L.A. Law to Al Bundys shoe shop in Married (Rhodes 2001). Nonetheless, the question is how precise is such exemplification? And, to be specific, how insightful and reflective would be a television series (e.g., The Simpsons for American culture or EastEnders for British culture, picturing reality of ordinary lifespans, cultures and organizations within a society? Presumably, American animated series called The Simpsons produced by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company is the best paradigm that shows ironic parody lifestyle of an ordinary middle-class American family, whose day-by-day endeavors are the main leitmotif of the series. The stars are not real, but their travesty actions appear to ironically entertainingly magnifying the existing cultural issues, taboos and dilemmas. Hence, having harnessed various published articles and books, the main objective of the current article is to investigate the mirror image of The Simpsons reflecting the lifestyle of an American middle-class family from social, educational, political, religious, and economical viewpoints. Since its first debut on December 17, 1989, The Simpsons series broadcasted more than 500 episodes. As a one of the most popular series, it has been announced as the longest-running American sitcom that has been awarded in various festivals, such as Primetime Emmy Awards, Anni e Awards, and Peabody Award. In 2000, it has also been elected as the 20th centurys best television series by the Time magazine and also awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Simpsons family The Simpsons are epitomized by its family including Homer the father, Marge the mother, Bart the brother, Lisa the older sister and Maggie the younger sister. The show is set in an illusory city of Springfield where, there exist various icons such as Springfield Nuclear Power Plant (SNPP), Church, School and Club, etc in part as parodies of American society. In fact, different episodes picture various aspects of the society, in which each of the characters (i.e., Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson) aims to confer a message as a sketch comedy program. Each ironic mockery exaggerative persona embellishes one aspect of society to highlight the issue no matter what! While the Simpsons are rather dysfunctional and many observers of the series confer somewhat detestation feelings, literally, it appears that ultimately there is much popularity of the show. Paradoxically, most families love it as deriving force for a hidden solidarity within families. Considering some archness of the show (e.g., frequent action of Homer when he struggles Bart up to the stage till Barts eyes protrude out of his head), it may be considered as an immoral epitome. Marge is the dedicated wife of Homer and mother of three kids. She is an orthodox archetype who represents diligent American moms, trying to keep the family united on the track. In fact, Marges aim is to fascinate the family toward some kind of unanimity, yet keeping the individuality of each member of the family. She is the core and soul of the Simpson family. Unlike her husband, Marge does not have enough time to socialize with others since she is too busy taking care of her family. The lumbering fool Homer spends plethora of time with his friends at club boozing, and often makes clumsy mistakes! Lack of intellectuality is part of his personality, keeping Homer as paradoxical husband and father who enigmatically acts weird full of provocation and conciliation without thought. Although Homer is not always fully loyal to his family because of selfishness and recklessness, still he is popular as he eventually does the right thing, at which the spirit of an American father is expressed (Rhodes 2001; Scanlan and Feinberg 2000; Todd 2002). The free spirited Bart, who is the oldest child, represents an epitomic mischievous kid provoking troubles everywhere he goes. However, similar to his fathers cases, the story brings about a redemptive moral lesson of life. Unlike Bart, Lisa, the second child, epitomizes a wise kid with future and great expectations. Lisa plays as central wisdom of the Simpson family with acts of clear consciousness of concomitant events. She is a curious grille characteri zing new generation of American girls whose desire is to explore as seen for Lisa when she discovers and follows Buddhism and also become vegetarian. Despite being the youngest member of the Simpsons family, Baby Maggie sparks on the family issues by sucking her pacifier. She always show some wisdom and awareness as a baby girl (Rhodes 2001; Scanlan and Feinberg 2000; Todd 2002). Homer Homer works at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, while Marge is a caring housewife who loves her hapless blundering cumbersome husband. Homers character is and admixture of clumsiness and provocativeness, who acts without thinking or even based upon weird thoughts. Edward de Bono has articulated six-steps of technical thinking skills as different hats (De Bono 1973), while Homer hat of wisdom is always the same, a yellow hat of transitional shallow benefits. Perhaps, he is the one who has the greatest influence on society culture, so that the catchword Doh!, which is interjectionally used bt Homers, has been adopted into the English language. Marge Homers wife, Marge with distinctive blue beehive hairstyle, appears to be a well-meaning and extremely patient matron who cares and have great passion and astuteness, but it seems that she sacrifices herself for her family as a stereotypical mother. Bart The only son of Homer and Marge is Bart, ten years old teenage, who is the eldest child in family with rebellious attitude. Bart looms to be very good at floundering. He represents special character of disobedient boy with sarcastic bittering actions no matter what! Having such persona, he has been casted as a bad role model for children. The terminology of I am Bart Simpson, who the hell are you? means Bart doesnt not care no rules, no regulations, no jurisdiction (Ott 2003). Lisa Lisa Marie Simpson, as older daughter of the family, is eight years old second child of Homer and Marge. Lisa is extremely intelligent, who breaks the boundaries to discover new entities. Lisa plays the baritone saxophone, and has been casted as a vegetarian (season 7), a Buddhist (season 13). Her advocacies for a variety of political events (e.g., Tibetan independence movement) make her as the intellect of family and the series, but as other intelligent individual she suffers from loneliness even inside the family (Simpson 1998). Inexplicable Admixture as a Family Avaricious and sometimes covetous Homer the father with caring Marge the mother in combination with the rancorous behaviors of Bart and wisdom of Lisa along with reticent persona of Magi provide such an admixture that needs to be carefully analyzed. Speaking of The Simpsons episodes, one should agree that many controversial topics (e.g., gay marriage and religion in public schools) are the subject of the series and it seems that nothing is considered as taboo (Bonne 2002). Homers relationship with his Dad, Abraham Simpson (also called as Grampa) shows loss of traditional lifestyle. Intriguingly, Marge Simpsons older twin sisters, hold a strong dislike for their brother-in-law, Homer. These twins work at the Springfield Department of Motor Vehicles (SDMV). In terms of personality, the two minutes elder sister Selma seems to possess a strong desire for esprit de corps, while Patty happens to be the feminist sister who pliably likes to be a lesbian. Marge sisters relationship conveys another level of Santas Little Helper (dog) and Snowball (cat) also bring about some hidden aspects of their lifestyles. An Avenue for Nation Views Inherently, the fact is that Springfield is nowhere, but it could be any state, representing whole nation. It is the same for all caricature stars of the show. Homer Simpson or Lisa Simpson could be anyone. This revolutionized series, despite being set in an unknown state, signposts unity of the nation and is fabulous effort to reflect American society overall in each episode. Such representation has attracted many viewers from all over the country. It should be highlighted that the taste of the TV shows may differ in different cities or cultures. While, the viewers in the New York like to follow a how like Sex and the City, a show like The Simpsons with its unidentified setting can appeal to all Americans (Gray 2007). The Simpsons series is a trajectory of not only American society but also arc of the world federation cultural transitions. Citizenship, democracy and political apathy The Simpsons series also exhibit different levels of citizenships. Four main types of complementary citizenships can be recognized in The Simpsons series (Lund 2006), as follw: Party-based public life that can be exemplified by Homer Simpsons Trust-based public life that can be exemplified by Marge Simpsons Knowledge-based public life that can be exemplified by Lisa Simpsons Right-based public life that can be exemplified by Bart Simpsons These categorizations happen to be successive in time, nonetheless not mutually exclusive, that is to say that none of these four types have entirely subsumed the others though the impression of viewers of the series may differ. It should be evoked that other types of citizenships have been presented during different episodes. Above all is religion-based public life that can be exemplified by Ned Flanders who is a descent well-meaning good-natured person as one of the few in Springfield town. In fact, such diverse epitomes of citizenships appear to be good representatives of American society that can be considered as symbolic model of democracy which is held in a family yet is a reflection of the whole society. The show combines various viewpoints within a family and also among members of different parties. The show targets political apathy though a self-deprecation method together with a refusal to take subjects seriously. Following are some examples of such transverse articulations : An election!? Thats one of those deals where they close the bars isnt it?, said Barney Gumbel. Uh, Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so we dont have to think all the time. Just like that rainforest scare a few years back: our officials saw there was a problem and they fixed it, didnt they?, said Homer Simpson. Lisa, if you dont like your job, you dont strike: you just go in every day and do it really half assed. Thats the American way., said Homer Simpson. I wish we lived in a place more like the America of yesteryear that only exists in the brains of us Republicans., said Ned Flanders. Presumably, one the most hilarious, yet mirthful, articulation was on Ned Flanders delineation when he was asked by his son Todd Flanders: Daddy, what do taxes pay for? Ned Flanders: Oh, why, everything! Policemen, trees, sunshine! And lets not forget the folks who just dont feel like working, God bless em! In short, politics is a common part of The Simpsons show, which literally exhibits some boundaries of the polarized American politics, even though there exist some voiced oppositions to the show per se. For example, the former Republican President of USA, Mr. George H. W. Bush condemned the show at the Annual Convention of the National Religious Broadcasters by articulating we need a nation closer to The Waltons than The Simpsons, an America that rejects the incivility, the tide of incivility, and the tide of intolerance (Armstrong 2005; Turner 2004). In fact, upon a liberal slant of the show, this was joked about in the episode The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular, in which reference was made to hundreds of radical right-wing messages inserted into every show by creator Matt Groening. It worth to remind that the 138th Episode Spectacular, written by Jon Vitti and directed by David Silverman, was a parody of the communal preparation among live-action series to produce clip shows. T his episode, as the most watched episodes of the season, has received positive reviews with a Nielsen (viewer/audience measurement system) rating of 9.5 and a Nielsen rank of 48. Education Several reviews and books have been published on The Simpsons series and education (Luccasen and Thomas 2010; Gray 2005). It seems It has been stated that The Simpsons is a carrier for creating discourse in particular among young undergraduate students. While three levels of jokes happen to be presented on the show as: a) elite humor, b) nonelite humor, and c) obscure references, the breadth of scholarship on the looms to be indicative of the shows place in popular culture (White and Holman 2011). The multiplicity of the fans proves that The Simpsons typifies the universal appeal of satire. Accordingly, its followers include political elites and ordinary people from vastly different backgrounds. For example, Tony Blair is a big fan of the show, and guest starred as himself in an episode while a sitting head-of-state (Woodcock 2008). Conservative constitutional scholar Harvey Mansfield has supported the show by articulating that The Simpsons is the best thing on television. Hence, The Simpsons series appear to be able to connect to the elites representing various issues of scholar world mainly by Lisa Simpson. The Simpsons: Hunger Games or Against It Whether we like it or not, Homer Simpson explains our postmodern identity crisis (Bybee and Overbeck 2001). The Simpsons show (Roberts 2010). Like the Hunger Games, with loss of identity we will just survive and eventually will realize the transitional reorientation/modification of the society. Having used the militant irony or sarcasm, The Simpsons show often professes to approve of (or at least accept as natural) the very things that are target for the attack. While the Hunger Game may happen within the societies for many reasons, the state of satires in a given show such as The Simpsons may reflect the state of civil liberties and human rights. Needless to say to fight the illiteracy in any kind that may lead society toward Huger Games, in which any criticism of a political/religious system is suppressed, satires will provide an open door for clarification. The Simpsons and Religion The Simpsons series critically show the contemporary religious issue in the American society (Bowler 1996; Satkin 2002; Lewis 2002). For example, the episode, The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star, Springfields only known pastor, makes a Unitarian reference when Homer Simpson asks if he needs to wail on a few Unitarians to become Catholic. Speaking of religious issues in the show, the most religious characters happen to be Ned Flanders and Reverend Lovejoy. In fact, Flanders appears to be the most conservative Christian with little tolerance to other believes (e.g., pagans, Jews, Hindus and homosexuals), expressing that the other believers are all epicureans and whoever pursue such notions will directly go to the Hell. On the other hand, Reverend Timothy Tim Lovejoy, who is the preacher of the Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism church that almost everyone in Springfield attends, represents different character. The show makes ironies on almost all religions, but the Islam and Muslims seem not to be the target of the show! For example, in one of the episodes, the Hindu god Vishnu is shown as sitting in the center of the earth and controlling the world with different controlling devices, likewise it is the same for the Hindu god Ganesh, mostly by Homer when interacting with Apu. Social Commentary on Controversial Issues The Simpsons show seems to be also a gay-friendly animated sitcom (Padva 2008). Given the fact that a truly subversive gay representational practice must contest not only the gay subjects experience of heterosexist persecution but also their experience of patriarchal privilege, Jackson discussed that certain gay male cultural practices that transvalue deviance as a positive mode of self-identià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ cation contain at least an implicit critique of the normative male ideal (and the dominant heterosexual sex/gender system) from which the gay male deviates (Jackson Jr 1993). However, The Simpsons series happened to flash the gay marriage and thus spark outrage among conservative groups in America, who are against it. In a long-running show, the show embarked on some gay marriages despite the fact that Brent Bozell III, the president of the Parents Television Council, blasted that at a time when the public mood is overwhelmingly against gay marriage, any show that promotes gay marriage is deliberately bucking the public mood (Block 2007). Controversial Storylines: an Example In a study, in order to test the effectiveness of using an episode of The Simpsons in an introductory sociology classes, students attitudes (N=176) have been tested toward lesbians and gay men before and after viewing the episode titled Homers Phobia. The participating students were asked to identify stereotypes about gay men and lesbians. It was found that viewing the problems encountered by Homer Simpsons negative approaches toward a gay character on the show augmented acceptance of homosexuals amongst freshmen students. In fact, the use of the episode of the cartoon happened to generate a greater depth of discussion about the consequences of homophobia and discrimination of lesbians and gay men (Miller and Thornton 2009). Concluding Remarks In the history of mankind, presumably, there has always been a conflict between engagement and disengagement on controversial issues of societies. To highlight social/political issues, yet avoiding disconceptuality and vagueness, some artists capitalize on the grotesque parody and jest with teasing. The Simpsons series is epitomic stereotype that targets controversial issues of the American society to show hurdles as satire. The spectrum of the show differs in terms of degrees of biting as ranging from satire proper at the hot-end, and kidding at the violet-end. Given that teasing is the reactionary side of the comic, The Simpsons may not be taken seriously as it limits itself to a shallow parody of caricature appearance. But, The Simpsons series exploits satire to go against untouchable issues such as gay marriage. Having subversive characteristics, the show seems to carry a deep moral dimension targeting various issues to bring about possible loos of identity in a humored buffooner y manner with little censor/exclusion. This side of the show should be highlighted by TV critiques.
Saint John Bosco :: essays research papers
A man with a vision, with an awareness of the good that lives in people, with an ability of dreaming dreams of beauty for those he met along his way, this is John Bosco.St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was born to poor parents in Recchi, Italy, the Piedmont area of northern Italy. When John was two, his father died prematurely. As a boy, John lived on a farm with his family doing the only thing they knew how, farming. Poverty and a lack of formal education in the home did not stop the growth of John Bosco as a person. His mother was for real, realizing the importance of God in life.This friendship with God became powerful and slowly John prepared for the priesthood. In 1841 at the age of 26, John was ordained priest at Turin, and immediately gave himself to that work, finding shelter for neglected youth and instructing them in religion. He was now ready to make his contribution toward the poor and homeless. He rented an old barn in a field which he called "The Oratory." This was the first of many oratories John Bosco founded for helping poor boys who needed a home. He believed that prayer and Holy Mass and Communion and confession are the best ways for children to attain a sense of personal responsibility.In a short time, other priests joined him in his work and by 1852 they were caring for over 600 boys. John dealt with them by using a minimum of restraint and discipline, lots of love, keeping careful watch over their development and encouraging them personally and through religion.John's preaching and writing, as well as the charitable support of wealthy and powerful patrons allowed for expansion of his work. The need for dependable assistants led to the founding of the society of St. Francis de Sales in 1859, and it continues to work today.To provide similar care for the poor and neglected girls, John Bosco founded, in 1872, the Daughters of Our Lady, Help of Christians.The life of St. John Bosco was full and his zeal contagious. He never got tired of talking and writing about his work for the young and their care. On this feast day the Church has chosen for the Office of Readings an excerpt from one of his letters. It expresses his concern and is applicable for our time when children suffer from neglect in broken homes and in less than ideal welfare situations.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Analyzing John Mayer :: essays research papers
Often, lyrics are created for people to relate to them. It is common for many individuals to feel as though they found a â€Å"common ground†with the artist who wrote the lyrics. In John Mayer’s song. â€Å"Split Screen Sadness†, it is very easy to relate to. The music to the song is very influential in setting the mood for the lyrics. Violins and other string instruments add to the sad tone of the song. The theme of this song is that the speaker is explaining how he broke up with his girlfriend (â€Å"And I know well it’s me who called it over...†), but now he regrets it.      The speaker of the lyrics could either be a man or a woman, who is in love with somebody who lives far away from them. Mayer uses colloquial language to set the â€Å"common†tone of the song. John Mayer uses quotes from other songs (â€Å"’All you need is love†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ) to express how other songs express how the speaker is feeling. Inside, he wishes that his significant other would have fought for him to not end it and not let him get away. The speaker can not figure out why he isn’t the way he was when deep down inside, he knows it’s because he doesn’t have the person he depended on most.      In the lines, â€Å"I called†¦because†¦I just†¦need to feel you on the line†, the speaker is expressing how he takes comfort in hearing her voice. She was most likely the stability in his life and now he doesn’t have that anymore. The speaker is sick of fighting the feeling of longing he has for her and wishes that they were still together since their love was so strong. Mayer uses the repetition of certain lines to form a general refrain (â€Å"Two wrongs make it all alright tonight†).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sergei Rachmaninoff :: essays research papers
Probably the most revered of Rachmaninoff’s compositions is the Second Piano Concerto, a work whose existence is attributed to the auto-suggestion therapy of a Dr. Nicholas Dahl. Rachmaninoff’s need for the good doctor’s services came about in this manner: in 1897, the composer was in the throes of despair over the failure of his First Symphony at its premiere at St. Petersburg. Nothing, not even subsequent success in London in his unusual triple role of pianist, conductor, and composer, could dispel the agony of the defeat. Depressed and unable to work on a concerto he had promised to bring with him on his next London visit, Rachmaninoff took the Dahl treatment. This consisted of four months of daily sessions with the doctor, who bombarded the patient with constantly repeated, "You will begin to write your concerto... The concerto will be of excellent quality..." He did write the concerto, dedicating it to Dahl, and it is indeed of excellent quality, a judgment audiences have been making since it was played by the composer for the first time on October 27, 1901. It immediately took its place as one of the quintessential romantic showpieces for piano and orchestra, and this in spite of the fact that the solo is often sonically buried in unyielding orchestral textures. There are, to be sure, virtuosic flights aplenty for the piano, and lyrical ones, too, but the work is hardly all the pianist’s show. The Concerto opens with a series of rather ponderous, static, unaccompanied piano chords which lead to the orchestras statement of a sardonic main theme taken by the strings while the keyboard spills out continuous cascades of harmonic embellishment. Finally a martial answer by the piano – on the first two notes of the main theme – leads to a melodically and harmonically luxurious second theme given by piano alone. This is the breathless, heart-on-sleeve expressiveness that Rachmaninoff is all about, and its being in a major key helps to correct the notion that Rachmaninoff in excelsis must be somber and maudlin.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Crafting and Executing Strategy Essay
Develop an argument supporting the importance of a strategic plan for the success of the defined business. For the success of the defined business, in this case for Whole Foods Market, the importance of a strategic plan is unquestionable. In Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases Arthur A. Thompson, Jr., A.J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (2009) state that â€Å"a company’s strategy is management’s action plan for running the business and conducting operations†(p.6). They go on to further explain that a company’s strategy is all about how management intends to grow the business, how it will build a loyal clientele and outcompete rivals, how each functional piece of the business will be operated, and how performance will be boosted. Any organization without these defined â€Å"how’s†cannot succeed because all aspects of the business would be out of sync and could potentially take action that would be counterintuitive to the success of the company as a whole. If Whole Foods Market’s strategy (outlined below) didn’t fit the company’s situation, didn’t help the company achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, or result in better company performance, than the overall strategy would come up short and need to be re-evaluated to meet the needs of the business to drive success in these three big areas. Whole Foods Market’s strategy focuses on being America’s healthiest grocery store, seeking out the finest natural and organic foods available, maintaining the strictest quality standards in the industry, and having an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture. All of these pieces make up the Whole Foods Market’s strategic plan for its day-to-day operations in all aspects of the business, and without all of its employees being clear on this it would fall apart and not be the success that it is since its inception in 1980. Create a mission statement for the company explaining how the mission will be essential to the company’s success. Thompson, Strickland, & Gamble state that the mission statement for any organization is essential to a company’s success because â€Å"†¦it represents the company’s present business purpose and reasons for existing, and sometimes its geographic coverage or standing as a market leader†(pg 28). The mission statement for Whole Foods Market is a good example of this due to providing customers and potential customers what Whole Foods Market is now and how they function as an organization. Whole Foods Market’s mission is to be known for selling the highest quality of natural and organic products available, for satisfying and delighting their customers, supporting team member excellence and happiness, creating wealth through profits and growth, supporting communities and encourage local involvement, promoting environmental stewardship, acknowledging all business associates, and operate with balance and integration. All of these boil down to one fact†¦ that Whole Foods Market intends to grow, and that today’s growth is just the beginning of tomorrow’s development. If Whole Foods Market didn’t have a mission statement clarifying exactly how they want to be portrayed in the food retail industry, then any current or potential customer would never know the type of business they were dealing with. The drive to be a leader in the organic and natural foods industry, and for every single â€Å"team member†to be a part of that drive, is an indicator that the organization values its standing in the industry and has a trusted staff invested in its own success. This is used as a lure for customers to want to do business with an organization that prides itself on being the best in the country. Whole Foods Market states that â€Å"our customers are the most important stakeholders in our business†¦ we want to meet or exceed their expectations on every shopping trip. We know that by doing so we turn customers into advocates for whole foods†( The more customers that promote their experiences and happiness with Whole Foods Market, then the more they will want to continue to do business with them and potentially grow with the company as a whole and help more and more customers become a part of the Whole Foods Market customer base. Create a vision statement for the company explaining how the vision statement supports the company’s mission. Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble state that â€Å"a strategic vision delineates management’s aspirations for the business, providing a panoramic view of ‘where we are going’†(p.25). They go on to say that a strategic vision can only function as a valuable management tool it must do two things – illuminate the company’s directional path, and provide managers with a reference point for making strategic decisions and preparing the company for the future. Whole Foods Market’s vision statement is its Declaration of Interdependence: â€Å"Whole Foods Market is a dynamic leader in the quality food business. We are a mission-driven company that aims to set the standards of excellence for food retailers. We are building a business in which high standards permeate all aspects of our company. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Food Market. Our motto – Whole Goods, Whole People, Whole Planet – emphasizes that our vision reaches far beyond just being a good retailer. Our success in fulfilling our vision is measured by customer satisfaction, Team Member excellence and happiness, return on capital investment, improvement in the state of the environment, and local and larger community support. Our ability to instill a clear sense of interdependence among our various stakeholders (the people who are interested and benefit from the success of our company) is contingent upon our efforts to communicate more often, more openly, and more compassionately. Better communication equals better understanding and more trust.†( This vision statement supports Whole Foods Market’s mission because it brings out to the open for all of its team members a lighted patch to take to drive the success of the business, both on a small and grand scale. Because the vision provides a purpose to all team members it highlights that Whole Foods Market is known for being a leader in the organic and natural food industry, and it also provides a roadmap to everyone employed within the company with the big-picture plan on how to succeed at continuing to be a leader within the industry. Establish five (5) key objectives for the company encompassing operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business and justify why each of these objectives is essential to the success of the business. Whole Foods Market has six (6) key objectives that encompass operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business, and each of them are essential to the success of the business currently and for in the future. The ten key objectives are: (1) quality standards, (2) organic farming, (3) seafood sustainability, (4) animal welfare standards, (5) caring for communities, and (6) Whole Trade guarantee. Each of these objectives fits within either the operational, financial, or human resource aspect of the business, and each of them plays an important role in the success of the organization as a whole. Whole Foods Market’s goal operationally and financially is explained in each of the six objectives in more depth because they explain how Whole Foods Market will operate day-in and day-out to perform as a company†¦ the types of standards being used to the types of the types of products being used, as well as how giving back will even help the company operate in the long run and into the bottom line. Each of the six (6) key objectives listed by Whole Foods Market is essential to the success of the business because they outline exactly how the business will be functioning in its everyday interactions with all of its customers, even demonstrating how future decisions and actions taken by a team member will drive their own personal/business success along with the success of Whole Foods. The Whole Foods Market brand thrives on being known as a leader in the organic and natural food retail industry, and by making it known to the public how it will drive customer experiences for future growth it gains even more customer loyalty. This subsequently drives the bottom line for any successes it has achieved as well as plans to achieve in the future. Justify how the five (5) key objectives established support the mission and vision statements of the company as defined by management. The six key objectives listed above for Whole Foods Market supports both its mission and vision statements because it outlines in depth how the company as a whole functions to drive its desire to be a market leader within the natural and organic food retail industry and utilize all of its resources (from locations to team members, etc.) to ensure the organization’s success is not just financial gain. The company prides itself on its customer service and ability to provide excellent products and services to its customers because its customers are what will continue to allow Whole Foods Market to do what it loves to do best. References Thompson, A. A., Strickland, A. J., & Gamble, J. E. (2010). Crafting and executing strategy: The quest for competitive advantage: Concepts and cases: 2009 customer edition (17th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill-Irwin. Whole Foods.  © 2013 Whole Foods.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (a Govt. of India Enterprise)
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) OFFICE OF THE C. G. M. T. AMBALA ***** RECRUITMENT OF TELECOM TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (TTA) for Haryana Telecom Circle Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment of 156 number of Telecom Technical Assistants by Haryana Telecom Circle for its various 09(Nine) Secondary Switching Areas (SSAs) as per details given below:Category wise Vacancies Physical Handicapped SC OBC Loco Hearing Name of SSA Total Vacancies AMBALA 46 25 09 11 Nil 01 KARNAL 17 12 01 04 Nil NilHISSAR 30 19 06 05 Nil Nil ROHTAK 20 11 04 05 Nil Nil FARIDABAD 05 04 Nil 01 Nil Nil JIND 06 04 01 Nil 01 Nil REWARI 09 04 02 03 Nil Nil GURGAON 12 08 Nil 04 Nil Nil SONEPAT 11 06 02 02 01 Nil Total 156 93 25 35 02 Address where application is to be submitted 01 OC AGM(Admn/HR)O/o GMTD Ambala AGM(Admn/HR)O/oSr. GMTD Karnal AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Hissar AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Rohtak AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Faridabad AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Jind AG M(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Rewari AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Gurgaon AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Sonepat Note:(1) 0% of the total vacancies will be reserved for Ex-servicemen. Candidates who have not been discharged prior to date of submission of application will not be treated as Ex-Serviceman and they should not apply under this category. (2) The number of vacancies is subject to change / revision. (3) There is no reservation for ST category in Haryana as per Central Government instructions. IDA Scale of Pay:- Telecom Technical Assistant shall be appointed in the IDA pay scale of Rs. 13600-25420 with annual increment @ 3% of basic pay + other allowances admissible as per Company rules.Jurisdiction: Normally selected candidates will be posted at the same SSA but under special circumstances they will be posted anywhere in Telecom Circle and anywhere in India under Territorial /Army Act 1948. Age limit:a) The applicant should be between 18 to 27 year of age as on last date of submission of applica tion. b) However, this age is relaxable for following categories of applications: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) For Schedule castes upto 5 years. For OBC candidates upto 3 years. For PH candidates upto 10years( 15 years for SC and 13 years for OBC) For departmental candidates up to 40 years in respect of General candidates. p to 45 years in respect of SC candidates in accordance with the instructions or orde rs issued by the Central Government. up to 43 years in respect of OBC candidates. For Residents of J&K :- Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&T O. M No. 15012/7/1991 -Estt(D) dated 06-12-2005 pertaining to â€Å"Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir(Relaxation of Upper Age limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules 1997†. (v) All Central / State Government /PSU Employees should send their applications through proper channel. Age relaxation for Ex-serviceman will be applicable as per Central Govt. Rules. The crucial date for determining the age limit sha ll be the closing date of applications (i. e ) 13. 05. 2013. Educational Qualification: – The Applicant must possess, as on the last date of Application, the educational qualifications in any of the following disciplines from a recognized Institute / University: (a) Three Years Engineering Diploma in :i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Telecommunications Engineering Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Radio Engineering Computer Engineering Instrumentation/ Instrument Technology Information Technology (b) M. Sc(Electronics) from a recognized institution / University.Note:(a) (b) (c) Only such qualification and streams as prescribed above is allowed. There is no equivalence provided. Candidates possessing higher qualification in the eligible stream are allowed to appear in the examination. The candidate must have completed the requisite qualification by closing date of application i. e. their final results must have been declared before closing date of application and he/sh e should submit diploma / degree / provisional diploma / degree showing that he/she has completed the requisite qualification (alongwith total marks) by closing date of application.Appearing / those who have not passed all semester are not eligible. Results downloaded from Internet will not be accepted. Mode of Selection: By means of competitive examination to be held in accordance with syllabus and Programme as under. Exam will be held at SSA level and Merit list will be drawn by respective SSA. There shall be only One Paper of multiple choice objective type(OMR based) of three hours duration with the following details:- Part-I Part-II Part-III PART General Ability Test Basic Engineering Specialization MARKS 20 90 90 Day & Time 30-06-2013 (Sunday) 10. 00 AM to 01. 00 PM Note:(I)No bonus marks will be awarded for any higher qualifications or sports qualifications. (II) Candidates will have option to appear in paper either in Hindi or English language. Medical Fitness:The selected ca ndidates will be required to undergo a medical Test to ensure that they are physically fit and mentally alert to perform the duties expected of a TTA before sending them on TTA’s training. Period of Probation:- 2 years Concessions for SC Candidates:(a) Traveling Allowance to SC candidate: The applicants belonging to SC categories will be entitled to T. A as per provisions of Central Government.Filled up TA Form in the format attached. (b) Pre-recruitment training for SC Candidates:- Necessary Pre-Recruitment training for SC candidates will be conducted at CTTC Kurukshetra. Willing candidates may send their request alongwith application. Bond and Training:- All the candidates shall execute a bond in the form specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the BSNL for a period of Two years from the date of appointment as TTA. The selected candidates, before their appointment as TTA will have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per training plan laid down and amended by the BSNL from time to time.The appointment and posting will be subject to successful completion of training. During training period, the direct recruited TTAs will be entitled to a stipend of Rs. 4970/- plus IDA admissible thereon and allowances as amended by the BSNL from time to time. The seniority of the candidates will be decided on their post training marks. Service Liability: Normally within the territorial jurisdiction of Secondary Switching Area (SSA) but transferable anywhere in Haryana. Candidates if required are also liable to serve in the Territorial Army / Signal Unit in accordance with rules made there under.Registration in Employment Exchange:There is no restriction of residence or essential condition of registration with the Employment Exchange in the particular SSA in which the applicant may apply. It would, however, be preferable if the applicant has registration in the employment exchange of the SSA concerned in which the applicant applies. Note:- Candidates need apply in only one SSA of his/her choice. Fee:- The Examination fee(Non-refundable) of Rs. 500/-(Rs. Five Hundred Only) is to be sent alongwith the application form in the shape of Crossed Indian Postal Order / Bank Draft drawn in the favour of Account Officer(Cash) O/o Sr.GMTD/GMTD (name of SSA) of the SSA concerned as the case may be. Payable at their Head Quarters and must be purchased / issued after the date of advertisement. Fee remitted by Money Orders, Cheques etc. will not be accepted. No examination fee is required to be paid in respect of SC /PH candidate. Syllabus: The syllabus is available on website www. haryana. bsnl. co. in How to apply:- Typed Application as per format duly filled in b y the candidate in his/her own handwriting should be sent to the AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr.GMTD /GMTD (name of SSA) of the SSA concerned for which the candidate wishes to apply at the address given above, latest by 13-05-2013. Three recent identical passport size photographs ( duly attested by a Gazetted officer) out of which one is to be affixed in the space provided and another should be enclosed with the application. The en velope containing application should be super scribed in bold letters â€Å"Application for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of Telecom Technical Assistants†Two self addressed stamped envelopes size (23Ãâ€"11 cms) (affix a postal stamp of Rs. /- each) should also be enclosed with the application. Note :- 1) No application should be submitted to the office of Chief General Manager Telecom Haryana Circle,Ambala . All such applications are liable to be summarily rejected. (2) Please enclose only photocopies of all the certificates and detailed mark-sheets duly attested by the candidates himself/ herself as well as by a Gazetted Officer in support of age, qualification, caste etc. SC / OBC certificate should be as required for central govt. service. In OBC certificate it should be categorically mentioned that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer.The name in the SC/OBC certificate should perfectly match with that in the matric certificate & other certificates of higher qualifications. The candidate should write his name in the same format as is mentioned in the matric & other certificates. If the same is found to be different, the application will be rejected. For example if SURNAME is not mentioned in the matric certificate, the same should not be in the SC/OBC certificate etc. & also should not be written in the application form. Married female candidates (wherever applicable) should submit SC/OBC certificate issued after their marriage according to the caste of their husband.APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. Rejection : Application received without the required fees, without copies of attested certificates, in complete applications, drafts wrongly addressed, not having qualification strictly according to as given above & application received after due date will be summarily rejected . Abbreviations:- OC = Other Caste ,SC = Scheduled Caste, OBC = Other Backward Classes ,PH = Physical Handicapped, Ex-SM = EX-servicemen. Chief General Manager Telecom Haryana Telecom Circle Ambala-133001 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED [ A Government of India Enterprise ]APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION FOR EXAMINATION -2012 IN HARYANA BSNL DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF TELECOM. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (TTA) Important Notes: (i) Before filling this form, read detailed advertisement carefully. (ii) All entries should be made in capital letters. 1. Name of Recruitment Unit: (SSA) 2. Name (in capital letters) (for S. No. 2 & 3 please keep one box blank between first name, middle name & last name) 3. Father's/Husband's Name (in capital letters) 4. Date of Birth DAY MONTH YEAR 5. Age as on the closing date of receipt of application 13-05-2013 YY 7. Gender [Male/Female] 8. Marital Status MM 9. 6.Whether claiming age relaxation? DD Write: Yes/No CATEGORY Nationality [Married/Unmarried] be longs to SC/ST/OBC/OC/PWD 10 Country By Birth or Domicile 11. Category (write, as applicable) Whether BSNL employee (Yes/No). If yes, mention HRMS No. Whether undergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully (Yes/No) If Physically Disabled (Attach Medical Certificate as in Annexure I) whether LOCOMOTIVE HEARING Impairment or Whether Govt. employee (Yes/No). Whether belongs to Exservicemen /J&K – Please specify Percentage of disability 12. Address for correspondence (in capital letters) Name : Address: City: State: e-mail address:Mobile No. Please affix one recent passport size Photograph without attestation Pin Code : Tele. No(with STD Code) Signature of Candidate 13. Educational Qualification (Diploma in Engg. & above). Name of Engg. University/Institute Diploma/Degree with Discipline As per the Advertisement whether eligible (Yes/No) Please affix one recent passport size Photograph without attestation 14. Permanent Address (in capital letters) Name Month & Year of Passing : Father's/Husband's Name: Address : City : State : Pin Code: 15. Declaration to be given by OBC candidate only, eligible to avail reservation applicable to OBC: I †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. on/daughter of Shri †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. resident of village/town/city†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Dis trict†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. State †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦.. hereby declare that I belong to the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purp ose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8. 9. 1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8. 9. 1993 and amended vide OM No. 6033/3/2004-Estt. (Res. ) Dated 14. 10. 2008. DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in t he event of any particular information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant(TTA) is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of any mis-statement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice to me.I also understand that if appointed, I would rank junior to any TTA who had been appointed earlier by the erstwhile DoT/DTS/DTO or BSNL or any other candidate who had already qualified in the TTA examination but not appointed as TTA by BSNL so far. Similarly, candidates of TTA examination held prior to my appointment will also rank en-bloc senior to me. Place: Date: (Signature of the Applicant) SCEHEME & SYLLABUS FOR TTA DIRECT RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION The standard of paper in General ability test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering Diploma holder.The standard of papers in other subjects will be approximatel y be that of Diploma level of Indian Polytechnic. There shall be single multiple choice objective type Paper of 3 hours duration as per details given below:Paper Part-I :General ability test Part-II :Basic Engineering Part-III :Specialization Marks 20 90 90 Time allowed 3 hours Note:- Minimum qualifying marks for different category of candidates will be as follows: (a) Minimum qualifying marks in the paper will be 40% for the General Category(OC) and 33% for the candidates of SC/ST/OBC/PH categories.The Question paper shall comprise of these parts of 20,90 and 90 each, as prescribed in the scheme and Syllabus. There will be a single paper of 200 marks and each question shall carry one mark. (b) The minimum qualifying marks in each of the thre e parts of Question paper will be 30% for OC and 20% for candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST categories i. e the minimum passing marks in each of the 3 parts in respect of OBC/SC/ST, it will be 6,27 and 27 respectively whereas in respect of OBC/SC/ST, it will be 4,18 and 18 respectively. c) Further relaxation of 2% in marks will be given to the physically Handicapped candidates in each category viz OC-PH,OBC-PH,SC-PH and ST-PH. (d) There will be negative marking for each wrong one , 25% of mark of that question shall be deducted. PART-I: GENERAL ABILITY TEST- 20 MARKS ` The candidate’s comprehension and understanding of Ge neral English shall be tested through simple exercise such as provision of antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks and multiple -choice exercises etc.This shall also include questions on current events, general knowledge and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of Diploma holder. PART -II: BASIC ENGINEERING- 90 MARKS Detailed Syllabus is as under: 1. Applied Mathematics: Co-ordinate Geometry; Vector Algebras, Matrix and Determinant ; Differential calculus ; Integral calculus, Differential equation of second order; Fourier Series; Laplace Transform; Complex Number; Partial Differentiation. 2. Applied Physics: Measurement-Units and Dimensions; Waves, Acoustics, Ultrasonic; Light; Laser and its Applications; Atomic Structure and Energy Levels. . Basic Electricity: Electrostatics, coulomb’s law, Electric field, Gauss’s theorem, concept of potential difference; concept of capacitance and capacitors; Ohm ‘s law, power energy, Kirchof f’s voltage and current laws and their applications in simple DC circuits; Basic Magnetism; Electro Magnetism; Electromagnetic induction; Concept of alternating voltage & curren t; cells and Batteries ; Voltage and Current Sources; Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem and their applications. 4.Electronic Devices and Circuits: Classification of materials into conductor ,semi conductor, insulator etc. electrical properties, magnetic materials, various types of relays, switches and connectors. Conventional representation of electric and electronic circuit elements. Active and Passive components; semi conductors Physics; Semi Conductor Diode; Bipolar Transistor & their circuits; Transistor Biasing & Stabilization of operating point; Single stage transistor amplifier; field effect transistor, Mosfet circuit applications.Multistage Transistor Amplifier; Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers; Feedback in Amplifier; Sinusoidal Oscillators; tuned Voltage Amplifier; Opto Elec tronics Devices and their applications; Operational Amplifier; wave shaping and switching circuits. Block diagram of I. C timer(such as 555) and its working; Multivibrator circuits; Time base circuits; Thyristors and UJT; Regulated Power Supply. 5.Digital Techniques: Applications and advantages of digital systems; number system(binary and hexadecimal); Logic Gates; Logic Simplification; Codes and Parity; Arithmetic Circuits; Decoders. Display Devices and Associated Circuits; Multiplexers and De-multiplexers; Latches and Flip Flops; Counters; Shift Register; Memories; A/D and D/A converters. PART-III: SPECIALIZATION-90 MARKS Detailed Syllabus is as under: 1.Electrical: 3 phase vs single phase supply, Star Delta Connections, relation between phase & line voltage, power factor and their measurements; construction and principles of working of various types of electrical measuring instruments, all types of motor and generator -AC & DC transformers, starters, rectifiers, invertors, batter y charges, batteries, servo and stepper motors, contactor control circuits, switch gear, relays, protection devices & schemes, substation, protection relaying, circuit breaker, generator protection, transformer protection, feeder & l ightening protection, feeder & bus bar protection, lightening arrestor, earthing, voltage stabilizer & regulators, power control devices & circuits, phase controlled rectifiers, invertors, choppers, dual converters, cyclo converters; power electronics application in control of drivers, refrigeration & air conditioning. 2.Communication: Modulation and demodulations-principles and operation of various types of AM, FM and PM modulators/demodulators; pulse modulation -TDM,PAM,PPM,PWM; Multiplexing, Principles and applications of PCM. Introduction of Basic block diagram of digital and data communication system; coding error detection and correction techniques; Digital Modulation Techniques -ASK,ICW,FSK,SK; Characteristics/working of data transmission circuit s; UART,USART; Modems; Protocols and their functions, brief idea of ISDN interfaces, local area Network; Carrier telephony -Features of carrier telephone system. Microwave Engineering; Microwave Devices; Waveguides; Microwave Components; Microwave antennas; Microwave Communication System-Block diagram & working principles of microwave communication link. 3.Network, Filters and Transmission Lines: Two point network, Attenuator; Filters; Transmission Lines and their applications; characteristic impedance of line; concept of reflection and standing waves on transmission line; Transmission line equation; Principle of impedance matching; Bandwidth consideration of transmission line. 4. Instruments and Measurements: Specification of instruments-accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range. Error in measurement and loading effect; Principles of voltage, current and resistance measurement; Transducers, measurement of displacement & strain, force & torque measuring devices, flow of mea suring devices, power control devices & circuits. Types of AC milli voltmeters-Amplifier rectifier amplifier: Block diagram explanation of a basic CRO and a triggered sweep oscilloscope, front panel controls; Impedance Bridges and Q-Meters.Principles of working and specification of logic probes, signal analyzer and logic analyzer, signal generator, distortion factor meter, spectrum analyzer. 5. Control Systems: Basic elements of control system , open and closed loop system, concepts of feedback. Block diagram of control system, Time lag, hysterisis linearity concepts; Self regulating and non self regulating control systems. Transfer function of simple control components, single feedback configuration. Time response of systems. Stability Analysis; Characteristics equation. Routh’s table, Nyquist Criterion, Relative stability, phase margin and gain margin. Routh Harwitz criterion; Root Locus technique, Bode plot, Po wer plot, gain margin and phase margin. 6. Microprocessors: Ty pical organization of microcomputer system and unctions of its various blocks, Architecture of a Microprocessor; Memories and I/O Interfacing; Brief idea of M/C & assembly languages, Machines and Mnemonic codes; Instructions format and Addressing mode; concept Instruction set; programming exercises in assembly language; concept of interrupt; Data transfer techniques-sync data transfer, async data transfer, interrupt driven data transfer, DMA, serial output data, serial input data. 7. Computer: Computers and its working, types of computers, familiarization with DOS and windowconcept of file, directory, folder, Number Systems; Data Communication. Programming-Elements of a high level programming language, PASCAL, C; use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture, Processor design, control unit design; Memory organization. I/O System Organization. Microprocessor-microprocessor architecture, instruction set and simple assembly level programming. Microprocessor based system design: typical examples.Personal computers and their typical uses, data communication principles, types and working principles of modems, Network principles, OSI model, functions of data link layer and network layer, networking components; communication protocol-x. 25, TCP/IP. Database Management System-basic concepts, entity relationship model, relational model, DBMS based on relational model. Annexure-A NAME & ADDRESS OF THE INSTITUTE/HOSPITAL Certificate No†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ DISABILITY CERTIFICATE Recent Photograph of the candidate showing the disability duly attested by the Chairperson of the Medical Board. This is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ son/wife/daughter of Shri†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ age†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. sex†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ identification marks(s) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ is suffering from permanent disability of following category: A. (i) Locomotors or cerebral palsy : BL – Both legs affected but not arms. ii) OL – One leg affected (right or left) (a) Impaired reach (b) Weakness of grip (c) Ataxic (iii) BH – Stiff back and hips (Cannot sit or stoop) (iv) MW – Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance. B. Blindness or Low Vision: (i) B : Blind (ii) PB: Partially Blind C. Hearing Impairment: (i) D – Deaf (ii) PD – Partially Deaf (Delete the category whichever is not applicable) 2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/ not likely to improve. Re-assessment of this case is not recommended/ is recommended after a period of _______________ year’s ______ _____ months*. 3. Percentage of disability in his/her case is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ percent. 4. Sh. /Smt. /Kum. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. eets the following physical requirements for discharge of his/her duties:(i) F-can perform work by manipulating with fingers. Yes/No (ii) PP-can perform work by pulling and pushing. Yes/No (iii) L-can perform work by lifting. Yes/No (iv) KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching. Yes/No (v) B-can perform work by bending. Yes/No (vi) S-can perform work by sitting. Yes/No (vii) ST-can perform work by standing. Yes/No (viii) W-can perform work by walking. Yes/No (ix) SE-can perform work by seeing. Yes/No (x) H-can perform work by hearing/speaking. Yes/No (xi) RW-can perform work by reading and writing. Yes/No (Dr. ___________________) Member Medical Board (Dr. _____________________) (Dr. ___________________) Member Chairperson Medical Board Medical Board Countersigned by the Medical superintend ent/CMO/Head of Hospital (with seal) *Strike out which is not applicable. BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED [ A Government of India Enterprise ] Office of Sr. GMTD/GMTD___________ Form for reimbursement of Travelling Allowance in respect of SC candidates for attending written test exam for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA)-2012 at _______________________________________Centre. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of Applicant Roll Number Community (Attested photocopy of the certificate enclosed) Residential Address As given in Application form) Address from where journey has been performed Whether employed or not If employed, whether in Centre/State Govt. or Central /State Govt. Corporation, Public Sector Undertaking, Private Sector etc. : : : : : : : : : 8. Details of Journey and Rail/Bus fare etc. : Date of From To Mode of Class of Travel Journey Journey Bus/Rail Distance Travelled (one side) Ticket number Fare (In Rs. ) CERTIFIED THAT a) I am unemployed and as certificate of Unemploy ment issued by MP/MLA or a Gazetted Office of the place where I normally reside is enclosed. b) I have not claimed/will not claim T. A. for this journey from any other source. ) I have actually travelled by the shortest route and by the class/mode for which I have preferred the claim. d) I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particular information given above found fake or incorrect, necessary action as deemed fit may be taken by BSNL. Dated: Signature of Applicant Note: 1. Candidate will have to submit original ticket for inward journey. The payment will be made by BSNL through cheque. For use of BSNL Verified by Admissible Amount Rs. ______________________ (Signature Designated Officer of BSNL) Signature of DDO
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