Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Building Effective Teams & Daniels and Daniels
As a component of deciding the viability of a group, the team’s execution should be deliberately estimated. In any case, estimating the presentation of a conventional group, where all individuals work in a similar spot in a solitary area, is not the same as estimating the exhibition of that of a worldwide based group. There are numerous elements that should be viewed as with regards to these estimations. It is significant that the distinctions be considered so as to make a reasonable estimation of each member’s performance.Daniels and Daniels (1993, p.â 46) said that â€Å"establishing a worldwide arrangement of estimating execution permits arrangement of worldwide stages in the organization so any given individual representative knows at some random point in time how his/her presentation is adding to the worldwide business goals and procedure. †Being an individual from a worldwide based group, there are sure aptitudes that administration would want for the par t to have so as to work adequately with the group. These attributes and abilities should be shown by the individuals and can be utilized to decide the presentation of every part. The various abilities are examined quickly underneath. Assorted variety ToleranceGlobal-based groups would have individuals having a place with various races, various nationalities and culture. To put it plainly, the group is broadened with regards to its individuals. For the individuals from this sort of group to work appropriately, every one of them needs to comprehend the idea of the group and be eager to work with individuals from various nations. Collaboration Willingness As with a group, individuals should all be cooperative people. Each colleague should realize how to collaborate and add to the accomplishment of the group in achieving its objectives. Decorum Work behavior is significant particularly in a group based organization.Each part is required to work with one another. Despite the fact that th e hard working attitudes of every part may vary from the other, the general and standard guidelines should in any case be watched. Listening Skills This is a significant aptitude that any individual ought to have, particularly when working with groups. Tuning in to others implies that you are regarding their perspectives, considerations and choices. You may not absolutely concur with them yet you are sending the message that you are inviting the thought when you tune in. This expertise is additionally significant for a team’s achievement. Stress Resistance Stress accompanies any kind of work.People get worried because of weight. However, a large portion of the individuals who are normally focused on are those that can't deal with their time astutely. It is significant for a group and every part to have a decent feeling of time the executives so as to abstain from getting worried as it influences the presentation and profitability of the entire group. Critical thinking and Con flict Handling One of the aptitudes that a develop and experienced proficient ought to have is the capacity to deal with a large portion of the issues that may happen. Having the option to settle on astute choices to take care of issues is attractive in any group structure.The various culture and nationalities of the individuals would likewise create strife more regularly than anticipated. In this way, it is significant that every individual from the group ought to have the option to successfully deal with these contentions and accompany goals that are amiable to everybody. To gauge the exhibition of the group and its individuals as far as the aptitudes referenced above, I would recommend having a decent scorecard that includes all parts of execution. The above abilities are a portion of the capabilities that every part ought to have as an individual and would involve half of the scorecard. The staying half would be quantitative execution, for example adherence to the set measuremen ts, and investor esteem. The principal half, which are made out of the characteristics depicted above, can be estimated through companion criticism. Colleagues get the opportunity to evaluate each other as far as the above aptitudes and rate each other as needs be. Obviously, this is done secretly. Criticism from other colleagues can truly help in the evaluation of each member’s execution regarding the various characteristics above. Other than peer criticism, directors and bosses can likewise include their own perceptions of the part since there can be times that peer inputs become subjective.Another strategy for assessing these abilities, maybe, is appraisal through contextual analysis and safeguard. Individuals will be given a situation, interior or outer, that ordinarily occurs in the business and the group and be approached to achieve the objective depicted in the situation. The situation and the objective can be made to include all or the majority of the characteristics expressed previously. Every part at that point presents an exhaustive answer and reaction to the contextual analysis. Directors would now be able to assess each member’s capacity dependent on the reactions got. Every part will likewise be allowed to shield his/her reactions in a conversation with the supervisor.These execution estimation devices proposed might be introduced to the upper administration for endorsement. Maybe, an example criticism structure and case appraisal can be accommodated the executive to more readily value the instruments being proposed. Group and Individual Performance A team’s execution might be a showing element of how every individual from the group functions. Compensating the group in general when an objective is cultivated is a decent method to support their certainty. Be that as it may, each individual’s execution ought to likewise be remunerated as needs be. A group performing great as entire doesn't really imply that each part is doing an excellent job.If singular prizes are given to top entertainers, different individuals will likewise be propelled and be urged to work more enthusiastically to likewise pick up accomplishment and prizes. That would mean a greatly improved presentation that anticipates the group. Examination In my exploration for the above conversation on recommendations for execution estimation devices, I have come to understand that exhibition isn't just estimated as far as what the part can do and how profitable the part is. It is additionally critical to survey various aptitudes sets and capabilities that identify with the manner in which a part carries out the responsibility and work with other people.Since in a worldwide based condition physical collaboration might be constrained, the abilities referenced above would make up for this and add to the general accomplishment of the group. The aptitudes referenced above can really be summed up into two significant things: all out regard for one another in spite of the distinctions and capacity to fill in as a group with shared objectives. These things ought to be made known to the workers at the very beginning of building this sort of group. Indeed, these abilities ought to likewise be a piece of the capabilities in selecting possible individuals from the team.With the aptitudes referenced above, there are some which depend on social contrasts, for example, assorted variety resilience and strife taking care of. These estimations can be better comprehended by the workers by disclosing obviously to them the motivation behind these estimation models. It ought to be clarified to them that the reason for these standards is just to guarantee that the representatives are functioning admirably with one another in spite of the distinctions and can resolve on their own the various clashes that may exist among various members.These estimation devices can likewise guarantee them that there will be no predisposition on compensating people in light of their social foundation; evaluations will be done in a goal way. References Daniels, J. L. and Daniels, C. N. (1993). Worldwide Vision: Building New Models for the Corporation of the Future. USA: McGraw-Hill Professional. Mitchell, C. (2000). A Short Course in International Business Culture. Novato, CA: World Trade Press.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
William Isaac Thomas Free Essays
The Thomas Theorem William Isaac Thomas (13 August 1863 †5 December 1947) was an American humanist. I chose to expound on the W. I Thomas in the wake of finding out about the other scholar I concluded that W. We will compose a custom paper test on William Isaac Thomas or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now I Thomas hypothesis was substantially more fascinating and questionable. W. I Thomas is notable for his statement: â€Å"If men characterize circumstances as genuine, they are genuine in their results. †In 1928, the humanist W. I. Thomas detailed this explanation which later got known as the Thomas Theorem. As it were, the understanding of a circumstance causes the activity. This translation isn't objective. Activities are influenced by abstract view of circumstances. Regardless of whether there even is an equitably right understanding isn't significant for the motivations behind helping guide individuals’ conduct (http://en. wikipedia. organization, 2011). The Thomas Theorem in my understanding implies that whatever you think or put stock in it will turn out to be valid. I concur with this hypothesis to a limited degree this just applies to certain things throughout everyday life and not all. For instance on the off chance that I feel that I will be a tycoon it won't simply work out as expected I would need to plan something all together for make my musings materialize. How we see the world makes genuine and substantial results by they way we feel and what we do. W. I. Thomas (1863â€1947) (1966) expressed that whatever we accept to be genuine will turn out to be genuine in its results. So on the off chance that we trust one strict or political gathering is correct, we will act such that underpins that view, and we may differ with the individuals who see things in an unexpected way. We may attempt to persuade them that our view is correct (Vessling,2010). Albeit numerous individuals don't concur with the Thomas hypothesis there are numerous who do. Law implementation offices use it to prepare officials in the treatment of the intellectually sick, and it’s been utilized successfully to clarify everything from excellence challenge results to freeze runs on bank deposits(soulshelter. com, Tim, 2008). The Secret, composed by Ronda Byrne and As a Man Thinketh, composed by James Allen are both self improvement guides and dependent on this hypothesis. Some state the definition of the Thomas Theorem is uncertain. It could mean, â€Å"The outcomes of a circumstance follow from how it is seen, not the way it truly is,†or â€Å"The capacity to characterize a circumstance incorporates control over its results. †It likewise could essentially mean, â€Å"Beliefs have outcomes, whether or not they are valid. †Whether Thomas was alluding to inevitable outcomes, or communicating distrust about the presence of a goal world; relies upon how the announcement is deciphered (www. ehow. com, 2011). Blunt Van Dun scrutinized the hypothesis, he proceeds to state: â€Å"The outcomes of a circumstance being accepted to be genuine are equivalent to in the event that it is really true,†it is bogus, on the grounds that one can’t make or nullify a reality by wanting or denying it. On the off chance that it implies, â€Å"The results of a circumstance are genuine regardless of how well it is defined,†it is paltry in light of the fact that that lessens to the apothegm, â€Å"Get genuine. †Besides the negative criticism from many, W I Thomas was likewise a pioneer of a mental way to deal with social marvels, and in this way can be respected, along with William Graham Sumner and Wilhelm Wundt, as a precursor of social brain research. His The Polish Peasant was a significant milestone in American sociological research. He utilized biographic information individual letters, collections of memoirs, journals, and other individual archives building up the life-history technique for which he got renowned alongside the thoughts of George Herbert Mead, Thomas’ idea of the â€Å"definition of the situation†later end up being a significant beginning stage for the insurgency of emblematic interactionism against basic functionalism(http://www. ewworldencyclopedia. organization) taking everything into account I am a Christian so I have faith in God, I additionally accept that on the off chance that I request that God accomplish something that it will be finished. The good book peruses in Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given you; look for, and ye will discover; thump, and it will be opened unto you (King James Bible). W. I Thomas hypothesis perhaps somewhat outlandish to a few however this is truth to many. In light of my examination I can relate more to the Thomas Theorem. References Alden, WH. 2007) William Isaac Thomas Retrieved from http://www. newworldencyclopedia. organization/section/W. _I. _Thomas Phillips, Colby. (2011). What is the Thomas Theorem of Sociology Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/info_10068714_thomas-hypothesis humanism. html Tim (2010) Understanding the life Through the Thomas Theorem Retrieved fromhttp://www. soulshelter. com/fortune/understanding-the-world-through-the-thomas-hypothesis 2/Vissing, Yvonne (2011) An Introduction to Sociology Step by step instructions to refer to William Isaac Thomas, Papers
Friday, July 31, 2020
Moving to NYC COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Moving to NYC COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog If you are moving to New York City, you will want to find a place to live before you begin classes. As SIPA students, you may apply for Columbia University housing or you may explore the city and find a place on your own (or with the help of a broker). Looking for housing can be a daunting experience in New York City, but don’t panic â€" you will be able to find something! It is very possible to find affordable housing near campus. Although it may take a few intense days jam packed with appointments, every SIPA student finds a place to call home at a price that they are comfortable with. The map below gives you a good guide to the neighborhoods in Manhattan. Columbia and SIPA are located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood. Inevitably, many students end up living in Morningside Heights and Manhattan Valley, which spans from roughly West 96th Street to West 125th Street, between Columbus Avenue and Riverside Drive, and is within walking distance of the SIPA building on 118th and Amsterdam. In general, expect to pay around $800-$1200 for a shared apartment in Morningside Heights or Manhattan Valley. Some students also live in the Upper West Side, which tends to be a little more expensive. Others live in Harlem, East Harlem, Hamilton Heights, and Washington Heights which are a little cheaper, but also a little farther from SIPA, which is something to keep in mind. Along those lines, other students choose to live outside of these neighborhoods and even further away from campus in areas such as Chelsea; Clinton; the West Village; the Upper East Side/Yorkville; Astoria, Queens; Brooklyn Heights; and Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This is completely an individual preference. It can be great to get away from campus everyday and enjoy and explore other neighborhoods. Be sure, however, to consider how much time it will take you to travel to school and how often you will be at school, as well as how much you will be spending on the subway, taxis, and/or buses. Most students are on campus at least Monday through Thursday, and sometimes on the weekends to meet for group projects or study. When looking for housing, Craigslist (www.craigslist.org) and Street Easy (http://streeteasy.com/) are good places to start. Be prepared, however, for a very busy marketâ€"many times apartments on Craigslist are rented shortly after they are posted. If you see something that you like, be proactive and contact the broker or building immediately. Another quirky fact about New York City’s rental market is that it can be very difficult to find an apartment without using a broker, which is basically like a real estate agent. Using a broker has great benefitsâ€"they have many listings, know what is available, and can help you find an apartment within your price range and in your desired neighborhood. The downside is that many charge a fee, and that fee is usually around one month’s rent. Depending on the broker, you may have some wiggle room in negotiating the precise fee. It is possible to find some that do not charge a fee though, so when looking at listings on Craigslist or other sites, search for “No Fee†apartments if that extra cost is something you hope to avoid. Regardless of where you decide to live, you should give yourself at least a couple weeks to find a place. The New York City rental market is tight and can be cutthroat. Therefore, it is important to be proactive and even somewhat aggressive. Most good apartments will rent within a few days of them being listed, so be ready to take an apartment right away if you like it. Important documents to have handy include: a copy of your Columbia acceptance letter (building management companies usually ask for proof of salary but obviously as students you do not have this) and your checkbook. It also helps to have a bank statement and/or other proof that you are able to pay the rent (a copy of your financial aid statement showing that you will be receiving loans might work for this purpose). Be sure to look at a few places. Nonetheless, if you really like the first place you see, don’t be afraid to take it.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Role Of Communicative Intent For Communication Essay
Human beings communicate to be heard. However, not everyone is born with the innate ability to do so. Although it comes effortlessly to most of us, there are several people who struggle with communication every day. A person who cannot effectively communicate is limited in his/her ability to make decisions, to socially interact with others, to express basic wants and needs, and can be isolated from the world in many ways. There is a multiplicity of methods for communication, both verbal and nonverbal. Different types of communication include, but are not limited to, gestures, body language, sign language, picture exchange communication systems (PECS), and augmentative-alternative communication devices. It is important that we recognize the differences in each form of communication and their applications to learning. Research suggests between 25 and 61% of children who are diagnosed with autism use little or no functional speech to converse with others (Carson, Moosa, Theurer, Oram Cardy, 2012). The emergence of communicative intent can develop as early as two to three months of age and can be marked by gestures, vocalization, facial expression, gaze, and turn taking (Wankoff, 2011). Children with Down syndrome also exhibit delays in several areas of development, especially spoken language (Wright, Kaiser, Reikowsky Roberts, 2012). Early detection of possible speech, language and/or communication impairments is essential to beginning intervention as early as possible,Show MoreRelatedThe Communicative Language Teaching Method792 Words  | 4 PagesThe Communicative Language Teaching method, or CLT, is a product of the theory of communicated competence in language teaching. Communicative competence focuses on the ability of learners to comprehend and be comprehensible with a certain degree o f fluency. 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Communication is the essential component of business, â€Å"from the entry-level manager to theRead MoreEnglish As A Second Or Foreign Language Essay1131 Words  | 5 Pagesdefined in terms of grammar and vocabulary and being taught predominantly in the mother tongue and through textbook material and grammar exercises†(Zhang Mi, 2010, p. 383; as cited in Wei, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of my project is to use communicative language teaching and cooperative learning approach to enhance EFL learners’ oral proficiency through multimedia. In the literature review, the following three themes are explored: oral proficiency of English language learners, approaches and practicesRead MorePrinciples Of Communicative Language Teaching2063 Words  | 9 PagesPrinciples of Communicative Language Teaching The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has created a huge demand for English teaching all over the world. 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It was argued that facial displays play more of a role than simply expressing emotion, but are â€Å"ritualized intention movements†that othersRead MoreThe Benefit of Code Switching14750 Words  | 59 PagesTeachers often practice code switching in the classroom for a certain reason, yet on the side of the coin, they encourage their students to respond in straight English. I have observed that there are many instances when a student falls short in his communication, the question of liability is always addressed to his English language teacher (Ugbe amp; Agim, 2009). Even after years of learning the second language, learners still do not achieve the confidence in using the language inside and outside theRead MoreEnglish As A Second Or Foreign Language Essay2126 Words  | 9 Pagesdefined in terms of grammar and vocabulary and being taught predominantly in the mother tongue and through textbook material and grammar exercises†(Zhang Mi, 2010, p. 383; as cited in Wei, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of my project is to use communicative language teaching and cooperative learning approach to enhance EFL learners’ oral proficiency through multimedia. In the literature review, the following three themes are explored: oral proficiency of English language learners, approaches and practices
Sunday, May 10, 2020
A Research Study On Stem Cell - 1680 Words
As the smallest unit of life, cells make up every organ and body part of a living organism. Among various types of cells of human bodies, a stem cell can turn into any type of specialized cell of human body. A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to develop into any conceivable different kind of specialized cell type. The existence of a stem cell was first discovered by Drs. James Till and Ernset McCulloch from Canada. A stem cell can be distinguished into two types: adult stem cell and embryonic stem cell. An embryonic stem cell also known as pluripotent stem cell is a type of stem cell that has the ability to develop into any cell type of the body. An adult stem cell also known as somatic stem cell and multipotent stem cell, retained from body tissues can only turn into a certain type of cell from the same organ from which it originates. A stem cell is currently one of the hottest topics in the field of biology. Due to its therapeutic uses and so strong treatment solutions t ailor-made to various illnesses, stem cell is regarded as one of the promising fields in biology to many scientists. [1,2,3] Scientists have found and are currently finding numerous uses for stem cells. First of all, scientists learn about the process of diseases adversely weakening or disabling the bodily resistance mechanism by using stem cells. By watching stem cells grow into bones and specialized parts of the body, scientists can better understand how diseases affect parts of the body. Also,Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1644 Words  | 7 PagesStem cell research has covered many parts of research today and is growing progressively and becoming more common in research today. These cells have the potential to grow and develop into any other cell type in the body and form or make up the tissues of the body and organs. There are millions of people today who suffer from birth defects or diseases because of damaged cells or tissue. Stem cells give researchers the ability cure and replace almost all the cells in the body and help grow new tissueRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cel l Research Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesComposition Stem Cell Research According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a stem cell is â€Å"a simple cell in the body that is able to develop into any one of various kinds of cells (such as blood cells, skin cells, etc.).†There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. The adult stem cells can can be found in brain, bone marrow, blood, etc. The embryonic stem cells come from a four to five day human embryo during the blastocyst phase (Crosta) . The controversy behind the topic usually stems fromRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1324 Words  | 6 Pageslike this. He knows that stem cells could help cure him from his misery, so he has been fighting and fighting for stem cell research to be fully funded in America. Stem cells are cells that have the skill to change into any type of cell in the human body (Lewis). These cells could be put anywhere ill in the body to make it healthy again. Imagine all of the people with chronicle diseases and cancer being able to have hope for being happy and healthy again. Also, these stem cells can fix damaged organsRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research2115 Words  | 9 PagesStem cell research, through its ethics, methods, and funding, has caused great controversy over the past several decades. Scientists, medical specialists, religious groups, spiritual groups, the government and the public have devoted a major interest in this subject. Some portray stem cell research as a dangerous, inhumane study whereas others see it as a growing beneficial factor for opportunity of the advancement of the medical world. Stem cell research has been proven to aid various diseasesRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1665 Words  | 7 Pages Stem cells have advanced the way researchers look at curing what were once considered untreatable diseases. Modern technology has played a key role in the discovering of these stem cells and how they are used in the body. Many argue that the use of adult and embryonic cells is unethical and inhumane to society, however, there is one point taken into consideration when making that statement; if researchers could develop a cure for a disease that was affecting a family member of those who oppose itRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research2605 Words  | 11 Pagestruly believe that stem cell research is going to allow our children to look at Alzheimer’s and diabetes and other major diseases the way we look at polio today, which is a preventable disease†(Solomon). Susan Solomon was the researcher that founded the New York Stem Cell Foundation and has been seen as the hero for stem cell scientists around the world. Over the past couple years, stem cell research has been at its highest; scientists all over the world are using these cells to try to find newRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research1307 Words  | 6 PagesStem cell research is a controversial, yet fascinating field of study. The examination of stem cells has captivated political, scientific, and public interest for many decades. Therefore, numerous scientific research studies have been done to determine the exact purpose of stem cells, as well as their beneficial properties. Stem cells have been noted as powerful deterrents when studying and fighting against disease. It is understood that almost every cell in a person’s body has one main functionRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell1225 Words  | 5 Pages My research about stem cells, I will be talking about what a stem cell is. Why are stem cells important from a medical perspective? How are stem cells being used today? Where do scientists get stem cells? Why is so much controversy over the stem cells? How do es a zygote develop into a baby? Why a zygote is considered a stem cell? A stem cell is an immature cell that can help reproduce different types of cells throughout the body. There are three types of stem cells that I will be focusing on : adultRead MoreA Research Study On Stem Cell Research Essay907 Words  | 4 PagesStem Cell Research A stem cell is defined as having â€Å"the ability to make specialized cells for various tissues in the body, such as heart muscle, brain tissue, and liver tissue†(umm.edu) Two of the most commonly studied stem cells are adult and embryonic. Adult stem cells are cells that have already became specialized, such as heart or muscle tissue. Embryonic cells on the other hand are still in development. This means that with some modifying, then an embryonic stem cell can develop into almostRead MoreA Brief Study on Stem Cell Research734 Words  | 3 PagesHuman stem cells come from a number of different places including aborted fetuses (whether that is a spontaneous or an induced abortion), stored or extra embryos retrieved from infertility treatment, embryos created for the purposes of research, cell lines that already exist, and taken from peripheral blood or bone marrow (CII Biotech Resource Centre, 2012). When getting informed consent from people whether individuals or couples regarding stem cell research there are a few important points that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Presence of Others’ Effect on Behavior Interpersonal Attraction Free Essays
1- The presence of others can impact people’s behavior in many ways. For example, social facilitation is a process where the presence of others causes you to perform better, but only on tasks that are easy for you; during tasks that are difficult, the presence of others causes you to perform worse. Another way people’s behavior is impacted by the presence of others is social loafing, when people are put into a group to complete a task, each individual will perform less than they would if they were working alone. We will write a custom essay sample on Presence of Others’ Effect on Behavior Interpersonal Attraction or any similar topic only for you Order Now Deindividuation is another example, where being part of a group causes a person to lose their sense of individuality and have a reduction of constraints against deviant behavior. 2- Three factors that increase interpersonal attraction are the matching hypothesis, reciprocity, and the hard-to-get effect. The matching hypothesis states that people are attracted to those who are equal or similar in physical attractiveness; having this balance allows both people to feel deserving of the relationship and stable in it. Reciprocity is an equal exchange of what we give and receive, for example, we like those who like us; if someone is attracted to you and always very nice to you, you’ll like and respond to that by being nice back and potentially being attracted to them as well. The hard-to-get effect is having the tendency to prefer people who are more closed off and selective with their social choices, rather than those who welcome everyone; so if one person is very picky with whom they date and only date few people, and another person will date anyone and everyone, we will try to date the person who is picky so that we feel that sense of accomplishment. How to cite Presence of Others’ Effect on Behavior Interpersonal Attraction, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Usefull Online Options to Obtain Income for Students
Usefull Online Options to Obtain Income for Students Many students try to combine their work and study as they need additional income. However, side jobs often have a negative impact on academic achievements. Students work a lot and are tired to do assignments, essays and often postpone with them. It is hard to pay attention to both activities and strike a balance between them. Therefore, an online job is a flexible solution that provides an opportunity to earn money but at the same time does not limit students with strict time binderies. A lot of students opt for online jobs and as a matter of fact, this is quite relevant and demanded sphere. You can try to find options that are more suitable for your skills and interests. Find a Job of Virtual Assistant The job of a virtual assistant is actually similar to the responsibilities of the usual assistant except for the fact the virtual assistant executes all the work online. The responsibilities of the virtual assistant include online research or collecting of information upon the request of the manager. The virtual assistant can also be engaged with arranging websites or emailing with the clients. Everything depends on the manager and company specifics. Become a Content Writer If you are good at writing essays and think pieces, finding a job of the content writer can be a suitable option for you. There is a great variety of options on the market. You can write blogs, emails, product reviews and dozens of other types of content. Be a Transcriptionist This job suits for those who are good at quick typing while listening to audio. Besides, skills of fast typing it is required to know grammar rules and has an excellent command in English. Regarding the financial aspect, transcribers earn a little bit more than content writers. Choose the Occupation of Web Designer The work market is full with the job offers for Web designers. To obtain this position you need some skills of work with corresponding software. This job can include various activities from creating logos to creating sites. If you are obtaining a degree in Computer Science this work option can be suitable for the development of the profession related skills. As you see, there are a lot of great options to work online and almost everyone can find something appropriate. When choosing between offers, try to think about the healthy balance between your study and work not to bring harm to any sphere of your life.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Laura Melveys Male Gaze
Laura Melveys Male Gaze The development of the film industry took an interesting turn after the 1950 especially regarding the development of the female character due to the changes in life style and the way women viewed themselves. The empowered feminine character started appearing in film noir, genre of crime thriller films heavily laden with seduction and erotic undertones (Muller 2006).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Laura Melvey’s Male Gaze specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She played an active role in both the development of the genre and the development of the storylines and the plot. As such many movies producers started focusing on the female character and developed her to fit as one of, if not the key character in film noir. Thus, femme fatale (the fatal woman) was born and would dominate films and stage plays for decades. Femme fatale has been an interesting study by film and literature critics who have come up with interes ting views regarding this phenomenal character. Doane (1991) in her criticism of this character explains that even though femme fatale is seen as a literary image in films, she is an important figure of the representation of truth. She is a symbol of the real woman and their place in the society, whose real self is revealed through the sexual image, which portrays the differences between men and women. Doane further explains that she is the â€Å"representation of the antithesis of the maternal†(1991 p 2). This means that she symbolizes a woman who cannot reproduce either biologically or socially. Film site (2011) adds that this character was a manipulative figure capable of making vulnerable male character compromise greats of odds. She was a vengeful and sadistic anti heroine whose life always ended up in tragedy. One of the greatest criticism of femme fatalism Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema by Mulvey Laura has come under intense criticism from the film critics and t he author herself. Mulvey (1976) uses Freud’s psychoanalytical approach in describing the role of femme fatale charades in film noir. The society is such that it is structured in a patriarchal manner: the male is all powerful while the female is an image of male sexual fantasies. The fatal woman is thus an object that for both the satisfaction of the male character in he film as well as the male audience. The films â€Å"Out of the Past†and â€Å"Gilda†give the reader an opportunity to weight myulveys assumptions about femme fatale. Mulveys argument hold a lot of truth about the nature of the femme fatale and her roles in the development of the film industry, while the criticism by the author herself and other film critics has added useful insights into the subject. Slide share (2011) explains that Mulvey is the originator of the idea of the male gaze developed the idea of the male gaze in her work Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. The concept of the male gaze explains the idea of gazing in three ways: the way men look at women, the way women see themselves and the way the women sees and relates to other women. This concept of the male gaze is feministic and borrows heavily from Freud’s psychoanalytical approach.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sexual fulfillment and desire is the object of motivation and controls the images of the characters in a play to fulfill the desires of the male character. The female character only sees herself as a castrated woman (without a penis) and thus can only be useful in fulfilling a mans sexual desires. As such, she is the symbol of phallocentrism, powerless in a society that is overtly male dominated (Mulvey 1975). Such phallus nature portrays the woman as an object of domination and oppression not only by the male in the film and audience but also a representation of the powerl ess woman in a patriarchal society. She is aware of her lack of a penis and can only â€Å"exist in relation to her castration and cannot transcend it†(1975, 343). Thus, a woman cannot find real meaning other than in the enjoyment of the fact that she is castrated. However, Mulvey (1975) explains that it is within the paradox of the phallic nature that a woman finds her true meaning : the lack of penis is the cause of the phallus status while the desire to make the best out of the situation is what makes a woman derive meaning of life. Such phallocentrism is the signification of a woman’s suffering. The femme fatale in the film Gilda is not without suffering. When Gilda’s husband Mundson â€Å"dies†Johnny, her ex lover and protector, marries her not out of love but for his faith in Mundson. Johnny subjects Gilda to psychological as wells as physical suffering (Dirks 2011; Spiderbaby 2010). Gilda thus portrays the suffering that women have to go through in an overtly and an unapologetically patriarchal society. Such patriarchal tendencies fulfills the desires of the man at the expense of the woman are also exhibit in the film â€Å"Out of the Past.†Kathie is not a woman in freedom. She is constantly running away from her past (a man). In her earlier life she had shot and seriously injured Whit her lover and stole quite a hefty amount of money. Whit wants her back plus the money, a portrayal of how subordinated women are to men (Ebert 2010). Spiderbabay (2010) also explains that Kathie suffers betrayal from a man, her lover Jeff, when he leads her to the police so as to buy his freedom, as such using a woman to achieve his personal wishes to freedom. The biggest crime in the film is â€Å"not murder or stealing the money but betrayal†(Morris 2011) As Mulvey (1975) notes, the phallocentric approach (where women are aware of the weaknesses they are exposed to as a result of their penile deficiency) only reduces the wom an to an object of desire for men. The fatal woman in a film or stage play is thus propped in such a way that the male can have a proper gaze at her and fulfill his sexual desire. She is crafted in way that only portrays her sexual prowess and her power to seduce men, both the film characters and the audience.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Laura Melvey’s Male Gaze specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This desire is usually fulfilled by gazing at women characters. The male gaze is enhanced by several camera techniques, which focus on certain parts of the woman body. The focus is intended to drive the attention of the male towards that particular part of the body. Not any part of the female body is subject to focus. The camera only focuses on the various body part and behavioral traits that arouse and fulfill sexual desire in the male characters and the male audience. As such, the objectification of the woman is further achieved through compartmentalization of her body into sexual and non sexual parts (Barnes n.d.). Such trait is seen through the main character Gilda in the movie going by the same title. Gilda is a flirt who plays mid games with both the male characters and the male audience in an erotic and seductive way. The male gaze is directed at her provocative flirtation and seduction techniques. Gilda intentionally flirts with other men to make Johnny jealous (Dirks 2011). At one time in the film, Gilda does a striptease in on stage, in full view of the patrons at the club. This is a sexually provocative action that the cameras focus on to enhance the male gaze and fulfill the sexual desire of the male. Such acts have an effect both to the male audience as well as to the male characters in the film such as Johnny who in rage slaps Gilda for performing indecent acts in public. Later and out of the effect of that act Johnny confesses his love to Gilda (Spiderbaby 2010). Thus the two f ilms have exemplifies Mulveys theory that a woman is an objects subject to a males gaze for his sexual fulfillment. In further defining the male gaze mulvey explains that the man is the one who bears the ‘look’ while the woman only bears the image. As such ‘the pleasure of looking is divided into two: the active male gaze, and the passive female gaze (1975, p. 346). The active male gaze is the dominant gaze while the female has to be figured and structured appropriately to enhance her to-be-looked-at-ness. To-be-looked-at-ness is a very strong visual sexual symbol and is displayed through a series of erotic acts such as striptease [as exemplified by Gilda (Spiderbaby 2010)]. This kind of erotism makes a woman an indispensable character and spectacle in film noir. As such, femme fatale becomes an alien intrusion into the plot and thus a deviation from the normal script and storyline. Morris (2011) explains that Kathie is part of the lethal triangle that also includ es Jeff and her former lover Whit.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The story line is initially focused on recovering Whit’s $ 40000 stolen by his ex lover Kathie. However, Whit hire Jeff, an ex sleuth and the two, jefff and Kathie, fall in love and start an affair. Kathie and her new lover have to live on the run, running away from Whit who still wants to recover his money. This love affair thus becomes a considerable deviation from the sleuth work that the film was initially built on. It this becomes a story of Whits fatal obsession with Kathie, which finally makes the film, looses the initial theme (Mills 2007). The film Gilda also exemplifies Mulveys assertion that femme fatales are an erotic diversion from the films main story line. The film has a Mafioso inclination and the main character Mundson, is the owner of a casino and has connection to the underground mafia world. Mudson introduces Gilda as his wife and because of his lack of trust for her, asks Johnny, her former romantic partner, the roles of keeping an eye on her. Thus is the beginning of a love triangle as Johnny and Gilda rekindle their romantic flame. This is the point that love, romance and seduction take over and the film looses connection with the mafia world. Even though Mundson fakes his death to dissociate himself with the mafia his faked death is literary more significant to the love triangle. Mulvey (1975) adds that such diversion by the femme fatale from the main course off the story line does not make her significantly important as a person, rather t is what she provokes in the male character and audience that matters (347). Therefore, it is the sexual objectification of the woman and the gratification of the male character and the male audience by gazing at the sex object signified in a woman on stage that matters. The fatal woman has no importance in herself either to the film or to the audience. It is what she represents that counts. The male character is not subject to sexual objectification and as such is the important figure that cont rols desires and erotic nature of the woman. The male characters in the film are able to identify with what the audience is feels about the and thus part of its search and realization of sexual fulfillment. As such the male ceases to be an object of sexual desire but the power that controls the desire. Femme fatales sexually explicit behavior is thus as a result of such power by the man to control the way she behaves. The audience thus sees this power to control sexual desire through the woman (Mulvey 1975). However, the film Gilda put this notion under the perils of validity test. Gilda the main character is a dangerous and seductive woman who performs seductive acts such as flirting with other men and strip teasing so as to make Johnny her secret lover jealous. This evokes a very strong sense of attraction in Johnny towards Gilda (Spiderbabay 2010). Therefore instead of Johnny controlling the sexual desired as Mulvey suggests, he becomes the victim of such desire in which its powe r lies with femme fatale, rather than him. Film noir focuses on sexualisation of the female character, the symbolization of femme fatale as the object of sexual fulfillment to the male character and audience, thus masculining the audience (Mulvey 1975). This means that the film is only useful to men and this article does not tale care of the spectator who has tendencies towards both male and female sexuality. However in â€Å"Afterthought to Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†Mulvey (1983) argues that the original intention was to celebrate the masculine culture of the spectator but this kind of spectator includes both men and women. It is possible to have women who are not particularly keen on having a sexual identify on the screen. This change of stance in the masculinisation of the female character is as a result of the fact that things have moved on and the way a woman carries herself has drastically changed (Mulvey 1985). Skjerdal,(1997) agrees with this new line of t hought and further adds that the masculinisation of the audience and the objectification of the female character in film noir is leaves the woman without any identify as it only describes her in relations to a mans desire. This also means that the woman is just a â€Å"bearer of meaning but not its maker†(Despotopoulou, 2004). However, the film Gilda gives the viewer an opportunity to contend this view. Gilda the main character posses an overwhelming power of seduction over the male character in the film. So powerful is her power of seduction that she chooses and owns the men who seduces her. Thus Gilda is a woman â€Å"knows her power over men and that she is the real definition of intoxicating sassiness†(Stevens 2009). Such power over men thus proves that the fatal woman is not just an embodiment of the male’s sexual desire but has made deliberate effort to develop her sexual identity, a tool she uses to her own advantage. Thus this film put Mulvey’s idea of lack of identity of femme fatale at great peril. Laura Mulvey’s Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†offers some insight into the mysterious and almost mystical character of femme fatale. It supposes that this mysterious character is the creation of men for their own benefit. She is an object of sexual fulfillment. The male gazes at her and thus gains much sexual gratification. Such approach ha borrowed heavily from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical approach. It denies the woman the power to make her own identity. A political tool portrays the manner in which the way the society is structured to be dominated by men. However it does not answer to all questions as it does not take care of the part of the audience that has homosexual orientation (Rucas 2003). The idea does not also address the place of the female character and audience who is not a forced object of sexual symbolism but who likes and enjoys to be looked at. As such, weaknesses are ignored and need attention. Reference List Barnes, E., n.d. Laura Mulveys male gaze: Looking at film through the eyes of a man [Online] Available at freewebs.com/elizabethbarnes/index.htm Despotopoulou, A., 2004. Fanny’s gaze and the construction of feminine space in mansfield park†Modern Language Review ed. 99: 569-583. Dirks, T., 2011. Gilda (1946) [Online] Available at. filmsite.org/gild.html Doane, M., 1991. Femmes fatales: feminism, film theory psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge Ebert, R., 2004. Out of the Past (1947) [Online] Available at http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040718/REVIEWS08/407180301/1023 Mills, M., 2007. Out of the past. Online] Available at moderntimes.com/past/. Morris, G., 2011. High Gallows Jacques Tourneurs Out of the Past. [Online] Available at brightlightsfilm.com/29/outofthepast.html Mulvey, L., 1985. Changes, Discourse. pp 11 30. Muller, E., 2006. Film Noir. Green Cine podcast. [Online] Available at greencine.c om/static/primers/noir.jsp Mulvey, L., 1985. Afterthoughts on ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,’†Feminist Film Theory. Sue Thoruham (ed.), NY: New York University Press, pp.31-40 [Online] Available at scribd.com/doc/17220483/Afterthoughts-on- Visual-Pleasure-and-Narrative-Cinema Mulvey, L., 1975. Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Durham and Kellner Media and cultural studies ed., Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Rucas, P., 2003. The male gaze, homosexualization, and James Bond Films [Online] Available at angelfire.com/film/articles/bond.htm. Skjerdal, T., 1997. Laura Mulvey against the grain: a critical assessment of the psychoanalytic feminist approach to film. Centre for Cultural and Media Studies, University of Natal ed. [Online] Available at. oocities.org/capitolhill/2152/mulvey.htm Slide share, 2011. The male gaze Laura Mulvey Presentation Transcript [Online] Available at slideshare.net/fleckneymike/the-male-gaze-laura-mulvey Spiderbaby, L., 2010. Evil as admirable: the femme fatale in the eyes of the contemporary female spectator. [Online] Available at http://sbhonesty.blogspot.com/2010/11/evil-as-admirable-femme-fatale-in-eyes.html Stevens , S., 2009. Embrace your inner Goddess [Online] Available at http://goddesspower978.wordpress.com/tag/seductress/
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Nobody Makes Bad Progress
Nobody Makes Bad Progress Nobody Makes â€Å"Bad Progress†Nobody Makes â€Å"Bad Progress†By Maeve Maddox Three times during a radio interview, a White House spokesman stated that something was â€Å"making good progress.†It occurred to me how often I hear the expression â€Å"good progress†uttered by politicians and administrators of various stripes. We are making good progress towards introducing a bill that will advance that goal.- A US senator. U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan acknowledged that [our state] is making good progress on our Race to the Top plans.- A state governor. We have been making good progress in three important areas.- A school principal. FTA is making good progress on developing more detailed guidance on which we will seek comment in the near future.- An FTA spokesman. The word progress, both noun and verb, derives from the Latin verb progredi: â€Å"to go forward, proceed, advance.†The English noun progress is defined as â€Å"the process of a series of actions through time.†As a verb, progress means, â€Å"to proceed, advance,†â€Å"to follow an expected course or pattern.†â€Å"Good progress†is bureaucratic-speak. It sounds good without meaning anything. It’s enough to say, â€Å"The FTA is making progress on developing more detailed guidance.†Progress may be rapid, slow, encouraging, delayed, or uncertain, but to say it is good is to pad language. â€Å"Good progress†is often accompanied by other meaningless phrases like â€Å"in the near future,†and â€Å"grounds for optimism.†Ordinary speakers may be forgiven for using the occasional clichà ©, but politicians and others who wish to advance themselves by swaying public opinion should be aware that coming from them, â€Å"good progress†signals a desire to avoid specifics. Note: The pronunciation of progress differs, according to whether it is used as a noun or as a verb. progress (noun): PRAH-gres (American); PRO-gres (British) progress (verb): pruh-GRES Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Synonyms for â€Å"Angry†Homogeneous vs. HeterogeneousPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Monday, February 17, 2020
3 year personal development plan in nursing Outline
3 year personal development plan in nursing - Outline Example Within one year, the outcome should be evident in my communication and patient-care skills. The confidence gained will pave way for me to expand my professional network in the second year. This will be achieved through participating in at least one professional development program in a quarter, thus improving on my organisational commitment and job-satisfaction as noted by Turner (2007). This would also provide knowledge on the practice in other different nursing fields, including mental health nursing. Still in my second year, I will seek to develop academically. Thus, I will enrol for part-time postgraduate diploma course specialising in adult nursing which will take me two years, up to the third year of my development plan. I will apply for a scholarship from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) so as to subsidise on the cost implication. Accomplishing this course will expand my knowledge on patient care and further on ethical issues around nursing in general. Therefore, my three year development plan would basically entail professional development and network building and academic
Monday, February 3, 2020
Keystone Pipeline Issue on U.S. Economic and Environmental Annotated Bibliography
Keystone Pipeline Issue on U.S. Economic and Environmental perspectives - Annotated Bibliography Example According to Blakey, the Keystone XL pipeline polarizes parties from either side of the construction conflict. The article states that, in a typical enmity between liberals and traditionalists, both parties face a deeper disadvantage in their argument. If ecologists believe oil is not worth the jobs creation, then liberals will consider profit to be the prime key to the United States’ energy security (Blakey 335). Blanchard and Jacobson provide an ecological perception reflecting the provided carbon-concentration of tar-sands creation. Even though conservatives believe that that operation of the Alberta tar sands would merely come to a stop, demand for hydrocarbon-based energy is extremely high. In addition, the journal says that the Ogallala aquifer is acutely sensitive, but its vulnerability is more valuable than the likely damage to British Columbia’s rain forest. The last leading problem discussed in the journal is the likelihood of the construction of the Northern Gateway. The Northern Gateway may be a fallback approach for the ecologists (Blanchard and Jacobson 2011). Daugherty states that the president destroyed tens of thousands of employment opportunities when he denied Keystone the opportunity to build the Keystone XL pipeline. Many of the jobs would have been provided in Houston, Texas. Further than that, the government’s decision to halt the pipeline is considered complete irrational. The article says that the Obama administration is illogic from an economic perspective. This is because of an overpowering goal of national security supposed to reduce the country’s reliance on foreign energy sources (Daugherty 2012). Hargreaves says that the Obama administration refused an offer to develop the contentious Keystone oil sands pipeline. The article says that the government defended its choice by saying that the deadline enforced by the congress did not leave adequate time to carry out the essential review. The pipeline might not be
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Dead Poets Society And Dangerous Minds Comparison Film Studies Essay
Dead Poets Society And Dangerous Minds Comparison Film Studies Essay The soundtrack of Dead Poets Society is a synchronous one of bagpipes being played during the procession, synchronous is a term used to describe a sound caused by some event on screen and which matches the action. This particular soundtrack relates particularly well to the visual track mainly because of it being synchronous, but also because bagpipes represent tradition a big theme throughout the film. I agree with this choice made by the director for using bagpipes as the soundtrack as it fits in nicely with the conformity being placed on the students by the school. On the other hand, the soundtrack used in Dangerous Minds is non synchronous, (sound which is recorded separately from the visuals then added later). The soundtrack is also a sound bridge the music continues through shots adding to the continuity. The use of the song: Gangsters Paradise, relates to the theme of gangs within the area and life on the streets. I also agree with the choice made by the director the song reflects themes which appear later in the film. A matched cut type of editing is used in the opening sequences of Dead Poets Society; this is where a familiar relationship between the shots may make the changes seem smooth. This type of editing is used to show continuity and no change in time between shots giving the viewer all the small details. This editing is effective and continues as the characters enter a new scene, the chapel. Again, Dangerous Minds adopts a different approach by using a jump cut editing technique this is an abrupt switch from one scene to another indicating discontinuity. I believe this is used to show the extent of disrespect for public property as seen by destruction and vandalism. This editing also shows sections of interactions between characters which gives the viewer an idea of who they really are. Now, on to the choices relating to colour and lighting starting with Dead Poets Society. A lot of light is used in its opening sequences, all the characters faces are sufficiently lit up. Light is also a form of iconography with the Light of Knowledge in the form of a candle which also provides light to the large chapel. Lighting can manipulate a viewers attitude towards a character, this happened to me when light was shining up from beneath Mr Nolans face, giving the impression of a stern character and a severe enforcer of rules. The colours are also light; oranges, yellows and red which represent a warm environment (for the time being). Dangerous Minds shows a different aspect of how colour can be used effectively in an opening sequence. The first thing the viewer notices is that the visuals are in black and white only this creates an interest in the viewer as it is unexpected and they therefore pay more attention. The misà ¨-en-scà ¨ne is dark regardless of the black and white colour and there are shadows moving through some of the shots hinting at mysterious lifestyles. The colour changes from black and white to colour as the characters move into the higher class areas on their way to school, this shows the significance school has and still will have on them. The establishing shot in Dead Poets Society is of a wall painted with old pupils, the American flag and the English flag, another example of an old school remembering its roots and traditions a prominent theme throughout the rest of the film. There is a close up two-shot capturing the emotions of the two boys having their photo taken. A close up shot of bagpipes being set up reinforces the theme of tradition and tracking as the procession enters the chapel draws the viewer into the film. The establishing shot of Dangerous Minds is of a neglected building with graffiti on it saying, We love you baby! the camera then pans across the room showing even more graffiti. The camera angles focus more on the surrounding of the characters rather than the characters themselves, emphasising the huge impact of where people come from has on their lives. The first theme introduced in Dead Poets Society is that of tradition. This is seen from the establishing shot of the wall showing the history of the school; it is achieved through the misà ¨-en-scà ¨ne and iconography by showing the bagpipes and them being played by a student. The Light of Knowledge is also a form of iconography and it represents the theme of the high-class school, where students are expected to achieve good results. The other form of iconography is the banners the four boys hold during the procession, the themes are printed on them: discipline, excellence, honour and tradition. The obvious theme in Dangerous Minds is one of disrespect as seen by the high concentration of graffiti on the buildings; this is seen through the misà ¨-en-scà ¨ne. A form of iconography which introduces a theme is the broken stop sign, this shows a complete disregard for rules as initially seen by the extremely raucous class Ms Johnson is appointed to teach. To conclude, both films use different techniques to try and convey their particular messages in the opening sequences. However, I believe that through intricate misà ¨-en-scà ¨ne, good use of iconography, camera angles, soundtrack, lighting and editing; Dead Poets Society stands out as the more convincing of the two films in conveying their message. (979 words)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Analysis Of Health And Social Care In The Uk
ABSTRACT This analysis provides a review on the health and social care services in the UK. This will include an exploration of inequalities with the care sectors from the focus of the policy and individual and a discussion on promotion of equality and individual rights within the care sector. A brief history of social care in the UK will also be given. A clear understanding of inequalities in health is of critical importance so as to develop policies and interventions that support all sections of the society and direct care, treatment and services in proportion to need. Social workers can play an important role in these inequalities by working with service users in increasing their social and material resources and providing them access to information and support systems as well as maximizing their capacity to managing their health. INTRODUCTION At a time when there is a growing population in need of care, yet inequalities in health and social care challenge effective provision of services, the UK government face the central question: how should inequalities in health care be tackled and how can government ensure the promotion of individual rights within the care sector (Alcock, et.al., 2006)In order to explore on this subject, we must first define what we mean by social care. Social care encompasses a range of services that help people maintain independence, help them manage complex relationships, protect them in vulnerable situations and enable them to play a fuller part in the society (DOH 2006). It includes the provision of personal care, social work, protection and social support services to children and vulnerable adults. The provision of social care is often deemed necessary at old age or when an individual is suffering from long-term illness, learning and physical/sensory disability or mental illness. RATIONALE The current system in the UK is perceived unfair in the provision services in health care. There are huge disparities in the provision of health care services in parts of the UK with the spearheaded areas experiencing worst health care and deprivation (Ellison & Pierson 2003). The central focus of health inequalities policies have primarily been on health care and NHS funding. While significant progress has been made over the past decade by the National Health Service, inequalities still remain prevalent in the health care (Adams 2007). BACKGROUND OF SOCIAL CARE IN THE UK Social care has long been in existence as an informal concept through family support, community support and charitable works (Manson, et.al., 2004). The earliest Parliamentary Act that offered formal support to social care was the Poor Law of 1601 (Manson, et.al., 2004). This Act of parliament referred those in need of domestic care, health care, employment and housing to the care of their Parish. The advent of social work in the 19th century offered more formal support to social care. From medieval times, care was provided mostly by faith organizations or voluntary associations (Manson, et.al., 2004). The coming into power by the liberal government in 1906 was accompanied with the provision of formal health and social care that led to the establishment of the National Health Services (NHS) and the Welfare state in England during the 1940s (Manson, et.al., 2004). This herald a new dawn for social work by making access to formal health and social care services free at the point of need. The care standards Act of 2000 further increased the recognition of social work with the introduction of a degree in social work and the social workers’ register (Porter & Teisberg 2006). It is a requirement for social workers to hold an Honours degree or postgraduate MA in social work and to register with the General Social Care Council prior to commencing work. With this background knowledge in mind, it is worth examining the types of services provided by agencies in social care. SERVICES PROVIDED BY STATUTORY AND VOLUNTARY CARE AGENCIES Care services include services provided at care homes, domiciliary care, foster care, respite care and care provided at community venues (Jordan 2008).DOMICILIARY CARE/HOME CAREThis is the care that is provided at home and is suited for persons that have less acute need (Francis 2012). Limited nursing care may be provided by a District Nurse when needed. Nursing care is usually provided in care homes especially for the more infirm elderly as such individuals are often in need of medical attention and a greater level of care (Lovell & Cordeaux 1999). Domiciliary care aims at providing help with a specific task such as bathing or waking up in the morning. Traditionally, family members, friends and partners have provided domiciliary care. There is however a growing number of voluntary and statutory agencies providing domiciliary care services in the UK. Care UK is one such provider which has been approved to provide domiciliary care services to 55 local authorities in the UK (Francis 2012). Care UK provides domiciliary care to many service users including older people with dementia, children, individuals who are physically disabled and those with sensory impairments as well as serving adults with specialist needs such as mental illness, learning difficulties, HIV and acquired brain injury (Francis 2012).RESPITE CAREThis can be defined as a temporary relief provided for an elderly or the carer and may take the following forms (Lovell & Cordeaux 1999): Taking a break away from the daily routine by the elderly such as a going on a holiday. A short stay in a care home so that the carer can go on a holiday Increased support at home to enable the carer to pursue his/her interests Respite care may be as little as a day, a week or even an hour per week depending on the circumstances of the individual. Under the Carers Recognition and Services Act 1995, a carer who provides substantial care to his/her relative, friend, neighbour or partner is entitled to his/her own separate assessment by social services (Lovell & Cordeaux 1999). If assessed as in need of respite care, then this can be arranged by them.FOSTER CAREThis refers to the care provided to a minor who has been made a â€Å"ward†(Curry & Ham 2010). The minor is placed in the hands of a licensed or state certified caregiver who is often referred to as the foster parent. Foster care placement may be voluntary or involuntary. Where the biological parent is not able to provide the needed care to the minor, then voluntary placement may occur. However, where the minor is at risk of physical or psychological harm, then involuntary placement occurs (Curry & Ham 2010). There are many agencies providing fostering services in the UK. FosterCare UK is one independent non-profit organization established in 2007 to provide foster care services to minors in London and South East (Porter & Teisberg 2006). FosterCare UK recruits, trains, approves and supports foster carers to work with young people with complex and challenging needs (Porter & Teisberg 2006).COMMUNITY CARECare may as well be provided at community venues such as drop-in and day care centres. A good example is the Community Integrated Care (CIC) group, one of the leading nonprofit social and health care providers in the UK (Porter & Teisberg 2006). CIC is a national and registered charity that works in the community by providing support to people with a diverse range of needs across England and Scotland (Porter & Teisberg 2006). The group provides support to people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities and mental health conditions. It also provides a range of support services to o lder people with dementia. Further, CIC provides homelessness services such as housing, personal development and training and education to homeless people (Porter & Teisberg 2006). While there are a number of agencies, both statutory and voluntary, offering social care services to vulnerable individuals, challenges still remain in the provision of such services. Health inequality is one major challenge which has continued to undermine the effective provision of services in the health care. INEQUALITIES IN HEALTH In the UK, the black and minority ethnic (BME) groups have in general reported ill-health and their dissatisfaction with the care services. A large proportion of the UK population constitutes the white. According to the 2001 census, the white accounted for 92% of the total population while the Black British and Asians accounted for 2% and 4% respectively (DOH 2006). Ethnic differences in the delivery and uptake of health care services have been reported. For example, access to care for coronary heart disease has been found to be lower among the South Asians (DOH 2006). With reference to prevention, the rates of smoking cessation have been found to be lower in these minority groups compared to the whites (DOH 2006). Additionally, most of these minority groups have indicated higher rates of dissatisfaction with the services provided by the NHS. For example, according to the Healthcare Commission patient surveys, most of the South Asians reported poorer experiences in hospitals as inpatients (DOH 2006). Many of these minority groups experience higher rates of poverty than the whites, in terms of area deprivation, worklessness, income, and the lack of basic necessities. This perhaps explains the variation in self-reported health. However, other than their socio-economic status, there is a complex interplay of factors that may be responsible for causing such inequalities including discrimination, racism, poor delivery of health care services, biological susceptibility and the differences in culture and lifestyles (DOH 2006). PROGRESS AND INITIATIVES TOWARDS REDUCING INEQUALITY IN HEALTH CARE Policy developments have tried to tackle inequalities in health. Acheson’s Independent Inquiry of 1998 was a key initiative that put health inequalities on the policy agenda (Stuart 2003). It emphasized on how poverty, the wider inequalities and exclusion were impacting on the provision of health care services. Subsequent policies have also recognized inequalities in health as multi-faceted and focused on reducing these inequalities. The central focus of health inequalities policies have primarily been on health care and NHS funding (Baldock, et.al., 2007). Besides the socioeconomic inequalities, policies have also focused explicitly on equity between the various ethnic groups. Identifying good practice in racial equality and mainstreaming strategies in health services has been the main approach to tackling inequalities (Baldock, et.al., 2007). A number initiatives have been commissioned by the Department of Health to collate good practice in equality in health such as Race for Health, Pacesetters and handling problems like language barriers and barrier to access of health care resources (Stuart 2003). More recently, major reforms have been made to the NHS. The role that Primary Care Trust plays in health care has expanded and changes have been made to practice based commissioning, competition, and involvement of patient as well as plurality of providers (Lewis, et.al 2010). These reforms are seen as making it easier tailor health care services to local populations thus meeting the needs of everyone, including the minority groups. The Department of Health has also initiated the Mosaic programme, which aims at developing and maintaining good practice in procurement, based on the Commission for Racial Equality guidelines (DOH 2006). Concerns have however been raised by critics that the initiative may not be of benefit to the minority and deprived groups and they have called for an examination of the impact that these reforms may have on equalities. While there has been a remarkable progress towards reducing inequalities in the health care sector in UK, there is still the need to develop more policies and interventions that support all sections of the society and direct care, treatment and services in proportion to need. This includes advocating for the promotion of individual rights within the care sector. PROMOTION OF EQUALITY AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS In this regard, individual rights include, but are not limited to (Adams 2007): The right to respect Not to be discriminated against Right to practice their cultural and religious beliefs Making their own choices Right to equality or to be treated in a similar manner as the rest of the population Treated as an individual Right to be treated in a dignified way Right to privacy or confidentiality Protection from harm and danger Right to have access to information, especially where that information concerns them Communication using their preferred methods. There is thus the need for recognition of the immense diversity amongst individuals in the British society and how care agencies, both voluntary and statutory, can accommodate this diversity. This promotion of equality and individual rights is crucial for effective provision of care services. That is, social workers need to treat everyone as an individual, have respect for individual’s diversity and cultural values, promote equal treatment and opportunities for individuals, empower individuals, support them express their needs and experiences, ensure their well-being, work in ways consistent with the individual’s preferences and beliefs, avoid their discrimination and put the individual’s preference at the heart of service provisions through person centred planning approach (Adams 2007). CONCLUSION Social care services are provided to vulnerable individuals to protect them from harm, promote their independence and social inclusion, preserve or advance their physical and mental health, improve their opportunities and life chances, strengthen their families and protect and promote their individual human rights. In spite of the importance of provision of social care services, it is apparent that the current system in the UK is perceived unfair in the provision of health care services. There seems to be huge disparities in health care service provisions in parts of the UK with the spearheaded areas experiencing worst health care and deprivation. A remarkable progress has however been made towards reducing inequalities in the health A number initiatives have been commissioned by the Department of Health to collate good practice in equality in health such as Race for Health, Pacesetters and major reforms made to the NHS. These are seen as making it easier to tailor health care services to local populations thus meeting the needs of everyone, including the minority groups. While there has been a remarkable progress made, there is still the need to develop more policies and interventions that support all sections of the society and direct care, treatment and services in proportion to need. Social workers can play an important role in reducing health inequalities by working with service users in increasing their social and material resources and providing them access to information and support systems as well as maximizing their capacity to managing their health. REFERENCE Adams, R., 2007. Foundations of health and social care. Palgrave publishers Alcock, P., et.al., 2006. Students companion to social policy. Blackwell publishers Baldock et al (eds), 2007. Social Policy, Oxford University Press. Bradshaw, et.al., 1978. Issues in social policy. Routledge. Curry N. and C. Ham, 2010. Clinical and Service Integration: The route to improved outcomes. London: The King’s Fund. Available at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/clinical_and_service.html (accessed on 16 February 2012). Department of Health (DOH), 2006. Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A New Direction for Community Services. London: DOH Department of Health, 1998. Modernising social services. Crown publishers. Hill, M., 2006. Social policy in the modern world. Blackwell publishers Ellison, N. and C. Pierson, 2003. Developments in British Social Policy. Palgrave publishers Francis, J., 2012. An overview of the UK domiciliary care sector. Sutton. United Kingdom Home Care Association Ltd. Jordan, B., 2008. Social policy for the 21st century (New Perspective). Polity Press. Lewis R, et.al., 2010. Where Next for Integrated Care Organisations in the NHSLondon: Nuffield Trust. Lovell, T and C. Cordeaux, 1999. Social Policy for Health and Social Care. Hodder and Stoughton. Mason, et.al, 2004. BTEC Introduction Health and Social Care. Heinemann. Platt, L, 2002. Parallel livesPoverty among ethnic minority groups in Britain, London. Porter, M. and E. Teisberg, 2006. Redefining Health Care: Creating Value- Based Competition On Results. Harvard Business School Press. Stuart, et.al, 2003. Tackling Health Inequalities since the Acheson Inquiry, Bristol
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay example
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a story rife with the imagery of a troubled psyche. Admittedly taken largely from Stevenson’s dreams, it undoubtably sheds light on the author’s own hidden fears and desires. Written at the turn of the 19th Century, it also reflects the psychology of society in general at the same time when Sigmund Freud was setting about to do the same thing. While Freud is often criticized for his seemingly excessive emphasis on sexual suppression as the leading cause of psychological disturbances, the time period in which he lived was exceedingly strict on what constituted appropriate and inappropriate behavior.†¦show more content†¦The most convincing evidence of this is seen when the character of Hyde, who is representative of all that Jekyll has suppressed, startled him by â€Å"destroying the portrait of my father†(61). Jekyll’s outward actions may disguise his internal disarray, but it is clearly depicted in his environment. The habitations of Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde parallel the arrangement of his mind state. While Jekyll’s home is open for all to view and enter, every abode highly associated with Hyde is kept locked and off-limits. Hyde’s residence, or the nether-side of Jekyll’s, is an impenetrable fortress with no windows and which showed every sign of â€Å"prolonged and sordid negligence†(8). Jekyll’s private cabinet, which contained the chemical components for bringing about his transformation into Hyde, had a door that was â€Å"very strong, the lock excellent,†and which required â€Å"two hour’s work†by a locksmith to allow admittance (43). The most obvious representative residence is that of Jekyll’s last refuge in the inner sanctum of his scientific research building. The door had to be repeatedly axed to al low forced entry as â€Å"the wood was tough and the fittings were of excellent workmanship†(38). This area proved to be the most revelatory of Jekyll’s unconscious, containing many â€Å"closets†thatShow MoreRelatedThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1675 Words  | 7 PagesThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,†is a type of Gothic literature. In the beginning of the story when Stevenson is describing the lawyer, one â€Å"Mr. Utterson,†the mood is a bit dull. At first glance the reader may think that this story would be a bit boring and drab. Stevenson’s story is far from being another dull piece of British English literature. The setting and mood of this novella are more complexRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Essay975 Words  | 4 PagesStevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novella that follows the basic outline established by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein. However, Stevenson’s monster is not created from body parts but comes from the dark side of the human personality. In both novels, a man conducts a secret experiment that gets out of control. The result of these experiments is the release of a double, or doppelgan ger, which causes damage to their creator. While most people think that The Strange Case of Dr. JekyllRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1440 Words  | 6 Pagescomplexity of human nature in his books, especially in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Kidnapped. The former is about a lawyer named Mr. Utterson seeking out the truth of Dr. Jekyll’s very strange will. He finds out that Jekyll was transforming himself into Mr. Hyde so that he could have the freedom to do whatever he wanted no matter how evil. By the time Utterson finds all this out and findsJekyll, he is too late and Jekyll has already killed himself. The latter is about David BalfourRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1196 Words  | 5 Pageswhich do let control you? The good or evil? This was a question that Dr. Jekyll from the book, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, could not answer. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a book about a man who cannot control the two sides of himself, causing him to do terrible things and not even be aware of it. The theme of this book is good versus evil. Dr. Jekyll is fighting his evil side, known as Mr. Hyde, throughout the book. Some people believe that the book’s theme hasRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde938 Words  | 4 PagesVictorian Hopes and Fears Involving Science as Found in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde During the Victorian Era there was a great race to use science to alleviate the suffering of the ill, specifically for those patients who were suffering from ailments of the mind. While some of the methods used to diagnose and treat such afflictions would be considered barbaric in nature by today’s standards, they were considered cutting edge medical science during the time of the Victorian Era. It was also consideredRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde964 Words  | 4 PagesThe Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson was published in 1886. The story is published during the Victorian era, the Victorian era was an age of repression, there was no violence, no sexual appetite, and there was no great expression or emotion. In the story, Dr. Jekyll creates a potion that turns him into Mr. Hyde, Mr. Hyde is the complete opposite of what people are in the Victorian era. At first, Dr. Jekyll is in control of Mr. Hyde, but towards t he end MrRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1505 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the latter portion of the nineteenth century, Robert Louis Stevenson published his novella, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The fin de sià ¨cle saw the rise of different thoughts and ideas surrounding science and society. These concepts and interpretations sparked the discourse surrounding the theory of degeneration; which was the concern that civilization would fall to a lower state of being. This chapter will be reading multiplex personality as a manifestation of this broader culturalRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1739 Words  | 7 Pagesnovel â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde†by Robert Louis Stevenson, the novel â€Å"Frankenstein†by Mary Shelley, the short story â€Å"The Monkey’s Paw†by W.W Jacobs and the short story â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These four texts convey this theme through the use of gothic conventions such as death, madness and darkness. In the novels The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll are wronglyRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1351 Words  | 6 PagesThe Personas of Henry Jekyll Every person is born with bright and dark personas that people moderate due to the standards of society. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Jekyll and Hyde battle for the power to stay alive in the story. As Jekyll continues to try and take over his evil persona, Hyde tries to stay alive and cause evil in the world. In our society, many people will struggle with self control and Dr. Jekyll has trouble controlling his alter ego by performing his evil pleasuresRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1326 Words  | 6 Pages The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was published during the late Victorian era, but he clearly brings into question the acceptance of Victorian philosophies, especially the belief that one truth exists and that we can identify good and evil as separate entities. The names Jekyll and Hyde have become synonymous with multiple personality disorder. This novel can be examined from the natural dualism and Freud’s structural th eory of the mind. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Foundational Components of Traditional Rhetoric - 1919 Words
As stated by Herrick, the beginning of the twentieth century looked bleak for rhetorical theory. During this time, logical positivism (i.e. the idea that scientific thinking would be able to solve all issues) had become rampant and became this sort of ideology (irrational or unexamined system of thinking) which led to rhetoric being deemed less important and inferior to the scientific method; however, as the twentieth century continued, science began to lose its hold by failing to provide solutions to social problems (i.e. racisim, politics, etc.). A new approach was needed to solve contemporary moral problems and provide justice. While beginning their search for this new solution, many people turned towards the foundational components of traditional rhetoric (189). Even so, scientists began to realize that the discourse of such a discipline was not only scientific in nature, but that it also relied on strategy and argumentationâ€â€thus being a form of rhetoric. As Herrick stated , â€Å"The theory that â€Å"won out†over competing theories in scientific debates was often the theory that presented itself in the most persuasive manner, not the one supported by the greatest weight of evidence†(190). As this continued, the revival of rhetoric began and more peopleâ€â€not only social theoristsâ€â€started to discover that rhetorical theory could be of use to them. For example, one could look at the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas. The events of World War II had changed Habermas and made himShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesfemale, and rape against women is considered a war prize or punishment. She insists that the female counterpart is necessary in developing the world: if the woman flourishes, then so will her family, and a result the nation will do well (American Rhetoric). Women are not only essential to mankind itself, but also to the family - the basic unit of society. 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