Thursday, October 31, 2019
Health care model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health care model - Essay Example Health care industries are now moving around a four letter word that is cost, government, insurance firms, and patients. Therefore there are numerous things to manage efficiently hospital industry. With lives in their hands, health care organizations need to function very precisely with executing high quality services and at the same time cutting unnecessary costs. Therefore it needs a proper structure which will have a very specific, narrow, and low authority role in place. Health care industry is customer industry, thus it need to done some effort to ensure customer expectations by a customer centric customized service approach. In every department there should be different vice presidents who will work under a common president or manager. Medical workers and doctors need to have coordination among them and act as a team. Usually in every industry front line workers are the one who generates unprecedented value by their service but in return receives very little remunerations which affect their behavior at work. We need to solve this discrepancy for providing better service. To change the health care system clinicians, doctors, nurses all of them need to aware about new protocols and technologies to deliver modern care to the patient. Although it’s a long term plan, therefore to make it more religious good governance and well articulated management structure is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
JFK assassination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
JFK assassination - Research Paper Example The sheer emotion and rawness of the coverage appealed to people’s senses that brought the people closer to the news. It was also by no means dismissible that at the heart of the breaking news were America’s affable and media-savvy president and the grief-stricken first family devastated by a tragedy. Overnight, the mostly newspaper-reading and radio-listening nation has turned their attention to their television sets to get a blow-by-blow update of the latest news. Merriman Smith, a United Press International (UPI) newsman, was riding in the presidential press pool car just behind JFK’s limousine on that fateful day in Dallas when they heard three loud shots. The second and third sound made it unmistakable that they came from gunshots. Smith immediately grabbed hold of the car’s radio phone and contacted the UPI headquarters to deliver the news update. Cronkite, inside the CBS studio in New York, was just informed of the president’s assassination coming across through the UPI teletype machine. As Cronkite’s news team breaks the station’s regular programming to deliver the assassination news unsure of the president’s condition, Smith was in Parkland Hospital with more breaking story. Smith informs UPI that President Kennedy has died at 1:00pm. Breaking the soap opera slot, Cronkite emotionally delivers the news.2 Smith rushed to the office and fed the whole world with the news through the five bells that rang on the recipient UPI machine to indicate the urgency and weight of the message. Walter Cronkite was a close confidant of Smith’s. He knew exactly what Smith meant by the message fed to the world in such a short span of time. Cronkite took to the television immediately, putting a break to the ongoing programs. He had to go on audio, as the available camera was slow at loading images. Cronkite became the most trusted person in America at that time.3 From the time of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Identifying Hazards In The Workplace Construction Essay
Identifying Hazards In The Workplace Construction Essay Historically, health and safety laws in the United Kingdom (UK), for example, The Factories Act 1961, and The Offices, Shops and Railways Premises Act 1963, were applied to definite operations, and were planned prescriptively to correct acknowledged wrongs. (Ridley and Channing, 2008: 42)  Health and safety legislation usually developed a section at a time, and each section covered an exacting class of person and was not of a reliable manner.  (Ridley and Channing, 2008: 42) Legislation only useful to those workers who were on site, thus if the job required working away from their designated area, as a contractor, there was no legislation in place to cover these employees. Separate legislation with variations and methods of enforcement would apply to a factory, an office, a mine, or a quarry. There was certainly a need for change within the legislation in order to offer safety to employees. In May 1970, Labour Secretary of State for Employment and efficiency, Barbara Castle, appointed a Committee of Inquiry to undertake a wide-ranging review of health and safety within the UK. Lord Robens chaired the committee and its remit was to examine critically the provision made for the health and safety of persons in the course of their employment, furthermore to consider whether changes were needed and, if so, of what type. Three main factors prompted this enquiry: There had not been a comprehensive review of health and safety as a whole. (Hutter, 2004: 21) There were disturbing levels of accident and disease at work, which were felt to be in need of scrutiny. (Hutter, 2004: 21) The traditional regulatory approach that is, an approach based on an extensive system of detailed statutory provisions administered and enforced by government departments and local authorities, was considered to be in need of examination. (Hutter, 2004: 22) The main criticism levelled by the committee was that administrative jurisdictions were fragmented; there were too many incongruent agencies responsible to government departments, enforcing excessive legislation. It was proposed that a more integrated system needed to be created to increase the effectiveness of the states contribution to safety and health at work. Moreover, it was argued that [r]eform should be aimed at creating the conditions for more effective self regulation by employers and employees jointly (Hutter, 2004: 22). The intentions being to make those involved understand that health and safety matters are their own concerns and not just the remit of external agencies. In essence, Health and Safety was moving forward from a regulatory process to a self-regulating process. The recommendations of the Robens Committee subsequently led to the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) 1974, which is the principal enabling legislation for the UK; it imposes duties on employers, employees, and manufactures. Training is specifically mentioned within section 2 (2) HASWA 1974 and states that In addition to other requirements it is the employers duty to ensure the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees. (Tolleys, 2009: 1467)  This does not place a duty on an employer to provide training, however, it recognises that having carried out generic and specific risk assessments of the working area; an employer may well believe that training would be an effective measure of control of skills, knowledge, and competency. capability is not specially recognized within HASWA 1974 with exemption to an suggestion in section 19 (1) which refers to the appointment of inspectors of health and safety. This relates to such person having appropriate qualifications as it thinks necessary for carrying into effect the relevant statutory necessities within its field of responsibility (Tolleys, 2009: 1466). Introduction In this assignment researcher have explained health and safety acts and also have explained the safe working environment in the work place. Researcher have explained the electrical hazards, fire hazards, emergency evacuation plan, working smoking policy, hygiene facilities, first aid and manual handling Electrical hazards  Electricity is a very useful source of energy but it is very dangerous. Circuit Overload Protection Overloading electrical circuits are very risky and should not be legal at any time. All systems shall be installed as designed by the manufacturer and in order with the National Electrical Code and restrained electrical codes. Each electrical circuit breaker or fuse should be clearly evident with the name of the electrical application served by that circuit. Breaker or fuse categorization allows for interval of the electrical current to the circuit in the event of a disaster due to electrical shock or defective appliances, and assists in classification of circuit overloading. Breaker boxes should be accessible at all times. Use of Extension Cords Conservatory cords used with moveable tools should be of the three-wire type with three spike plugs, excluding when using double insulated tools. Plugs should be nonconductive. The user should make sure that the wire sizes of addition cords are competent of treatment the load without heating and this should be checked upon before starting the job. Numerous plug-on attachments on addition cords shall not be used. Make sure that all addition cords are useful and free of uncovered wiring and spillages, unravelled area. Extension cords must only be used for temporary purposes, not for permanent installation. Where there is a undying need for an electrical vent, one should be installed. While in use, the addition cord must not be located in such a manner as to present a nimble hazard or under rugs, carpets or chair mats. Addition cords must not be placed where they may be injured by foot or traffic. Addition cords must not be run through holes in walls or ceilings or t hrough doorways or windows. Electrical Grounding All electrically operated appliances shall be powerfully stranded. Electrically operated appliances may be stranded in the subsequent ways:         By an accepted grounding type accessory plug, provided the ground wire is attached to the metal inclusion of the electrical conductors and to the plug associated to the tools cord. The ground wire must be attached at all times while the tools are associated to the power supply.           By means of training instrumentalist run with the power conductors in the stretchy cord linked to the piece of equipment. The ground association must always make contact with the electrical vent ground while the piece of equipment is linked to the power supply conductors. Fire hazards Fire safety becomes everyones job at a worksite. Employers should educate workers about fire hazards in the workplace and about what to do in a fire crisis. This plan should sketch the coursework of key items in the event of a fire and supply an evacuation plan for workers on the site and wee to locate in a safe a secure place away from the building. In the assembly industry, a fire plan should be set up at the beforehand to start any destruction job. Building Fire Exits Every workplace building must have at least two means of flee distant from each other to be used in a fire emergency. Fire doors must not be blocked or locked to stop emergency use when employees are within the buildings. Postponed opening of fire doors is legal when an agreed alarm system is incorporated into the fire door design. Exit routes from buildings must be clear and free of obstructions and appropriately marked with signs designating exits from the building. Portable Fire Extinguishers Each workplace building must have a full balance of the proper type of fire extinguisher for the fire hazards present. Employees expected or predictable to use fire extinguishers must be instructed on the hazards of fighting fire, how to appropriately manage the fire extinguishers available, and what actions to follow in alerting others to the fire emergency. Only permitted fire extinguishers are allowed to be used in workplaces, and they must be kept in good functional situation. Appropriate protection and assessment of this equipment is compulsory of each employer. Where the employer wishes to abandon employees instead of having them fight small fires there must be written emergency plans and employee training for appropriate migration. Emergency Evacuation Planning Each employer needs to have a written emergency action plan for evacuation of employees which describes the routes to use and procedures to be followed by employees. Also procedures for accounting for all evacuated employees must be part of the plan. The written plan must be available for employee review. Where needed, special actions for helping actually impaired employees must be addressed in the plan; also, the plan must include events for those employees who must remain behind for the time being to shut down crucial plant equipment before they evacuate. Fire Prevention Plan Employers need to execute a written fire avoidance plan to complement the fire evacuation plan to minimize the frequency of evacuation. Stopping unnecessary fires from happening is the most resourceful way to grip them. The written plan shall be available for employee review. Workplace smoking policy An employer in discussion with the employees lays down rules and actions that govern some or all of the following: Functioning ethics that guide the smoking policy such as the rights of non-smokers and obedience with any legislation that relates to smoking in the work place. The places and times that smoking is allowed, if it is allowed at all. The aim should be to certify the abolition or minimisation of smoke disclosure to employees where they work. Employees should also have the option of smoke free rest areas, and it is up to the employer to decide on condition for smokers, such as smoking rooms. The schedule for visitors or members of the public that enter a workplace. Contractual obligations or conditions such as time allowed for smoking breaks, consequences of collapse to abide by with the policy. Support for smokers that wish to quit such as smoking termination services. Technical improvements such as improved ventilation where smoking is approved. The approach to be adopted for employees with higher health risk such as people with asthma or pregnant women. Working practices, such as roistering, that reduces employees exposure to smoke. Details of how the smoking policy may change over time it could become more uncertain after an early adjustment period. Procedures for reviewing the policy, ensuring obedience and resolving disputes. Hygiene facilities  Providing hygienic washroom facilities in the workplace are not only enviable, its a legal requirement for all UK commercial grounds. ABC Hygiene is an experienced hygiene services company that understands your business legal desires in this area as well as the need to current a concerned and specialized image to both staff and consumers. The Company provides all the tools and services your business needs to sustain clean and fresh washroom facilities; ensuring that you can prudently manage everything from sanitary waste, soap dispensers, air fresheners, hand-drying and sanitising, right through to vending machines. This breadth of service is superior by the companys genuine promise to deliver a high-quality, trustworthy service, duly provided through its team of friendly, yet specialized persons. First aid People at work can go through injury or sudden illness. It is most important that employers have made schedule to ensure their employees receive abrupt concentration if they are injured or taken ill at work. This site provides information on all aspects of first aid at work and will be of interest to employers, employees, first aiders and training organizations transversely all industry sectors. The Health and Safety First-Aid Regulations 1981 require employers to provide tools, services and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These Regulations concern to all workplaces including those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed. Detailed information can be found in the Approved Code of training and Guidance:  The Health and Safety First-Aid Regulations 1981 L74. What will be depended on the conditions in the workplace, this includes whether skilled first aiders are needed, what should be integrated in a first aid box and if a first aid room is needed. Employers should carry out an judgment of first aid needs to conclude this. The Regulations do not place a legal responsibility on employers to make first aid stipulation for non-employees such as the public or children in schools. However, HSE strongly recommends that non-employees are integrated in a first aid needs evaluation and that condition is made for them. Risk assessment consists of a detailed risk assessment on a wet/dry heat area within a spa. It will incorporate what a risk assessment is and what it is for, also a risk assessment procedure and the possible dangers that could occur in the work place if the health and safety rules are not followed. A essential knowledge of health and safety is required before a risk assessment can be completed. The Health and safety at work act is a set of rules which are set to care for the employees, employers, clients and the business itself from any accidents or illness. The health and safety act rules are there for both employees and employers to abide by to make sure the safety of anyone i.e. clients, delivery people, that may have anything to do with the workplace. A risk assessment is a major part of health and safety for any business as this will help stop accidents and serious harm to all worried. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people within the work place. It is used to prioritise any possible dangers, to assess how dangerous they are and how to stop them. Huges P (2007) pg 67 states risk assessment methods are used to make a decision on priorities and to set objectives for eliminating hazards and falling risk. (2008) states that you are not expected to reduce all risk, but you are compulsory to defend people as far as sensibly practical. To perform a enough risk assessment there are five steps to make sure a thorough test has been done. The first being to be familiar with serious hazards from the minor ones and then once these have been recognized, the second step would be to make a decision on who these may influence this will include anyone who has anything to do with the business. The third element of a risk assessment is to appraise the level of the risks that have been found. A qualitative appraisal can be done in most cases which would enable the evaluator to grade them as medium, high or low depending on the potential danger it could cause. The fourth step would be to record your findings and then start to put into place methods of avoidance. Lastly the risk assessment should be reviewed on a regular basis. Overall the risk assessment should consi st of identifying the hazards, establishing who they may influence, assess the risks; record the result and the make sure that regular checks are kept and recorded up to date. Keeping a record will help to observe the health and safety within a business.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Developing an Appropriate Response to Child Abuse Essay -- Child Abuse
Child abuse is one of the fastest growing social problems in the United States. A social problem is, â€Å"a condition that a significant number of people believe to be a problem. A condition in which there is a sizable difference between the ideals of a society and its actual achievements†(Coleman et al. 2006:2). However, society has changed the way it views the issue, and is working towards finding a solution to this awful problem. Child abuse encompasses four main areas: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Child abuse is considered a sociological phenomenon because it is a learned behavior. Learning the social patterns as to why people abuse will give a better understanding to its reasons, and also the development of society in the way that it views children. 3.6 million children were victims of abuse in the year 2006. Sixty four percent were victims of neglect, sixteen percent suffered from physical abuse, and eight percent were sexually ab used. Also in 2006, 1,530 children died as a result of abuse; an average of four children everyday (Child Welfare Information Gateway 2008). A study was done by David G. Gil, author of Violence Against Children: Physical Child Abuse in the United States and Journal of Marriage and Family, conducted a study about the types of child that was abused. His findings indicated that children of all ages are abused. He also found that abused children are more likely to come from single-parent homes or from large families. Income, occupation, and education are all factors that indicate the higher rates of abuse. Most children in his sample were abused by their mothers, and fewer than half the abused children in his sample were living with their biological father... ...lcohol abuse problems, children are often the most vulnerable. Briere (1992) talks about society’s responsibility to take care of its future, and using the feminist, functionalist, and conflict theory perspectives, it is our responsibility to change the way in which children are taken care of. The treatment of childhood maltreatment effects is still in its infancy, however. It is likely that the next decade will bring with it a burgeoning of treatment techniques and approaches relevant to child abuse. As this field develops, so too grows the opportunity for clinicians to provide increasingly more effective services to abuse survivors. To the extent that child abuse trauma underlies a significant proportion of modern mental health problems, these developments are likely to have substantial implications for mental health practice in the years to come. (P.163)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Saussure and Bloomfield
The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast two important linguistics that reached a significant milestone in the history of Language. Their names are Leonard Bloomfield (April 1, 1887–April 18, 1949) and Ferdinand de Saussure (November 26, 1857– February 22, 1913). Leonard Bloomfield was an American linguist who led the development of structural linguistics in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s. Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist who taught at the University of Geneva, whose ideas about language laid the foundation for many significant developments in linguistics in the early 20th century. Bloomfield came from the Neogrammarian School of linguistics. That means he focused on the historical aspects and evolution of languages. He studied particular languages, their history and how words are generated. Both Bloomfield and Saussure studied language as a structure or with a scientific basis. The main difference is that Bloomfield studied linguistics diachronically: its historical and comparative development. Saussure studied language synchronically: he made the comparison between language and chess. There is no necessity to know the history moves; you could understand the system just by looking at the board at any single moment. This is the synchronic study of Language. Another marked difference is that Bloomfield himself never suggested that it was possible to describe the syntax and phonology of a language in total ignorance of the meaning of words and sentences. His view was incomplete, as he studied part of the system and not the whole. In contrast to this, Saussure studied Language as a system, including all aspects of it. He considered the system has three properties: Wholeness, since the system functions as a whole. Transformation, as the system is not static, but capable of change. Self-Regulation, this is related to the fact that new elements can be added to the system, but the basic structure of it can not be changed. The conception of Language was different for each of them. Bloomfield believed that Language is related to stimulus response acquired by habit formation. He claimed it is used to satisfy human’s needs. On the other and, Saussure considered language as a multitude of signs, where each sign links a phonic sound (the signifier) with an idea (the signified). The reason why they differed in this conception is because Saussure studied it from a mentalist conception. He considered both the signifier and signified mental entities and independent of any external object. Opposite to that, Bloomfield argued that linguistics needs to be more objective if it is to become a real scientific discipline. He believed that the main target of linguistic inquiry should be observable phenomena, rather than abstract cognitive processes. Therefore, Bloomfield rejected the classical view that the structure of language reflects the structure of thought. As a consequence, they also differed in the conception of Language acquisition. According to Bloomfield, a child acquires language through repetition and stimulus-response. Through further habits, the child makes a start on displaced speech (he names a thing even when it is not present). Saussure, on the contrary, viewed language as having an inner duality, which is manifested by the interaction of the synchronic and diachronic, the syntagmatic and associative, the signifier and signified. Taking everything into consideration, both Saussure and Bloomfield had a significant impact on linguistics. Saussure is considered the founder of modern linguistic and cultural studies. He has influenced several fields such as philosophy, anthropology and semiology. He is the linguist who revolutionized the study of Linguistics, as he outlined his theory of language, in which he suggested the need to study language in a scientific way, rather than studying it in a cultural and historic context. Bloomfield, for his part, did more than anyone else to make linguistics autonomous and scientific. Although Bloomfield's particular methodology of descriptive linguistics was not widely accepted, his mechanistic attitudes toward a precise science of linguistics, dealing only with observable phenomena, were most influential. His influence waned after the 1950s, when adherence to logical positivist doctrines lessened and there was a return to more mentalist attitudes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Eleven Minutes
‘’Eleven minutes â€Å"– Paulo Coelho It took many years gruelling quest before I found author whose style of writing is natural and real. Paulo Coelho is my favorite writer and like nobody else knows a way how to grab my attention. He is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. His books have been translated in 71 languages. Critics identify him with phenomenon of mass culture. He is rated among the best writers of all time. For me he became a true authority and I dare say that for many also.I read almost all his works but especially one exerted a huge impression on me. ‘’Eleven minutes’’ originally â€Å"Onze minutos†was published in 2003 in 39 languages and until 2005 sold in 6 million copies. It is one from this books which has a powerful magnetizing effect on me. The novel tells a story about young woman Maria, her beauty attracted to men. She lives in the Brazilian province. We meet her as a child who dreams of a prince from fai ry tale and a quiet house overlooking the sea. Her first innocent contacts with love leave her heartbroken.As a teenager she already knew what suffering is and was living in the belief that love brings only pain and is not worth to worry about. She is confident that will never find true, pure love. After graduating school she found a job in a store with fabrics. Owner fell in love with her but these unpleasant experiences from the past cause that she was only guided by a desire to hold money. This contributed to the fact that Maria has used him and then went to Brazil. There she met a rich guy who offered her a job as a dancer at a nightclub in Switzerland.Excited girl thought that the fortune had smiled upon her and this trip will help her make a career and earn the money she has always dreamed of. But Maria soon discovers that the work is different than she had imagined. The salary was low and working conditions below her expectations. Also, the employer was a completely different man. She decided not to give up because only her stubbornness could help her achieve the desired success. She entered into an affair with a rich Arab. She began to neglect her duties as a dancer, which led to job losses.Unfortunately, as it used to be in the life of Maria her lover dumped the girl and with this left another deep wound in her heart. This unpleasant experience cemented her belief that love is nothing. She wanted to become a model but she didn’t succeed it because the man who had to take care of her career turned out to be only a man seeking a woman for one night. Deprived of all hopes and dreams were not wondered long and with the adoption of a proposal from a stranger a part of Maria’s soul died. After that fateful night she has been meditating on her life.She could not go home with nothing therefore she decided to follow the path she chose. Maria borrowed many books about sex and bought clothes that seemed relevant to her profession. She began looking for work which proved to be very easy. After the first, actually the second night she didn’t feel like her, she hasn’t thought about it and started to do it automatically like someone who is devoid of all feelings. She tried to explain why she was doing but she couldn’t. Maria wanted to become the best in her profession to earn in the short time a lot of money.After six months she was unrivalled. She had high expectations of her customers which helped her keep respect for herself. She wanted only to survive the next 6 months and with a sizeable sum in the account return to Brazil where she will buy a small farm, animals and parents will take under her roof. She moved to a more comfortable dwelling and was careful to not fall in love. One day, when she had free afternoon went for a walk when she met a painter named Ralf Hart. Maria felt by him as the friend whom she had known for a long time.Girl for the first time told someone the whole truth because she felt s afe with him. At all meetings the man showed her true life reminded her that prostitution did not lead to anything besides money that has no value. Maria guided by an impulse decided to abandon the present life and return to the country. She did not intend to ask Ralf to go with her. She was grateful that he made that she was capable to love again. The end of her stay in Geneva was approaching. In two weeks, she had to leave Europe. She decided that the day before departure, she will say her lover about her plans.He tried to persuade her to not leave but she was adamant. Last night they spent together and then she went to the airport. All the time Maria believed that Ralf will show up at the last moment, like in the movies, take her in his arms and never let go. But that has not happened. When she flew to Paris, was still a lot of time until the next plane. She thought about it, or not spend one day in Paris, explore, contemplate about what had happened, but it turned out that the t icket does not allow for departure the next day.Suddenly she heard a voice. It was Ralf. He said that he had seen her at the airport in Geneva and flew to Paris to make her a surprise. She did not care about what will happen in the future, the present was the most important at this time. I stood before choosing to describe the entire book or just a fragment. I decided to describe everything not only a part because a whole novel and its message had a great influence on me. Novel’s language engages the attention – it is specific to the style of Coelho.On the one hand we find a metaphor, rich symbolism, subjectivity and emotion marked by language, which is perfectly adapted to the philosophical sense of the whole work. But this is not a reason to worry about because philosophical doesn’t mean something difficult. Coelho want to get closer to his readers, he isn’t inventing his own, an abstract style. On the contrary – often uses colloquial words and p hrases, so readers can easily identify with this book and its characters as human as he is. Even Maria is close to us – the script of her life could be a scenario, each of our lives.Her reflections are forcing the reader to his own reflection and try to answer questions like: what is for us sex nowadays? Or how much of our lives can change the case, for example the reading of boring books about the science in an exclusive cafe? These and other questions will also find the answer in the discussions of Mary with her customers, Ralf and the librarian. As I already mentioned the book contains many quotations. Especially one is impressive for me: â€Å"Everybody wants absolute love, and is not to be found in someone else, but in ourselves; we simply awaken it.But in order to do that, we need the other person. The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with. †With these words comes a great moral, if we will be love ourselves with our shortcomin gs and weaknesses, we will be immensely happy. It's not about loving ourselves unconditionally and did not notice our own faults but try to work on them as far as possible and then keep a distance to ourselves. If we would satisfy our own needs then we will be able to love others, because each of us is dying for love, even if we try to defend against it.And I think that everyone has a moment in your life when he opens up for this feeling, it happens when we meet our true love. This book will inspire you to find the â€Å"light†that Ralf saw in Maria that she didn’t know she have. It awakens your senses and sensual side, allowing passion and love to take you to different heights. The novel not only shows us how to realize our dreams, but also how to follow your heart and love without being selfish because we cannot own anyone. Our love should be free as we want to be free. No words can talk about this book†¦. just wonderful.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Coursework 9 For ECO320 Example
Coursework 9 For ECO320 Example Coursework 9 For ECO320 – Coursework Example MONETARY POLICY Fed’s Monetary PolicyDescribe the Fed’s objective function and how it can be used with an economic model to evaluate alternative monetary policies?In the world of economy, different policymakers may try their level best to stabilize the economy mainly by smoothing out the various business cycles in the surrounding. According to Fed’s objectives, its primary goals included the following: maximizing output, reducing the rate of unemployment and also ensuring that the rate of inflation in the economy is low. Fed’s objective function is also referred to as the Fed’s loss function mainly because when the value of the function is much higher the economy becomes worse off. The objective function describes the tradeoff between inflation rates and the output level in the economy. Fed’s objective function can be used to evaluate alternative monetary policy. The difference between the actual inflation rate and the ideal one is the inflat ion gap; the inflation gap rises during economic expansion and reduces in the period of recession, and it is merely positive. The tradeoff between the output gap and inflation gap is always determined by the Fed’s objective function (Surico, 2007). However, Fed’s objective function looks at the aggressiveness of the policymakers and during the period of economic shock the inflation rates or output levels in the economy are returned to their exact levels. Besides, the economic model depicts that when output increase for a while, the unemployment level will reduce and over a certain time inflation rate decreases (Surico, 2007).Why didn’t policy based on the Phillips curve work to help the Fed reduce the unemployment rate to a lower level than before? What happened in the 1970s as the Fed tried to take advantage of the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment? The policy on Philip’s curve did not work to help Fed reduce unemployment level to a lower level because the tradeoff between the higher level of unemployment and higher inflation is no longer there. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between high inflation and high unemployment. In the 1970s, policymakers tried to take advantage of the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation rates but it did not work either. However, this caused the rate of expected inflation to raise hence the level of unemployment and inflation rose. Similarly, this also led to the short-run Philips curve to shift upwards.ReferenceSurico, P. (2007). The Feds monetary policy rule and US inflation: The case of asymmetric preferences. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(1), 305-324.
Monday, October 21, 2019
What Is Net Worth Complete Guide
What Is Net Worth Complete Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’ve ever analyzed your personal finances, you may have come across the term â€Å"net worth.†Simply put, your net worth is what you have minus what you owe. While net worth is a useful way to evaluate your financial situation, it also has some major flaws. Let’s define the concept of net worth, and then look at some key adjustments you can make to assess your finances and plan for the future even better. What Is Net Worth? A Hard Definition You just read a simple definition of net worth: what you have minus what you owe. Let’s rename â€Å"what you have†as assets and â€Å"what you owe†as liabilities. Let’s say your major asset is a $10 lemonade stand. Your major liability? The $4 you owe to your mom for sugar and lemons. Overall, your net worth is $6. Not bad for a 7-year-old budding entrepreneur. Twenty-five years later, your assets and liabilities probably look a little different. You lost the lemonade stand, but you collected other assets, like a savings and checking account, a car, a sweet road bike, and several rare Beanie Babies that you had the foresight to save. While you’ve paid off that $4 debt to mom, you’ve amassed some other liabilities: namely a hefty car loan and an even heftier student loan. Your net worth is the total value of all your assets minus the total value of all your liabilities. Using this example, let’s break down the steps to calculating your net worth. Calculating Net Worth: An Example Considering our 32-year-old friend who, sadly, did not grow up to run a lemonade stand empire (let’s call him Joe) we can list out all his assets and liabilities. Next to each one, we assign their current market worth. All of Joe’s assets together add up to $27,000. Again, these values represent the current market worth; who knows what the volatile Beanie Baby market is going to look like tomorrow? His liabilities total $35,000. The chart below shows the breakdown of Joe’s assets and liabilities beside their current values. Assets Current Market Worth Liabilities Current Market Worth Checking account $2,000 Car loan $5,000 Savings account $6,500 Student loan $30,000 Car $15,000 Road bike $1,000 Beanie Babies $2,500 Total: $27,000 $35,000 Net worth = assets - liabilities = $27,000 - $35,000 = - $8,000 After subtracting his liabilities from his assets, Joe is left with a negative net worth totaling $8,000 in debt. While ending up with a negative net worth isn’t ideal, it’s not actually unusual or even necessarily a bad thing, especially at certain points in life. In fact, Joe looks like he’s in a pretty good financial spot, especially if he keeps making consistent payments toward his car and student loans. So how can you calculate your own net worth? Read on for each step of the process. How to Calculate Your Net Worth: 6 Steps To calculate your own net worth, you need to go through the same process as Joe. There are six steps: Step 1: List Out All of Your Assets These could be tangible things like houses, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, land, pleasure yachts, baseball cards, rare coin collections, Basquiat paintings, fur stoles, gemstone-encrusted know, the usual. They could also be intangibles, like stocks or other investments. Step 2: Determine Current Market Worth Once you’ve identified your assets, determine their current market worth. Don’t value your car at the amount for which you bought it, for example. Instead, find out what you could sell it for now. Step 3: List All Your Liabilities These could be student loans, personal loans, car loans, mortgages, or credit card debt that you amassed paying for all those pleasure yachts. Step 4: Determine Your Debts As you did with your assets, assign the amount of money that you currently owe to each liability. Step 5: Subtract Assets from Liabilities Figuring out your net worth is a simple subtraction problem: total value of assets minus total value of liabilities. Then you have your net worth! If you end up with a negative net worth like our friend Joe, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Lots of recent graduates, for instance, will be in this position thanks to ever-growing student loans. Your net worth doesn’t account for changes in your earning and spending over time, which is one of its major limitations. I’ll discuss the pros and cons of net worth in more detail below, so if you’re only interested in the hard definition of net worth, you should stop reading here. If you want to know how to make a more realistic assessment of your finances in both the short and long term, though, then you should keep scrolling. Before getting deeper into net worth, a quick note about my background in finance and economics. My Background in Finance and Economics I’ve invested my higher educational life to studying the ins and outs of economics. At Harvard, I got my Bachelor’s in Math, Master’s in Statistics, and Ph.D. in Economics. Eager to put theory to good use, I started a personal finance circle in my community to help struggling neighbors get on the path to financial independence. Along the way, I’ve deftly managed my business PrepScholar’s cash flow and my own personal finances. For many of us, school teaches us a lot about critical thinking, but very little about how to manage our money. With my background, I sincerely hope to assist others in developing solid financial planning skills. Now that you know a little about me, let’s return to the topic at hand: net worth, why it’s a useful metric for understanding your personal finances, and where it falls short. Why Is Net Worth Useful? 2 Main Reasons Calculating your net worth is a traditional approach to measuring your financial standing. It’s relatively easy to calculate, and it shows you the balance between your assets and your debts. If you calculate your net worth several times throughout the year, then it also suggests a pattern in your financial worth. Let’s take a closer look at the two main uses for this framework of net worth. Reason #1: Net Worth Reveals Your Current Financial Standing Net worth gives you a big picture view of your financial profile at a specific point in time. It makes you take stock of what you have and what you owe. If you were to sell off everything you owned and put it all toward paying off what you owe, you’d have your net worth left over- whether it’s cash in your pocket or remaining debt. Realistically, you’re probably not going to trade in all of your earthly positions, move into a log cabin, and pull a Henry David Thoreau, but you do know what your safety net looks like if you were to experience a big financial change, like getting laid off. Calculating net worth gets you to identify your assets and liabilities, connect the dots between them, and understand your financial standing at a particular moment in time. Reason #2: Net Worth Shows Patterns Over Time A one-time calculation of net worth only tells you about the present, but comparing your net worth over time reveals patterns in your earning, saving, and spending. If you were to determine your net worth three times over a year, then you could see how it changes. Imagine your net worth as a see-saw with assets at one end and liabilities at the other. If the see-saw tilts down toward debts, then you can consider ways to level it off over time, perhaps by reducing your monthly spending. If it’s starting on the upswing toward assets, then you can strategize about how to keep that progress going. By calculating your net worth several times over a set period, you can identify patterns in your finances. As a result, you can think about lifestyle changes that would help you yield a higher net worth the next time you sit down with your calculator. All that being said, there are also some major flaws in the concept of net worth. It contains some big blind spots, and it’s important to know what these are so you don’t miss the forest for the trees. Read on to learn how net worth paints the big picture, but overlooks some of its most important details. How Is Net Worth Limited? 3 Major Flaws The idea of net worth misses a few major parts of your life. When it talks about assets and liabilities, for instance, it misses a pretty major one: you! Net worth completely overlooks all the money that you’re making and spending now and in the future. By focusing solely on assets and liabilities, it fails to take into account the human element. Net worth also doesn’t distinguish between types of assets. Some assets get more valuable over time, while others are like a slowly sinking pleasure yacht. Let’s take a closer look at net worth’s three major flaws, and then discuss some excellent ways to fix them. Flaw #1: Net Worth Misses One Huge Asset Don’t take it personally, but net worth completely overlooks you as an asset. It focuses on things that you possess, but it ignores your labor income now and in the future. Let’s say you make $30K a year. If you maintain that income, then you’ll bring in $300K over the next ten years. Realistically, you’ll probably bring in even more as your skills, experience, and earning potential grow over time. Net worth overlooks all of this income. Consider a second example. Alex has $10k saved and no debt. Britney, though, is $100K in debt. According to the traditional net worth definition, Britney is in a way worse financial position than Alex. However, Alex makes $20K a year, while Britney, who’s in debt because she went to medical school, just got a guaranteed $200K per year job! It’s Britney, ultimately, who’s in the superior financial position. The traditional net worth formula, though, doesn’t show it. For many people, especially those in their 20s and 30s, labor income is their primary asset and thus the most important metric when analyzing personal finances. I don’t have a wide array of tangible assets, like a collection of antique motorcycles or Renaissance art. My human capital is, by far, the most relevant asset when assessing my financial standing. If I only used the traditional equation of net worth to measure my finances, I would be overlooking my most important asset. Flaw #2: Net Worth Doesn’t Include Baseline Spending Just as net worth ignores you as an asset, it also overlooks you as a liability (no offense). Your basic consumption- groceries, shopping, climbing gym membership- accounts for major drains on your budget. If you need $20k of baseline spending per year, then you’ll be spending $200k over ten years. Like your income, your basic consumption has a huge influence on your finances. Net worth takes into account big liabilities, like mortgages, student loans, and credit card debts, but it doesn’t acknowledge smaller ones that add up over time. It doesn’t incorporate your baseline spending, which might be a much more relevant metric to lots of people than, say, a bulky mortgage on a farmhouse in upstate New York. Flaw #3: Net Worth Doesn’t Distinguish Between Types of Assets Finally, net worth is a static measure that doesn’t account for the fluctuating values of your assets. Let’s say you have a $20K yacht and $20K in a stock index. When calculating your net worth, these two assets look exactly the same. If you sold everything off that day, both would give you $20K each in your pocket. If you’re trying to make a realistic and forward-thinking assessment of your finances, though, should these two assets really be considered on an equal level? I would answer with a hard no. The boat costs $4K a year to maintain. Your investment is likely to get $1K or more in returns. Since it’s sapping money and losing value over time, the boat is a consumption asset. The investment, on the other hand, is a productive asset. Distinguishing between consumption and productive assets is one way to fix this flaw in the net worth system. Read on for a full breakdown of how to calculate net worth in a way that’s more realistic and useful for your long-term planning. How to Calculate Your Net Worth Better Now that I’ve exposed net worth’s flaws, let’s talk solutions. There are two main adjustments you can make to improve this assessment, the â€Å"Total Net Asset†fix and the â€Å"Productive Net Worth†fix. Let’s look at both in more detail. Fix #1: Total Net Asset Fix As you read above, the standard analysis overlooks you completely. It doesn’t account for the two largest levers to improve yourself: increasing your earning power and decreasing your spending habit, two important topics that I’ll explore in other articles. To fix this oversight, you should estimate the next 10 years of your earnings and baseline spending. Ten years is long enough to give you a good idea of your finances, while short enough that you can make a realistic prediction. If you make somewhere in the range of $40K a year, then you could estimate that your income over the next ten years will add up to $400K. If your annual baseline spending adds up to $20K, then you’ll be spending at least $200K over the next decade. Of course, changes in your income and spending will happen; that’s the whole point. This long-term projection lets you take control of your personal and professional choices, because it reveals just how much a raise in salary or cut in spending could affect your long-term net worth. The Total Net Asset fix gives you better insight into your finances, and it lets you think in a more forward-thinking way about your choices. You can play around with a few estimates to see how changes, both small and big, could increase your worth over time. Fix #2: Productive Net Worth Fix The second solution, which I’m calling the Productive Net Worth fix, helps distinguish between productive assets that gain value over time and consumption assets that lose value over time. I would suggest a somewhat radical departure from the traditional net worth equation. Instead of counting all of your assets, only count your productive assets. These might be money in your bank accounts, cash, stocks, and any investment properties. The consumption assets you’d leave out include a house, car, or boat. The way you use these consumption assets on a day-to-day basis (to live, drive, or throw lavish pirate-themed parties, respectively) is their primary value. Since they both cost money and depreciate over time, they should be left out of the net worth equation. (Side note: you might wonder if a house should be counted as a productive asset. Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, gives a convincing argument on the house-as-liability side. According to Kiyosaki, a liability is â€Å"anything that takes money out of your pocket.†Because of all the upkeep and repairs they require, houses can often be considered a consumption, rather than a productive, asset.) Now that we’ve gone over both adjustments, the Total Net Asset and Productive Net Worth fix, let’s put both of them together to see how you can make the most realistic assessment of your financial worth both now and in the years to come. Measuring Net Worth: A More Realistic Assessment Let’s bid farewell to Joe and consider a new exemplar, Stacy. Stacy has a $20K car, $10K in savings, a $5K student loan, and a $1K personal loan. Here’s her list of assets and liabilities alongside their current market values: Assets Current Market Value Liabilities Current Market Value Car $20,000 Student loan $5,000 Savings $10,000 Personal loan $1,000 Total: $30,000 $6,000 Using the traditional calculation, Stacy has a net worth of $24,000 ($30K - $6K). Based purely on the hard definition of net worth, Stacy could theoretically raise her net worth by upgrading her car. Since we now know that a car is a consumption asset that both costs money and loses value over time, this approach would be a questionable one. The traditional definition of net worth is trying to lead Stacy astray! Let’s fix that. Using our Productive Net Worth fix, let’s eliminate the car completely from our assessment. Then we’ll apply the Total Net Asset fix and add in Stacy’s projected income and baseline spending over the next ten years. We estimate that her income will be $300K, and her spending will add up to $200K. Assets Current Market Value Liabilities Current Market Value Savings $10,000 Student loan $5,000 Projected income $300,000 Personal loan $1,000 Projected baseline spending $200,000 Total: $310,000 $206,000 Stacy’s new net worth over 10 years is $104K. Rather than giving her a one time balance of her assets and liabilities, this â€Å"fixed†net worth assessment helps Stacy figure out her finances over the long-term while incorporating her most important asset and liability, her own labor income and spending. With this estimate, Stacy can begin to think more realistically about her long-term value and how to improve her position. What can she do to yield a net worth higher than $104K over the next ten years? Some strategies for increasing net worth over the long-term are all fodder for another article, but a few key ones include, Improving her earning potential through education and skills training, Making cuts to baseline costs, Eliminating debts, and Avoiding the purchase of consumption assets. Sorry, Stacy, but you probably shouldn’t buy that state-of-the-art Jetski with your current balance of $24K; it’s only going to eat away at your long-term net worth. In closing, let’s review the key points you need to remember about net worth, its traditional definition, and the adjustments you can make to get an even more realistic assessment of your long-term financial profile. Calculating Your Net Worth: What You Need to Remember The concept of net worth helps you balance your assets and debts and evaluate your financial standing. The traditional formula has you simply subtract the sum of your debts from the sum of your assets. While this approach has some uses, it’s not nuanced enough to truly help individuals with their personal finances. Nor does it apply to lots of people whose primary asset is their own labor income. In fact, the net worth formula is a vestige of corporate accounting and much more relevant to businesses than to you or me. By making a few adjustments- namely, by estimating future cash flow and distinguishing between consumption and productive assets- we can make the net worth formula work much better for us. Then we can use this analysis to inform our financial choices. Rather than solely looking at little-picture changes, like cutting out morning lattes at Starbucks, we can focus on big-picture changes that have a great long-term effect, e.g. increasing our earning potential with a new degree, paying off high-interest credit card debt, and resisting the urge to buy a boat. With a couple key fixes to the traditional formula of net worth, we can look outside the present moment and gain a long-term idea of our economic worth. The result? Smart financial choices now that will benefit us substantially in years to come.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Car Killer
Electricity is always part of our lives in the late 1990's, as GM's efforts to put electric cars on the market are reasonable, as people will start using electric cars as they think . In that way, the car will be a higher model than other models with zero emissions and stylish design, GM EV 1 is ruthless and has no gas and no oil at all. Many people think this car is the answer to the smog problem we are facing, but we will prevent global warming and solve the planet's environmental problems more. At the end there is a murderer. If this murderer is a human being, he will never run. He or she always walks very slowly, but he always keeps up with the victim, regardless of whether he is running or taking a car. This killer is always very creative about killing. Murder is not the same. The murderer like to make it interesting. The murderer finally died in the movie, and the heroes felt they won, but the murderer actually did not die many times, and there was a sequel to the new group. Di fferent stereotypes of the same name Serial killer is a foresightful serial killer. A foresight continuous killer thinks I saw a vision that they heard that sound and ordered murder. For example, David Barkowitz, known as Sam's Son claimed to have killed six young ladies and their boyfriend, as though they had parked in New York's Lovers' alley, and thought that the dog was alive did. In the hole of the wall. His apartment told him to do so. Foresight continuous killers often suffer from serious mental illness. The second type of serial killer is task oriented. The motivation for these serial killers is to eliminate certain types of people. They never saw the vision of listening to that sound or ordering to kill. Instead, they believe that the victims are unwelcome and that they will kill a noble mission. The victims of job-oriented serial killers may be homosexuals, prostitutes, members of a particular religion, or members of a particular race or ethnic group There are two serial k illers, an organizational serial killer and a disorderly serial killer. The systematic serial killer is very smart and has a plot of murder. They usually have murder weapons, they contract, they carefully leave no evidence, but take souvenirs. Some people may also leave trademarks or exceptional clues to discard the detectives. Psychiatric patients are usually systematic continuous killers. Psychiatric patients usually know the difference between right and wrong. On the other hand, an unorganized serial killer kills people whenever there is a chance; they are cluttered, leaving clues like fingerprints, blood, and even semen. Psychiatric continuous killers are often confused with crime and are more likely to be arrested. These serial killers are often not in contact with society.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Classic Airline's Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Classic Airline's Marketing - Essay Example Those who maintain the rewards program are largely dissatisfied with the program concept and redemption opportunities (68 percent of those surveyed), which contributes to diminishing brand loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising potential. Further, the operating expenses associated with carrying out the services are very high compared to revenues. The highest is fuel, unfortunately the management team has already developed a hedging program and these cannot be reduced. Operations-based expenditures for Classic Airlines require reduction which may mean streamlining operations to adopt either a lean philosophy or change methodology of key operational characteristics at the firm. Based on the knowledge that the CEO does not appreciate or value strategic alliances and thus the marketing division will get no support with this option as a means of improving resources, the business must work with its fundamental strengths to improve operational systems for cost reduction. Having identified th e problems, they must be framed effectively. The brand operates in an oligopoly where there are few competitors who dominate the market due to the high costs of entry into the market by competitors. In this market, competitive branding and promotion are some of the most fundamental methods to achieve competitive edge. However, in the conversations between management players, there is a generic recognition that the business has been unable to come up with satisfactory competitive strategies that differentiate the business from other airlines. The business requires differentiation through promotion and also a redevelopment of the current positioning strategy. 2. Solutions In terms of operating costs, the business should look at other models of operations by successful domestic and international airline companies to determine how best to reduce costs in key operational areas. According to the income statement, aircraft rent and aircraft maintenance have some of the highest costs, other than fuel, that contribute to the lower profit margin. This must be adjusted, which involves less reliance on marketing and more on technical and systems-based expertise to develop a new operational system. According to Aruan (2005), making the strategic decision to utilize only one particular type of aircraft gives the airline competitive advantage. In the oligopoly, switching costs for the aircraft manufacturer are significantly low as the manufacturer is able to provide its expert and unique services as they operate in markets with much less competition. Therefore, there are not opportunities for Classic Airlines to negotiate or bargain in the supply chain since the manufacturer is in a dominant position. By changing the procurement model, Classic Airlines can gain much more opportunities to bargain pricing and also take away the supplier advantage by providing more effective training to maintenance crews. Air Asia, a low cost, no frills airline, adopted this same procurement st rategy and experienced considerable cost savings and buying power in the supply chain. Rather than being forced to rely on manufacturer expertise in maintenance, Air Asia was able to train its own staff to perform these functions. Having framed the problem, it is now time to decide on strategic action and plan for ensuring this is successful. Further, as it relates to the diminishing brand loyalty, Classic Airlines needs to change its positioning on the competitive market from quality to
C. Wright Mills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
C. Wright Mills - Essay Example Mills is known for his masterpieces like "The New Men of Power: America's Labor Leaders" (1948) which is basically a study of the Labour Metaphysics and how labour leaders have cooperated with the business officials to the disadvantage of the worker,while the workforce stays happy with mere "bread and butter" and has assumed a rather subordinate to role to such leaders. Another one of his classics is the book White Collar: The American Middle Classes (1951) which continues his stance against the officials and the bureaucracy who he accuses of suppressing the common individual by the tactic of overworking him and charging him a large amount of taxes. The immense work pressure on the worker causes him to suffer from alienation and imposes upon him a robot like existence in return for financial remuneration. His other important works include The Sociological Imagination (1959) in which he has tried to demonstrate a link between history biography and sociology. Other works include The Causes of World War Three (1958), Listen, Yankee: The Revolution in Cuba (1960), and The Marxists (1962). Academics have argued over whether Mills was a Marxist or a follower of liberalism. He felt more comfortable as a humanist Marxist than being called a follower of Max Weber. Mills was in agreement with other Marxist sociologists that the American suffers from the great divide between the weak and the powerful. The weak are suppressed and they feel alienated. He has made some interesting observations in his works like the one below; When, in a city of 100,000, only one man is unemployed, that is his personal trouble, and for its relief we properly look to the character of the man, his skills, and his immediate opportunities. But when in a nation of 50 million employees, 15 million men are unemployed, that is an issue, and we may not hope to find its solution within the range of opportunities open to any one individual. ( The Sociological Imagination 1959). The Power Elite Coming to one of his most prominent works, in 1956 he wrote the book The Power Elite (1956) in which he has analysed the US structure of power in its three forms i.e. the political, military, and economic elite whom he accuses of sharing similar views which are aimed at suppressing the working classes. The book was tremendously influential when it came out and even today it is a source of inspiration in socio-political academics. He has focused on the power structure of the US politics and military in the post World War II era. The Power Elite reflects a kind of trilogy of the US society and it was a follow up to his other books like The New Men of Power (1948) and White Collar (1951).Like all masterpieces it attracted much negative academic and political controversy at the time of its publication. Mills brazenly accused the elitists as "the warlords," "the higher immorality," "the power elite," "crackpot realism," and "organized irresponsibility,". The book was so well researched that it had 47 pages of Notes and was a full scale study of the structure and distribution of power in the United States. It was
Education management Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 35000 words
Education management - Thesis Example This mobility is something special as it is confined to a single country. It has some similarities with international mobility because Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region administered under separate set of different from the mainland China. Administrative and education pattern in Hong Kong differs much from that obtaining in mainland China, and also with other parts of the world. Education in Hong Kong is the stepping stone for further education at the international levels also. The segment of education in Hong Kong is affected with student flow from mainland China and also from international quarters, with globalization and neo-liberalism. Discussion is also made in this article about the forces that have impacted and continue to impact the education system in Hong Kong. What are the characteristics that attract the students to pursue their studies in Hong Kong and encourage parents from mainland China to get their children admitted to schools in Hong Kong right from the ki ndergarten levels? Want are their special problems and how the administration is grappling to control the situation? The paper concludes by indicating the significance of management of education of students of mainland China and Hong Kong. Two diametrically opposed political philosophies are working with a purpose to hammer out a common educational policy but it is futile to expect that Hong Kong will give up the upper hand in the field of education. The authorities at mainland China will not mind it, because Hong Kong is an integral part of the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Regions (SAR)of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) since their sovereign reversion to PRC from the United Kingdom within the structure of â€Å"one country, two systems†in 1997. On the education administration of any country the political system has the direct bearing. At the official ideological level, the mainland China
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Florence Golden Age 1400-1500 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Florence Golden Age 1400-1500 - Essay Example hat which is concealed in the soaring of the mind and the spiritual adventure of the soul in the birth-giving process of the revelation of a renaissance masterpiece called the city of Florence. â€Å"Florence saw itself as the ideal city state, a place where the freedom of the individual was guaranteed, and where many citizens had the right to participate in the government. In 1400 Florence was engaged in a struggle with the Duke of Milan. The Florentine people feared the loss of liberty and respect for individuals that was the pride of their Republic.Luckily for Florence, the Duke of Milan caught the plague and died in 1402. Then, between 1408 and 1414 Florence was threatened once again, this time by the King of Naples, who also died before he could successfully conquer Florence. And in 1423 the Florentine people prepared for war against the son of the Duke of Milan who had threatened them earlier. Again, luckily for Florence, the Duke was defeated in 1425. The Florentine citizens interpreted these military "victories" as signs of Gods favor and protection. They imagined themselves as the "New Rome" -- in other words, as the heirs to the Ancient Roman Republic, prepared to sacrifice for the cause of freedom and liberty. The Florentine people were very proud of their form of government in the early 15th century. A republic is, after all, a place that respects the opinions of individuals, and we know that individualism was a very important part of the Humanism that thrived in Florence in the 15th century. â€Å" [2] What signifies Florence as a subject matter is that It has been the land of birth of the genuine renaissance of Italy as well as of the European world during the dark ages, which are depicted in the area age of 1400’s. Florence, in the times of the Medicis, Machiavelli, Galileo, Leonardo Da Vinci and as well as of the times of the crusades, have all established the process of the stardom of Italy during the time of decadence in Europe. Much is observed in
Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Employment Law - Essay Example employees, while the employer should follow the conditions of the plan in providing those benefits in a way that is both consistent, as well as nondiscriminatory (Duddington 7). The principle of employment-at-will is a variety of federal, as well as state laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, age, gender, disability, or national origin. According to the Federal law, Civil Rights Act Title Vii, if an employee assumes that he or she gets a termination, demotion, or denial of promotion due to unlawful discrimination, he or she has to report a complaint within 180 days. Failure of filing a discrimination claim in the time limit bars the claim; this claim undergoes investigation and if the claim turns to be having merit, it will try to resolve it through conciliation or litigation. However, if there is no discrimination found, or the claim cannot be resolved thereby leading to dropping of the claim, which is normally the case, there is the suing of â€Å"a right-to-sue letter"; following the issuance of the letter of right-to-sue letter, the employee has the ability of taking his or her claim of discrimination up to Federal court (Duddington 22). In Title Vii of the Federal law, the employee must file his or her lawsuit in ninety days after obtaining a right-to-sue letter or, again, the claim gets barred. In the case o f Ms. Clark, it is clear that the motivation behind her termination was the fact that was a woman, as well as being the age of fifty three. The management of the company was biased when the termination of Ms. Clark, first they asserted that she made poor judgment about accepting the union’s representative’s invitation. This was ridiculous considering that she had worked for Danskin Inc. for over twenty years plus the fact that she was the Vice chairman of the company hence she knew exactly what was appropriate for the company. Apart from that, had a perception that Ms. Clark was exceedingly old and incapable of getting another job, as a result,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The importance of volunteering in my community to make it a batter Essay
The importance of volunteering in my community to make it a batter place - Essay Example A volunteer helped him to the home. I immediately called for an ambulance and in no time, dad was taken to the hospital. It was all happening before my eyes, and the remembrance of that feel haunts me till this day. My father, who was both a parent and a spiritual guide to me, was struggling breath by breath for life. Any moment, anything could happen. Nonetheless, this saddest experience of my life taught me the importance of volunteering. In the few days I spent at the hospital to nurse my father as he was recovering, I used to see volunteers offering help to the needy and counseling them to raise their self esteem. I was totally impressed. After all, it was a volunteer that helped my father reach home when he was in trouble! That day, I took an oath to volunteer any way by which I could benefit my community. Few activities that I have made my habit and part of everyday routine in an attempt to benefit my community and making the environment better for them is picking up garbage fr om the streets and throwing it in dustbins, buying seeds and growing plants as many as I can, and providing people with due help in the way the need. I truly believe that volunteering is something much more sacred and noble than our possessions.
Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Employment Law - Essay Example employees, while the employer should follow the conditions of the plan in providing those benefits in a way that is both consistent, as well as nondiscriminatory (Duddington 7). The principle of employment-at-will is a variety of federal, as well as state laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, age, gender, disability, or national origin. According to the Federal law, Civil Rights Act Title Vii, if an employee assumes that he or she gets a termination, demotion, or denial of promotion due to unlawful discrimination, he or she has to report a complaint within 180 days. Failure of filing a discrimination claim in the time limit bars the claim; this claim undergoes investigation and if the claim turns to be having merit, it will try to resolve it through conciliation or litigation. However, if there is no discrimination found, or the claim cannot be resolved thereby leading to dropping of the claim, which is normally the case, there is the suing of â€Å"a right-to-sue letter"; following the issuance of the letter of right-to-sue letter, the employee has the ability of taking his or her claim of discrimination up to Federal court (Duddington 22). In Title Vii of the Federal law, the employee must file his or her lawsuit in ninety days after obtaining a right-to-sue letter or, again, the claim gets barred. In the case o f Ms. Clark, it is clear that the motivation behind her termination was the fact that was a woman, as well as being the age of fifty three. The management of the company was biased when the termination of Ms. Clark, first they asserted that she made poor judgment about accepting the union’s representative’s invitation. This was ridiculous considering that she had worked for Danskin Inc. for over twenty years plus the fact that she was the Vice chairman of the company hence she knew exactly what was appropriate for the company. Apart from that, had a perception that Ms. Clark was exceedingly old and incapable of getting another job, as a result,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Interpretation of Dreams Essay Example for Free
The Interpretation of Dreams Essay Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 and died in 1939. He was an Austrian psychologist who marked the beginning of a modern psychology by providing the first well-organized explanation of the inner mental forces determining human behaviour. Sigmund Freud is universally considered the father of psychoanalysis and many date the birth of pychoanalystic theory from the 1899 publication of The Interpretation of Dreams ; which sold a minimal number of copies and received a number of copies and received a number of mixed reviews. The book introduces Freud? Theory of the unconscious with respect to dream interpretation and also first discusses what would later become the theory of the â€Å"Oedipus Complex†. Throughout the book, Freyd analyzes his own dreams as examples to prove his new theory of the psychology of dreams. He posits that all dreams represented the fulfillment of a wish on the part of the dreamer and nightmares are expressions of unconscious desires. â€Å"[ ] every dream turns out to be meaningful, psychical formation which can be given an identifiable place in what goes on within our walking life [ †He considered the interpretation of the dream an unexplored science which only Aristotle had investigated about in his book: On dreams and dream interpretation. Freud asserts that, contrary to the reigning scientific opinion, he will prove that is possible to interpret dreams using a scientific method. Freud makes an important distinction between the conscious and the unconscious mind: The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. The unconscious mind contains our biologically based instincts fot the primitive urges for sex and agression. It con ins all sorts of significant and disturbing material which we need to keep out of awareness because they are too threatening to acknowledge fully. There is another type that is; the subconscious mind which contains thoughts and feelings that a person is not currently aware of, but which can easily be brought to consciousness. It exists just below the level of consciousness before the unconscious mind. This is what we mean in our everyday usage of the world avaliable memory. Freud applied these systems to his structure of the personality, or psyche – the id,ego and superego. Freud also regarded the mind to be like an iceberg, where the greatest part is hidden beneath the water or unconscious.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis of Attack Tree Methodology
Analysis of Attack Tree Methodology Information technology (IT) Security has become more and more important today when as e-commerce is becoming increasingly popular. People in developed countries like America and throughout European countries have been exposed to online trading for a long time; this trend is also taking off in developing countries in other parts of the world. Besides its importance toward business activities, IT security also plays a pivotal role in protecting individuals, organizations assets, which are actually parts of the business operations. Variety methods of securing business have been developed and implemented successfully. Attack Trees is one of those. Not only in Information Technology, Attack Trees is also applicable to security problems in a wide range of fields including: telecommunications, health care, finance, critical infrastructure, aerospace, intelligence and defense. To secure your business against impending risks, you first need to define all kinds of possible risks and pathways that those risks might be realized. Acknowledging risks and how they might happen, you will be able to develop measures to fight against or mitigate them. This is also what Attack Trees helps clarify. Attack Trees is a formal, convenient way to methodically categorize the different ways (how the risks happen) in which a system can be attacked[1] (risks). Attack trees are a graphical and mathematical construct used to Identify potential hostile activities that pose the greatest risk to the defender; Determine effective (and cost effective) strategies for reducing the defenders risk to an acceptable level; Describe the potential interactions between the adversary and the defender; Provide a communication mechanism for security analysts; Capture what is known (facts) and believed (assumptions) about the system and its adversaries, and store the information in a form that can subsequently be retrieved and understood by others[2] Attack tree models are graphical diagrams representing the choices and goals available to an attacker. They are represented in a tree structure, in which the root node of the tree is the global goal of an attacker and leaf nodes are different ways of achieving that goal. In an attack tree, children of the root node are refinements of the global goal, and leaf nodes represent attacks that can no longer be refined. A refinement can be conjunctive (AND) or disjunctive (OR). Figure 1 shows an example of an attack tree with the goal of the attacker is to obtain a free lunch[3]. The tree lists three possible ways to reach this goal. Lower levels in the tree explain how these sub-goals are refined. The arc connecting the children nodes expresses that this is a conjunctive (AND) refinement, which means that all sub-goals have to be fulfilled. Refinements without such a connecting arc are disjunctive (OR), expressing that satisfying one sub-goal suffices The strength of the attack tree methodology lies in the fact that its graphical, structured tree notation is easy to understand to practitioners, yet also promising for tool builders and theoreticians attempting to partially automate the threat analysis process. More and more research papers have been used attack trees in modeling security threat of information system. Over the last year, over 15,000 articles on GoogleÂÂ ® Scholar[4] have been used the attack tree technique in some way. The way this technique is used now is usually by assigning different kinds of values to the leaf nodes (for example, possible and impossible, expansive and inexpensive, cost to attack, probability of success of a given attack, etc.) then propagating node values up the tree following some rules. Based on that calculation, people can make some statements about attacks, for example, what is the cheapest low-risk attack or most likely non-intrusive attack[5]. In retrospect personal experiences, we notice that what we have done in the past and until now are closely related to what is presented in Attack Trees model, although back by that time, we were not exposed to concept of Attack Trees, but the approach is basically the same. It was when we worked on a project and had to define all possible risks/threats that might happen and how we can take mitigate actions against those risks. The only thing that we had not paid enough attention to, and was actually very important thing, was how all those risks might happen. Failing to do this costs us a lot later on when the risk did happen in a way that we had not thought of, so did not develop appropriate cause of actions and we were passively react to it. It was when we were developing an online testing system to help students prepare for entrance exam to universities[6]. We would have a strong team of excellent teachers from many famous schools build the test content; and have a team of people t o import those tests, including answers (multiple choice format), into the system. We conducted training for importing team. (Also, the importing work did take a lot of time so we could not talk all the teachers into it). Things went well until the day we actually launched the Beta version. We had volunteers, who were actual pupils, do the test; it was nothing better for them to take free tests and receive free feedbacks. But when it came to result announce and feedbacks were given to those pupils, everything was just totally wrong; many of student answers, which were actually correct, were marked incorrect and the must-be-correct answers given by the system were actually incorrect. Recalling that single day, it was a BIG shame on us, the team who worked on the project. We had a person head of quality control who would make sure that all the tests designed, including questions and answers, are without mistakes. We were very strict on that. We also had a head of training department w ho will make sure that our collaborators, who performed importing job, do their job carefully and without mistakes. Random test were taken before we launched the first version and things were all going very well. We developed risk monitoring blocks and figure 2 is shown as an example. For a risk that the test is invalidate, we clarified three possible reasons: design problem, importing problem and system problem. The reasons are then tracked further along blocks which are colored accordingly. So to prevent or mitigate the risk, we only need to make sure that our teacher quality is excellent, our training and importing job are done beautifully and our system will not malfunction. But we only did to the extent that, for example, as long as our collaborators work diligently and carefully, mistakes would largely be avoided. Later on, we found out the root of the problem was that one of our collaborator was person from our main competitor and he purposely destroyed our system by changing all correct answers just a night before the free testing event. This was the thing that we had never thought of. We did not think that we had problem right from the collaborators recruitment and that this might had been one of many possible ways that can invalidate our test bank. Until then did we know that what we called in general collaborators quality is not limited to the fact that whether they were capable of understanding and doing the job, but also including their working ethic. Consequently, we were left with everything beginning from scratch; all teachers work was carefully rechecked because we did not know right away what exactly caused the problem. Almost all the imported work was deleted and restarted. If we had been able to clarify this possibility, though small, we would have developed action appropriate enough to prevent it, such as lock the system and deny any access before we launched the first version, this would have saved us money and time and prestige as well. We finally were able to offer a running version but it surely had cost us much more resources.[7] From our personal experience, we see that Attack Trees model is a very useful tool to help organizations in threat detection and appropriate mitigating action development. The model will have important and positive impact on organization business operation in that it help name all possible risks and specific pathways that those risks might become real. From that, it helps determine effective and cost effective strategies to reduce risks to an acceptable level. Organizations should adopt Attack Trees model to secure themselves from any uncertainties that may happen. References Attack trees: Modeling security threats. Dr. Dobbs journal; Schneider (2005). Attack Trees Analysis, Terrance Ingoldsby on January 16, 2009 Mauw, S., Oostdijk, M. (2005) Foundations of Attack Trees Information Security and Cryptology-ICISC 2005 Springer Edge, K. (2007) The Use of Attack and Protection Trees to Analyze Security for an Online Banking System. HICSS 07: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. This is how universities in my country recruit prospective students, they do not base on applications but base on result of actual tests, which are held by the Ministry of Education annually for all participants Our initial project result to date
Sunday, October 13, 2019
HPV & Cervical Cancer Essay -- HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer
HPV & Cervical Cancer - What Every Woman Should Know      I was eighteen years old when I had my first abnormal pap smear. I received a call from my OB/GYN's office and was informed that I had the Human Papilloma Virus show up on my pap smear. This was the first pap smear I had ever had, and I was terrified. The news got worse. I researched this virus and learned that it was actually a sexually transmitted disease that could either cause cervical cancer, or genital warts! I didn’t understand, I had been with my boyfriend for five years and he was my first partner. How could I have contracted a sexually transmitted disease?      I had a biopsy done to test my cervix for cancer. The results were normal, and I was told I would need to have a pap smear done every three months. I followed the doctor’s orders, and within six months had a normal pap smear. At that point, I was nineteen years old. Things resolved and my annual pap smears were normal. That was up until a year ago.      Once again, I had an abnormal pap smear. This time however, I was 30. The same procedure was followed, another biopsy of the cervix. This showed no invasive cancer. Three months later I had yet another abnormal reading. This time the results were worse. I was puzzled, and I didn’t understand why after eleven years my problem came back. After researching the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and cervical cancer, I finally found the answers to my questions.      The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, authors of Our Bodies, Ourselves indicates that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer of all women, and the most common cancer in younger women. Women between the ages of 35-55 are the highest group diagnosed. This type of cancer has been linked to the HPV virus. Other risk factors of cervical cancer include the younger your age of your first sexual experience, and the number of sexual partners one has. (634).      Cervical cancer can be prevented and treated early by finding pre-cancerous cell changes within the cervix. These cell changes can be found during routine pap smear exams. A pap smear is an exam where a medical instrument called a speculum is inserted into the vagina. The provider then collects cells from the cervix by gently swabbing i... ...;    I am angry at myself for not being more careful when I was younger. Although I was not promiscuous, and I did participate in safe sex with my first boyfriend - I learned the hard way that it only takes one time of unprotected sex to contract HPV. Now, eleven years later I am paying the price for my carelessness. It is my hope that women will learn the seriousness of HPV before they become infected and suffer the consequences for a lifetime.      Bibliography American Cancer Society. â€Å"What Causes Cancer of the Cervix?†22 Aug 05. Beers, Mark H. MD., Berkow, Robert MD., and Bogin, Robert M. MD. eds. The      Merck Manual of Medical Information. New York: Pocket Books, 1997. Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, The. Our Bodies, Ourselves - A New      Edition for a New Era. New York: Touchstone, 2005. United States. Center for Disease Control. STD Facts - Human Papilloma Virus      HPV). Washington: 2005. 22 Aug 05.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Clothes at School Essay -- essays research papers
In a 1969 Supreme Court case, Tinker vs. Des Moines, a controversy was started over students wearing black armbands to protest American involvement in the Vietnam War. From this case, and many others like it multiple school boards believe that with uniforms or stricter dress codes, the students will have better learning environments. Many schools now implement strict dress code standards, or school uniforms, because of the cases. Moreover, the students believe they already are not being allowed to express themselves and strict school dress codes and uniforms would not allow the students to do so. One of the things I believe a big deal in schools are uniforms. I personally am against uniforms at school. A reason as to why I feel this way is because they don’t allow people to be different, or express themselves. With uniforms a person is dull and exactly the same as the next. While it may be true that certain elements like hair color and gender make them different, it’s supposed to be more than just that; clothes and not uniforms are suppose to help a student be this unique person. In the US, students have a right to a free and public education. With out depending on whether the student chooses to wear a uniform or not. Have you ever noticed the person way in the back of class that’s wearing expensive clothes, and ponder is he/she like the persona of the clothes he/she’s wearing outside of school? Well I have, and stereotyping really comes out best in what a person wears. Yo...
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Bonsai
Bonsai All that I love I fold over once And once again And keep in a box Or a slit in a hollow post Or in my shoe. All that I love? Why, yes, but for the moment  And for all time, both. Something that folds and keeps easy, Son’s note or Dad’s one gaudy tie, A roto picture of a young queen, A blue Indian shawl, even A money bill. It’s utter sublimation A feat, this heart’s control Moment to moment To scale all love down To a cupped hand’s size, Till seashells are broken pieces From God’s own bright teeth. And life and love are real Things you can run and Breathless hand overTo the merest child. – Edith L. Tiempo * * * A first reading of Edith L. Tiempo’s signature poem is a tad confounding, for the first lady of Philippine poetry in English deploys the centripetal-centrifugal-centripetal (or inward-outward-inward) motion in expressing her profoundest thoughts and deepest feelings about love. The title itself, â€Å"Bonsa i,†is a bit misleading, since nowhere else in the poem are there any further references to plant life or the ancient Japanese technique of cultivating miniature trees or shrubs through dwarfing by selective pruning.Some might even argue that â€Å"Origami†is the better title choice, for at least the persona’s act of folding objects is a bit analogous to the Japanese art of paper folding to make complicated shapes. But this reader will prove at the end of this essay that â€Å"Bonsai†is the most appropriate title for the poem, something that is not quite obvious to most people after their perfunctory appraisal of this often misread literary masterpiece. However, despite the false lead, even a cursory perusal of the poem reveals to the sensitive and sensible reader that â€Å"Bonsai†is about love, if only because the four-letter word is mentioned in all four stanzas.In the first stanza, the persona declares that she folds everything that she loves and keeps them hidden in secret places: â€Å"a box,/ Or a slit in a hollow post,/ Or in my shoe. //†What then are the things she considers imperative enough to keep? At first glance, the catalogue of her beloved objects in the second stanza appears to be disparate, unrelated, almost random, if not completely aleatory. But since a literary sorceress like Tiempo seldom commits mistakes in conjuring appropriate images, then there must a be reason for singling out these particular items and not others.The more important query therefore is this: What do â€Å"Son’s note or Dad’s one gaudy tie,/ A roto[i] picture of a young queen,/ A blue Indian shawl, even/ A money bill. //†share in common? Besides being foldable and thus easy to keep, they must symbolize for the loving female persona important individuals and incidents in her life. For as the semiotician Roland Barthes correctly observes in A Lover’s Discourse: â€Å"Every object touched by the lo ved being’s body becomes part of that body, and the subject eagerly attaches himself to it. [ii] If we are to assume that the speaking voice of â€Å"Bonsai†closely resembles the poet’s own, then the first three objects must represent members of her immediate family: son Maldon; husband Edilberto (It is a well-known fact among writing fellows and panelists of the Silliman Writers’ Workshop that Edith fondly called the late fictionist and literary critic â€Å"Dad,†while being addressed by her husband as â€Å"Mom,†which is a common practice among Filipino couples. ; and daughter Rowena (Unknown to many, the current Program Administrator of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop is a former winner of the Miss Negros Oriental beauty contest sometime in the 1970s, another indicator of the Filipino flavor of the poem, since the Philippines is a pageant-obsessed Third World country. ). The referents of the last two items are more covert and thereby more difficult to decipher. At best, we can only speculate on the persons and/or events that make the two things significant: blue Indian shawl (Edith’s engagement date with Edilberto, her first winter in Iowa, her last autumn in Denver? ; money bill (Her initial salary from Silliman University, cash prize from the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature? ). In the long run though the indeterminacy of the allusions does not really matter, for the opaqueness of the symbols leads not to generic obscurity and obfuscation, but to personal mythology and mystery. Perhaps part of the poem’s message is that the things a person considers memorable and therefore valuable most other people might think of as debris, detritus or dirt. Note that the adverb â€Å"even†modifying â€Å"money bill†is used to indicate something unexpected or unusual, which in the context of the poem seems to suggest that a money bill is not a conventional object to collect and treasure even by the most sentimental of persons. ) Suffice it to say that all five objects, which are outwardly ordinary and nondescript, acquire associative significations because they serve for the poetic persona as conduits of recall, like mementoes, souvenirs and keepsakes.Interestingly, the second stanza commences with what appears to be a rhetorical question (â€Å"All that I love? †), which the persona answers with a paradox: â€Å"Why, yes, but for the moment â€â€/ And for all time, both. †The significance of these seemingly self- contradictory lines will be discussed towards the end of this essay, but for now this reader will focus on the fact that the persona pauses to contemplate on the germane issue of the scope of her love, before she proceeds to enumerate her loved ones’ memorabilia that she has decided to vouchsafe.Love for the female persona therefore is a conscious choice, a cognitive act not only an affective one, a motif that recurs in v arious degrees in most of her other love poems. In the third stanza, the persona explains the rationale behind her action: It’s utter sublimation A feat, this heart’s control Moment to moment To scale all love down To a cupped hand’s size, The keyword here is sublimation, which in psychology is the deflection of sexual energy or other atavistic biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a higher social, moral or aesthetic nature or use.In chemistry, on the other hand, sublimation is the process of transforming a solid substance by heat into a vapor, which on cooling condenses again to solid form without apparent liquefaction. Inherent in both definitions is the act of refinement and purification through fire, since to sublimate in a sense is to make something sublime out of something sordid. In the latter a literal fire dissolves through a crucible the dross from the precious metal, while in the former it is furnace of the mind that burns away the supe rfluous from the crucial experiences.The second most important idea in this stanza is the procedure of scaling love down, which Tiempo asserts is a feat by itself, an exceptional accomplishment of the female persona’s sentimental heart which is achieved through utmost discipline and restraint. But aside from mere manageability, why is it necessary to miniaturize love, to whittle it down to the size of â€Å"a cupped hand†? The answer to this pertinent question is given, albeit in a tangential fashion, in the fourth and last stanza: â€Å"And life and love are real/ Things you can run and/ Breathless hand over/ To the merest child. Love as â€Å"real things†or concrete objects rather than as abstract concepts is easier to pass on, since it has become more tangible and thus more comprehensible to most everyone else, including children and one’s beloved offspring. It also underscores the importance of bequeathing the legacy of love to the next generation, since as the cliche goes â€Å"children are the future of the world,†which makes â€Å"the merest child,†and not the wisest woman nor the strongest man, the ideal recipient of such a wonderful gift.The image of the cupped hand also emphasizes the idea that in the act of giving the one offering the bequest is also a beggar of sorts, since the beneficiary can always refuse to accept the heirlooms being proffered. But another important element is introduced in the ultimate stanza, for the persona by some extraordinary leap of the imagination perceives the seashells on the beach as â€Å"broken pieces/ From God’s own bright teeth,†which for a better understanding of â€Å"Bonsai†must be elaborated on, so that readers of Philippine poetry from English can fully appreciate the tight structural organization of the poem.Gemino H. Abad in his remarkable essay â€Å"Mapping Our Poetic Terrain: Filipino Poetry in English from 1905 to the Present†[i ii]connects this image to the paradoxical lines of the second stanza â€Å"for the moment â€â€/ And for all time, both. †This reader cannot help but agree, since indeed the five objects mentioned by the persona being mementoes of the people she loves are metonyms of memory, shattered but shimmering fragments of chronology, captured important moments immortalized in the heart and mind, if we are to visualize Time itself as a manifestation of God.Of greater consequence, thought, is that this divine figure completes Tiempo’s poetic picture about love and remembrance by adding the spiritual detail, for love like the unmentionable Hebrew name of the Almighty is also a Tetragrammaton, a four-letter word, which has probably engendered the often-quoted adage that â€Å"God is Love, and Love is God. †Structurally speaking, her most famous poem can thus be diagrammed in this manner: TREE/SHRUB â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- bonsai LOVE â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- sonâ€⠄¢s note, Dad's one gaudy tie, etc.GOD â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ seashells MAN/WOMAN â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ merest child On the left side of the chart are the huge objects, concepts or people: full-size flora (Tree/Shrub), big abstract words (Love, God) and grownups (Man/Woman). Their miniature analogues, in contrast, are found on the right side of the chart. However, these diminutive parallels, especially the mementoes, retain the spirit of their larger versions, since the process of sublimation reduces things only in terms of size but not in essence.Ultimately, this makes â€Å"Bonsai†the perfect title of the poem, for a bonsai has all the necessary parts that make a tree or a shrub what it is: roots, a trunk, branches, leaves and flowers, albeit in smaller portions; in the same manner that love even if sublimated by the heart and the mind still preserves its sum and substance, its lifeblood in the truest sense of the written word and the word made flesh.
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