Saturday, November 30, 2019
Modern Management Chapter free essay sample
Influencing is referred to as motivating, leading, directing, or actuating. d. Controlling is the management function through which managers i. Gather information that measures recent performance within the organization ii. Compare present performance to pre-established performance standards. iii. From this comparison, determine whether the organization should be modified to meet pre-established standards. These functions are interrelated because the performance of one depends on the performance of the others. For example, organizing is based on well thought out plans developed during the planning process, and influencing systems must be tailored to reflect both these plans and the organizational design used to implement them. The fourth function, controlling, involves possible modification to existing plans, organizational structure, or the motivation system used to develop a more successful effort. 2. How can controlling help a manger to become more efficient? e. Managerial efficiency is the proportion of total organizational resources that contribute to productivity during the manufacturing process. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Management Chapter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The higher this proportion, the more efficient the manager. So if the manager is controlling properly like gathering information, comparing and contrasting pre-established standards and uses resources correctly then they are being efficient. 3. What is the value in having managers at the career exploration stage within an organization? Why? The decline stage? Why? f. The value of having mangers at the career exploration sage is because individuals at this stage is about 15 to 25 years old and are involved in some type of formal training, such as college or vocational education who may have fresh ideas to the organization. Whereas the decline stage is where individuals of about 65 years or older is either close to retirement, semiretired, or fully retired. So these type of individuals may find it difficult to maintain prior performance levels, perhaps because they have lost interest in their careers or have failed to keep their job skills up to date. 4. Discuss your personal philosophy for promoting the careers of women managers within an organization. Why do you hold this philosophy? Explain any challenges that you foresee in implementing this philosophy within a modern organization, how will you overcome these challenges? . I don’t believe there should be women managers, because women are too emotional. Possibly getting sued for discrimination. I would get a well-paid attorney to overcome these challenges. 5. List and define five skills that you think you’ll need as CEO of a company. Why will these skills be important to possess? h. (1) Technical skills: involves the ability to apply sp ecialized knowledge and expertise to work-related techniques and procedures. i. (2) Human skills: build cooperation within the team being led. They involve working with attitudes and communication, individual and group interests. j. (3) Conceptual skills: involves the ability to see the organization as a whole. k. (4) Defining organizational roles: the duty and responsibilities everyone has within the organization l. (5) Encouraging innovative thinking: motivating/encouraging those who have the best interests of the organization. These skills will provide to be important to possess in a CEO because there should be a balance of skills to make an organization efficient and effective.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests
What is the difference between hauntings and poltergeists? Some people might think there really isn’t a difference. The difference is that hauntings are spirits of deceased human beings that appear frequently in a certain place. Poltergeists are a more physical version of ghosts. Poltergeists meaning â€Å"noisy ghost†in German is exactly what it sound like. Poltergeists will scream, throw objects, and make noises such as rapping or taps to make their presence known. In other cases poltergeists have been linked to demons. Most hauntings are usually related to a specific place or tragic death. The differences between poltergeist activity and hauntings are hard to distinguish, but in different situations it is noticeable. Haunting activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same area. While poltergeists activities seem to disappear for a time period and come back. Examples of both poltergeists and hauntings can be found in the history of the Borley Rectory a nd the Tower of London, two very old English building with traumatic and dramatic supernatural histories. The Tower of London is known world-wide for its bloody history and the royalty that have walked through the halls of the building. Although you might imagine the tower to be big it is merely the size of a four story house. It is where the crown jewels are kept, including the Star of Africa, which is the largest diamond in the world. The Tower has a long and gruesome history. More than a dozen people were executed and it is said to be one of the â€Å"most haunted places in England†. The tower is overflowing with paranormal activity, especially ghosts. The most famous ghost is Anne Boleyn. She was the â€Å"most celebrated of the wives of Henry VIII†She was beheaded in 1536 on the Tower Green. Her ghost is usually seen both on the Green and in the Chapel Royal which is located in the White Tower. It is there in the chapel where one of the sightings of her spirits w... Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests What is the difference between hauntings and poltergeists? Some people might think there really isn’t a difference. The difference is that hauntings are spirits of deceased human beings that appear frequently in a certain place. Poltergeists are a more physical version of ghosts. Poltergeists meaning â€Å"noisy ghost†in German is exactly what it sound like. Poltergeists will scream, throw objects, and make noises such as rapping or taps to make their presence known. In other cases poltergeists have been linked to demons. Most hauntings are usually related to a specific place or tragic death. The differences between poltergeist activity and hauntings are hard to distinguish, but in different situations it is noticeable. Haunting activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same area. While poltergeists activities seem to disappear for a time period and come back. Examples of both poltergeists and hauntings can be found in the history of the Borley Rectory a nd the Tower of London, two very old English building with traumatic and dramatic supernatural histories. The Tower of London is known world-wide for its bloody history and the royalty that have walked through the halls of the building. Although you might imagine the tower to be big it is merely the size of a four story house. It is where the crown jewels are kept, including the Star of Africa, which is the largest diamond in the world. The Tower has a long and gruesome history. More than a dozen people were executed and it is said to be one of the â€Å"most haunted places in England†. The tower is overflowing with paranormal activity, especially ghosts. The most famous ghost is Anne Boleyn. She was the â€Å"most celebrated of the wives of Henry VIII†She was beheaded in 1536 on the Tower Green. Her ghost is usually seen both on the Green and in the Chapel Royal which is located in the White Tower. It is there in the chapel where one of the sightings of her spirits w...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Main Aim of a Research Paper
The Main Aim of a Research Paper The Main Aim of a Research Paper A research paper is one of the most commonly assigned tasks at both high school and college. That is why every student knows how challenging such a task may be and often claim that it only adds inconvenience and stress. However, a research paper, if completed properly, is a great way to understand the subject and give a tutor a chance to evaluate a variety of skills. A real goal of completing a research paper It is as simple, as A-B-C: you won’t be able to finish post-secondary grade until you will be ready to complete such assignments. Research papers give your professors a chance to evaluate not only your knowledge of the subject but also your abilities to find relevant sources and data, process it and use the material in a clear and understandable manner. In addition, you will be able to show your tutors how well you are able to shape your personal opinion on a subject and back it with relevant information. The main difference between a research paper and a creative writing is that you should always put logic first. No need to make up anything: just use facts and arguments to cover the topic. It is probably the most valuable and important advice you will ever get on an academic assignment. How to complete As any academic task, a research paper has some rules and guidelines, which you need to follow. While such rules may not be too strict or obvious, there is always one thing you need to remember: always follow the structure. A proper structure of your work gives the reader a chance to understand the subject and make up personal opinion on the matter. Another important lesson you will learn from a research paper is that you should always base it on other works and studies. Being able to process various sources and make up your own vision on the subject is one of the most valuable lessons any student can learn from an academic writing. What will you learn If you think that completing a research paper is causing you stress and you don’t feel like finishing it, you need to consider all of the benefits. Such task gives you a valuable experience of working with various sources, analyzing information and improving knowledge on the subject. That is why benefits of a research paper include: Learning various information. You will always know more! Obtaining logical skills. Constant analyzing will definitely help in future; Argumentation skills that are useful even in daily lives; Gaining confidence to support your point of view. All these skills will bring you an ultimately new experience and you will not only be able to complete a great research paper but will also improve the quality of your life.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Human Resource Management Relations and Rewards Essay
Human Resource Management Relations and Rewards - Essay Example â€Å"Grievances are best dealt with at an early stage, informally, with the immediate line manager. However, organizations should have formal procedures in place to handle cases left unresolved. Having formal grievance procedures in place allows employers to give reasonable consideration to any issues which can't be resolved informally and to deal with them fairly and consistently†. The problems are solved in the grievance hearing meeting. The line manager will hear the complaint of the employee first and then it is taken a open discussion by the group about the issues. Disciplinary cases include poor performance or misconduct by the employee during his work .If an employee’s performance does not meet the set standards, the employer has to improve the performance through informal discussion with the employee. But if the employee continues his poor performance, the employer has to take disciplinary actions against him. Basic useful direction is given in the Acas Code of Practice on Grievance and Discipline issues. It provides a detailed guidance and advice for the employers and employees which will be useful to them in their current and future career. This code is adopted to help the employer and employee to handle the disciplinary and grievance issues in the working environment. â€Å"If the employer decides to a take disciplinary action or dismiss the employee, they should follow the procedures which are laid out in the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures†.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership and Entreprenuership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leadership and Entreprenuership - Essay Example d as â€Å"a multidimensional concept encompassing the firm’s actions relating to product-market and technological innovation, risk taking and proactiveness†(Kellermans & Eddleston, 2006). Thus an entrepreneur is a person who is prepared for new challenges, face adversities, take risk and achieve profits by identifying opportunities and utilizing the resources available. Leadership has been defined as â€Å"natural and learned ability, skill and personal characteristics to conduct interpersonal relations, which influence people to take desired actions (Eric, n.d.). Thus effective leadership requires accomplishment and influencing. Leadership requires trust and commitment of others, which they can achieve through their own behavior and integrity. Leaders create and deal with change; leadership requires vision, direction, strategies, motivation and inspiring. While both entrepreneurship and leadership have certain traits in common, not all of the leadership traits are n ecessary in an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship to a large extent relies on leadership. Jong and Hartog (2003) have reviewed various definitions of leadership and conclude that three main elements: ‘group’, ‘influence’ and ‘goal’ make a leader. These three elements are related to an entrepreneur who can influence his co-workers with the intermediate goal of enhancing their innovative behavior in order to improve the number and quality of innovations and eventually firm performance. Entrepreneurial attitude can be measured in terms of achievement, innovation, personal control, self esteem, and opportunity recognition (Lindsay, 2005). Lindsay further clarifies that innovation includes recognizing and acting upon business activities in new and unique ways. Achievement can be associated with business start-up and growth results, while self-esteem includes self-confidence. Personal control involves individual perceptions of control and influence over business affairs. Creativity is one of key
Saturday, November 16, 2019
IS spring Essay Example for Free
IS spring Essay Economy should serve the individuals by maximizing its wealth and power C. economy should serve the Rich by maximizing its wealth and power D. None of the above 3. Which one of the following was promoted under mercantilism? A. A nation should build strong army and conquer other nations. B. Grant legal monopolies to businesses that produce goods for export C. Establish colonies for raw D. All of the above 4. Which school of thought promoted freedom of press, rule of law, and a free market? A. Marxism B. Classical Mercantilism C. Classical Liberalism 5. Which one of the following theorists was against any protections for landlords and aid, Landlords gain is industrialists loss? A. Adam Smith B. David Ricardo C. Karl Marx D. Herbert Spencer 6. Which system tends to believe in trickle down economy? A. Socialism B. Communism C. Capitalism 7. What was David Ricardos point of view on foreign trade? A. Foreign trade is not good for economy B. Foreign trade is not good for economy, therefore government should ban it C. Foreign trade is good for economy because it lowers the wages of local labor leading to more profit for the industrialists D. Balance between imports and exports is good for economy 8. In our discussion on Marxism, we presented a number of evolutionary stages of society. Which stage was pointed out in our lectures as Natural Socialism? A. Hunting and gathering societies B. Agrarian societies C. Ancient societies Feudal societies D. Who was the rural Proletariat during Feudalism? 9. A. Factory worker B. Feudal lord C. Farmer 10. In old days, shoemakers used to make shoes using simple tools. They sold it and made some profit for themselves. What type of capitalism was it? Cooperative capitalism A. Manufacturing capitalism B. Modern capitalism None of the above In a socialist society, who owns the means of production? 1. A. State B. Individuals C. Communities D. Bourgeoisie 12. Karl Marx lists a number of things under forces of production. Which one of the following is one of them? A. Labor C. Money, machines, and infrastructure 13. The story It was Grandfathers Birthday was used in our class to illustrate? A. Poverty B. Inequality C. Class conflict D. Alienation 14. According to Karl Marx, what is a class conflict? A. Conflict between two countries B. Conflict between two religious groups C. Conflict between Bourgeoisies and Proletariats 15. According to Marxists, which one of the following nations has a real socialism? A. China B. cuba C. North Korea 16. According to Karl Marx, what is the main reason of growth in Capital in a Capitalist society? A. Modern technology B. Optimum use of workers C. Exploitation of workers Modernization Theory 17. Which one of the following societies is relatively an undifferentiated society? A. France B. Chad C. Germany D. Norway Modernization theorys point of view on why Somalia is poor? A. Poverty of Somalia is a product of internal factors B. Poverty of Somalia is a product of external factors C. Poverty of nations is a product of both internal and external factors D. All of the Native Indians lived in a traditional society. According to Lews Model of 19. Modernization, which one of the following would be one of the characteristics of this society? A. Fewer specializations B. Universalism C. High use of money and market D. Complex bureaucracy 20. Social scientists have criticized modernization theory for a number of reasons. Why did they believe that Modernization theory is based on ethnocentrism? A. Western European definition of development was used for modernization B. Christian definition of development was used for modernization C. It completely ignored the role of colonialism in the development of Europe D. None of the above 21. Amish live very traditional life in the USA. You have been asked by the US government to prepare a plan to modernize them. Which one of the following should be the main focus of your plan? A. Make laws to force Amish to change B. Make laws to force Amish children to go to public schools C. Try to change the values, traditions, and culture of Amish D. All of the above 22. According to Modernization Generally speaking, how does it influence migration? A. Industrialization leads to a decline in migration B. Industrialization leads to an increase in migration C. Industrialization does not have any impact on migration D. It varies from country to country 23. Japan, USA, Norway, South Korea, and Netherlands went through the same process of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization. Why are these countries so different from one another? Because of cultural differences Because of religious differences Because of environmental differences All of the above World Systems Perspective 24. Which one of the following theorists said that foundations of dependency were laid down during 19th century Europe? A. Karl Marx B. A. G. Frank C. Adam Smith D. Moore 25. Which one of the following nations is Capital intensive? B. China C. India D. Bangladesh 26. Rwanda is a poor nation. Which one of the following reasons of under- development of Rwanda refers to Chase-Dunn? A. Colonialism B. Wars imposed by core nations C. Local environmental and social reason 27. According to Robert Cox, global financial organizations give out loans to poor countries. What is the real goal of these financial policies? B. Help the elites of those countries C. Help their own nations 28. Which one of the following characteristics refers to periphery nations? A. Urban B. Politically powerful C. Poor economy D. Stable governments 29. You watched a video on Wallenstein. What did he say about the future of Capitalism? A. Greed to accumulate wealth will help Capitalism to survive B. Capitalism will collapse as it is C. Capitalism will be replaced by religious fundamentalism 30. Which one of the following statements on Global economic and political interdependence refers to Chase Dunn? A. It helps poor nations through diffusion of technology B. It helps rich nations because they are able to sell their technologies to poor nations C. It helps both rich and poor countries Assignment 1 Generally speaking, in which continent life expectancy tends to be very high? 31. Africa Europe Latin America D. Asia 32. Which nations tend to have very high infant mortality rates?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Adventures at a Jamily Gathering :: Personal Narrative Writing
Adventures at a Jamily Gathering â€Å"This is a little ridiculous,†my brother sneers, shivering. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon, 30 degrees and dropping; we’re about 40 people from the entrance gate, and the concert doesn’t start until 7:30 pm. At this point, I’d have to agree with him. This concert is the last to be held this year at the Alpine Valley Amphitheater, and rightfully soâ€â€by the time Pearl Jam takes the stage, the temperature’s dropped to 15 degrees, and the band walk out doused heavily with stocking caps and scarves, and Eddie Vedder, the band’s frontman, welcomes the audience to â€Å"The Ice Bowl.†The crowd erupts in a roar that is part â€Å"Damn straight!†and part, â€Å"Yeah, and your asses have been sitting cozy in the tour bus all afternoon!†Wait, maybe that last part was just me†¦ This is my third time seeing Pearl Jam in concert since I discovered the band in 1994, and though I am still dedicated enough to endure the cold in order to ensure a decent spot on the general admission hill, my enthusiasm for the band and its music has waned a bit since my first show. As I wander up and down the line of fans waiting somewhat patiently to be admitted into the amphitheater, I see myself circa 1995 in several of the people I meet: their fierce protectiveness of the band, suspicion of half-assed fans, and the competitive nature of their devotion aren’t foreign to me. The Jamily is strictly members only, and the fans that comprise Pearl Jam family will let you know quickly if you’re in or out. Thanks to my obsessive-pursuit-of-Pearl-Jam-related-information phase, I was able to get most of the hardcore fans to trust my credentials enough to talk to me about their fandomâ€â€but it wasn’t always easy. Some of the fans’ interrogation of me was much more thorough than mine of them. I was assaulted with a variety of questions covering everything from the distance I’d traveled to see a Pearl Jam concert, how many shows I’d been to, the duration of my fanhood, and obscure facts I was able to recognize about the band. Usually, I passed these credibility tests with flying colors; I think I may have even made a few people nervous. This resulted in the initiation of phase two in which the fan asserts the superiority of his/her fandom over that of any other living being.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mba/ (Finance and Marketing)Fresher
Vivek Ramachandran 10, Lakshmi Nivas, Mullai Street, K K Nagar, Chennai 600 063 Cell #: (91) 9566009700 Email: [email protected] com Career Objective To work in an Organization, where I can effectively blend my skills as a Management Professional coupled with my Mechanical Engineering Graduation, which will help me explore myself fully and realize my potential, with a zeal to work as a key player in a challenging & creative environment. Qualification ? MBA (OPERATIONS / ERP) –FINAL YEAR ? B. TECH (MECHANICAL) ENGINEER Academic qualification | |Year of |% | |Qualification |Institution |Study | | |MBA |SRM University, |2010-2012 |89%(up to 1st yr) | | |Chennai | | | |B. Tech |SRM University, Chennai | |79. 6% | |Mechanical Engineering | | | | | | |2006-2010 | | |HSC |Sri Sankara Vidyalaya, Chennai |2006 |66% | |SSLC |Sri Sankara Vidyalaya, Chennai |2004 |71% | Mini-Project (MBA) Title: â€Å"A Study of Manufacturing Operations involved in Hi-Tech Fabrication Facilityâ₠¬ Company: Team co. Hi-tech Engineering ltd. Period: 2 months Title: â€Å"Crude oil-â€Å"Crude impact on Indian Economy†Under the Guidance of Dr. Samprasatha Joe Project (B. Tech) Title: â€Å"Optimization of Surface Characteristics using RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY for Ball and Roller Burnishing Process†Description: †¢ Ball and roller burnishing tool are used in CNC machining centre to super finish the milling process. †¢ The tool and work piece material are tungsten carbide and tool steel (T215CR12) respectively. †¢ The input parameters are feed, force, step-over, ball diameter, roller width, no of passes and speed. The output parameters are surface roughness and micro Vickers hardness. †¢ The characteristic of burnishing process is analyzed using ANOVA analysis. †¢ The output parameters are modeled and optimized using response surface methodology. †¢ Surface plots and Contour plots are plotted for the output parameters. †¢ SEM p hotographs are taken for milled and burnished surface. Training Summary (B. Tech) Company name: Ashokleyland, Chennai Duration : 2-weeks Areas covered : Engine Assembly, Chassis Assembly Company name: Diamond Engineering Ltd. , Vandalur Duration : 2-weeks Areas covered : Steel Fabrications, Dispatch Department Software’s known †¢ Implementation in SAP ERP (Materials Management) module. †¢ Operation knowledge of MS Excell, MS Access, MS Word, MS Power point. †¢ Basics in SPSS software. †¢ Operating Systems        : Windows 7/XP. Strength †¢ Highly Determined, self motivated & committed towards work. †¢ Willingness to learn. †¢ Eager to take up challenging opportunities in life. Extra-curricular activities †¢ Organizer for COMMUNE 2011,a national level event. †¢ Secured 1st place in DUMB-C at SAMS †¢ Secured 1st place inX-FACTOR in Millan 2010, a national level event. Participated in Aurush 2009, a national level event †¢ Certificate course in YOGA at SRM UNIVERSITY . Personal profile Name : R. VIVEK Sex/Status: Male/Single Nationality: Indian Language Known: English, Tamil Hobbies/Interests: Playing cricket, listening to music. DOB : 05th Dec 1988 Job Location : Anywhere in India Declaration I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars. Place: chennai                                                                                 (R. VIVEK)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Food Adultration Essay
The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form; prohibited substances are either added or partly or wholly substituted. Normally the contamination/adulteration in food is done either for financial gain or due to carelessness and lack in proper hygienic condition of processing, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and their effect on health. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ THEORY The increasing number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration are very difficult. The consciousness of consumers would be crucial. Ignorance and unfair market behavior may endanger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening, tests for their detection. In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems. Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases like cancer, diarrhea, asthma, ulcers, etc. Majority of fats, oils and butter are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chilli powder is mixed with brick powder and pepper is mixed with dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily identified by simple chemical tests. Several agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK – acronym for agricultural marketing .This organization certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Real Reason Behind the Recent School Shootings essays
The Real Reason Behind the Recent School Shootings essays Family environment and the press are two major influences resulting in the recent tragic school shootings. As much as society continues to focus the killing rampages on factors such as television and music, what children are exposed to in reality contributes to the violence. The most recent school shooting in Michigan involved a six-year-old first grader who killed a classmate with a .22 caliber pistol. The news coverage had vanished after two or three days, and I was left wondering what had happened. Considering the fact that the media wore the Columbine incident out, I wanted to know why they did not pay more attention to this school shooting. As evidence did arrive, it was discovered that the child lived in a household where cocaine, heroin, and many other illegal drugs were commonplace. Also in this home guns were easily accessible to the child. Children growing up in this type of environment certainly are likely to be held accountable for future violence. Even though I am against the news media presenting too much school violence, Americans should have been deeply disturbed by this shooting because of the childs young age. The Michigan shooting should have enlightened Americans to the dilemma we face in this country. Two weeks after the Columbine High School shooting, information on the mass murder was still being broadcast on television. The press was feeding young viewers ideas on how to kill their classmates. News was reported how the teenage murderers acquired information regarding building bombs, obtaining guns, smuggling guns into the school, and proceeding to kill their classmates. A mentally unstable teenager could simply watch these news reports and write a book entitled, How to Slay Your Classmates. This onslaught was ridiculous and the news coverage should not have been permitted to continue for countless weeks. Society has determined three reasons on which to blame ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
All what you need to know about Down syndrome
All what you need to know about Down syndrome Down syndrome (also known as trisomy 21) is a genetic disorder in which a person is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome. This disorder causes the patient to go through physical development delays, mental disabilities and a variety of distinguishable facial features. The possibility of being affected by down syndrome occurs by chance, the parents of the infected persons are genetically normal. This disability is permanent, and it usually shortens life expectancy. Although the disease has no known cure, people infected with down syndrome can still live very healthy and fulfilling lives. Medical advances have created support for people and their families that have been affected by down syndrome, providing opportunities to help prevail over the challenges of this disorder. In a normal cell, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, making it a total of 46. 23 of the chromosomes come from the mother’s egg and the other 23 comes from the father’s sperm. The XY chromosome includes the Y chromosome found in the sperm and the X chromosome found in the egg. In Down syndrome, there are three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two, this is called a chromosomal abnormality. The additional chromosome is either as a whole (trisomy 21) or parts of it (translocations). The effects of Down syndrome are different from person to person depending on how long the extra copy, the infected genetic background, and random possibilities. Down syndrome can affect all humans and similar effects have been found in other species (e.g chimpanzees and mice). Scientists have created transgenic mice with the human chromosome 21 and their own chromosomes. There are three chromosomal patterns that result in Down syndrome: trisomy 21, translocation and mosaicism. Trisomy 21 also known as nondisjunction is when a baby has 21 chromosomes instead of two. When a pair of 21 chromosomes fails to separate properly either in the egg or sperm. The extra chromosomes go on to be replicated into the cell in everybody. 95% of people with Down syndrome have trisomy 21. Translocation occurs in only 3% to 4% of all cases. In translocation, a part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division then attaches itself to another chromosome. The extra piece of the 21st chromosome causes the characteristics of down syndrome, translocation and may show that the infected person’s parents are carrying chromosomal material that is arranged in an unusual manner, genetic counselling can be sought to ascertain more information when these circumstances occur. Mosaicism is when disjunction of chromosome 21 takes place in one of the cell divisions after fertilization. After this happens there is a mixture of two types of cells, some contain 46 chromosomes and others 47. The cell that contains 47 chromosomes has an extra 21st chromosome. This type of Down syndrome only occurs in 1% to 2% of all cases of Down syndrome. There is a slight difference between trisomy 21 and Down syndrome. Nondisjunction is when the homologous chromosomes don’t separate properly during cell division. There are three types of nondisjunction, when the sister chromatids don’t separate during mitosis, when the sister chromatids don’t separate during meiosis II and when the homologous chromosomes don’t separate during meiosis I. Nondisjunction causes the daughter cells to have abnormal chromosome numbers. While trisomy 21 is when there is an extra copy of the chromosome. The average age that people with down syndrome live is increasing from 10 years in 2010 to 60 years now. However, their survivorship is determined by some heart problems by some factors; about 12% die in their first year, 60% of those with cognitive heart problems live to 10 years old and 50% live to 30 years old. 85% of those with no heart problems live to 10 years old and 80% live to 30 years old. Only 10% lives to 70 years of age. Down syndrome cannot be cured. During pregnancy, if the pregnant woman goes through prenatal scanning and the baby is found to have down syndrome 95% of those pregnancies are terminated. 20% to 50% of individuals with Down syndrome have problems of the thyroid gland, low thyroid is the most common form, occurring in half of all infected persons. These problems can be due to a poorly or totally non-functioning thyroid at birth also known as congenital hypothyroidism which happens very rarely or develops later due to an attack on the thyroid by the immune system. The rate of heart diseases in newborns with down syndrome is around 40 %, out of all the diseases only about 80%have a ventricular septal defect or atrioventricular septal defect (this one is more common). The mitral valve problems become common as people grow even in the people without heart problems at birth. People with Down syndrome have a lower risk of their arteries being hardened. Other problems that may include the art eries are tetralogy of Fallot and patent ductus arteriosus. The risk of having cancer in infected persons is not changed but the risk of leukaemia and testicular cancer is increased and risk of solid cancers is reduced. Solid cancers are less common because of the increased expression of tumour suppressor genes that are in the chromosome 21. Cancers of the blood are 10 times more common in children than with down syndrome. Specifically, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is about 20 times more common and the megakaryoblastic form of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is 500 times more popular. Transient myeloproliferative disease is a disorder of blood cell production that does not happen outside of Down syndrome, it affects about 7% of newly born babies. The disorder is not serious but can be sometimes can be deadly. Most times it is resolved without treatment but, those that have it are at risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The hypothalamic dysfunction is the primary cause of GH deficiency and growth retardation, although there has been minor research on how down syndrome affects our systems (excretory, nervous) there hasn’t been any major research with trustworthy results. People with Down’s syndrome usually tend to develop hypothyroidism but sometimes they can have hyperthyroidism although this is much less common. Hypothyroidism is hardly ever present at birth and it is more likely for people with down syndrome to develop it as they get older. This usually happens because of autoimmunity meaning when the body’s defence system attacks itself it is sometimes called hashimoto’s hypothyroidism (although there can be other causes). Trisomy pregnancies occur when the embryo has three copies of a chromosome rather than the normal two. The most common trisomy is Down’s syndrome or trisomy 21.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers - Assignment Example Sri Lanka is basically a pear shaped island situated in the Indian Ocean between 5-54'N and 9-52'N latitudes, and longitudes of 79-39'E and 81-53'E. The island was originally a part of India that got separated with time by a channel and now is only 35 kilometers of wide at its narrowest. The entire region of Sri Lanka is famous for its cultivation, monsoonal climate, green lavish tea producing farms, elephant breeding, and biological parks. Sri Lanka has always been very famous also because of the highest literacy rate of its population that was supposed to be above 90% in 1990s according to its census. Apart from all these delicacies, natural inheritance, and scenic beauties; there is a dark side of the island as well, which is known as the Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers. The following information will reveal more details about the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka with necessary details and descriptions. The Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers can also be referred to as Liberation of Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tiger Movement, Air Tigers, Eellalan or Ellalan Force, Sangilian Force, Black Tigers, Sea Tigers, Tiger Organization Security Intelligence Service (TOSIS), or Women's Combat Force of Liberation Tigers (WCFLT). This league or liberation party is a militant organization originally based in northern Sri Lanka and was founded in the year 1976. The main purpose and objective of this organization is to actively fight violently secessionist campaign in order to seek independence for Tamils in the shape of a Tamil state in the north and east side of Sri Lanka. This is one of the longest running and unsolved violent conflicts in Asia that has not solved till date and has get into the Sri Lankan civil war as well. At present, the Tamil Tigers are identified as a terrorist group or organization by almost 32 independent countries who regard them as terrorist. This is because of the fact that Tamil Tigers are involved in the well-organized militia cadre, and are dishonorable of carried out violence against civilians and normal people, including elimination and murder of many Sri Lankan and Indian politicians and high-ranking officials. They train adults and children simultaneously and help them to become Tamil Tigers and fight against the government to seek independence by utilizing violence, gunshots, fires, bombings, and suicide bombing as well. They even made use of modern
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