Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Feminine Mystique - 12173 Words
Supplemental Reading for US History 2 From Rosie to Lucy Questions students must answer in a 500-word (minimum) essay: 1) Describe the post-WWII frustrations felt by women such as Betty Friedan. 2) During the era of â€Å"Rosie the Riveter†, what gains did women make in the workforce? How did these women feel about themselves and their contributions? What did society as a whole think? 3) What role did mass media play during the 1950s and 1960s in regard to supporting or undermining the â€Å"feminine mystique†? 4) Which television heroine -- Alice, Lucy, or Miss Brooks -- came the closest to TRULY overcoming the feminine mystique, and elaborate on that heroine’s situation and relationship to the men in her life. It was 1957. Betty†¦show more content†¦Those women needed only to become better adjusted to who and what they were. Friedan, however, was no ordinary housewife. Before starting her family, she had worked as a newspaper reporter; even after her children came, she wrote regularly for the major women s magazines. By 1957 she was fed up with the endless stories about breast-feeding, the preparation of gourmet chip dips, and similar domestic fare that was the staple of ‘Redbook‘, ‘McCall s‘, and ‘Ladies Home Journal‘. She had noticed many women like herself who worked outside the home and felt guilty because their jobs threatened their husbands roles as providers or took time away from their children. Thus Friedan began to wonder not only about herself as a woman, a wife, and a mother, but also about the role society had shaped women to play. The results of the Smith questionnaire engaged Friedan s reportorial instincts. She sensed she was onto a story bigger than anything she had ever written. But when she circulated an article describing the plight so many women were experiencing, the male editors at the women s magazines turned it down flat. It couldn t be true, they insisted; women could not possibly feel as guilty or discontented as Friedan claimed. The problem must be hers. Betty has gone off her rocker, an editor at ‘Redbook’ told her agent. She has always done a good job for us, but this time only the most neurotic housewife couldShow MoreRelatedThe Feminine Mystique By Betty Friedan2032 Words  | 9 PagesIn the book The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan brings attention to what she calls the feminine mystique, or â€Å"the problem that has no name†. Through the use of anecdotal narratives, her own personal experiences as a journalist, editor, mother, and the interviews of many women from di fferent backgrounds in order to unveil the truth about the women of the 1950’s. The problem which sparked the second wave of feminism in the United States is one that focuses on the inequality between men and women andRead MoreThe Feminine Mystique And Shooting An Elephant898 Words  | 4 PagesBoth The Feminine Mystique and â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†discuss the confrontation between the self and society. In The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan addresses â€Å"The Problem That Has No Name†referring to the widespread unhappiness of the housewife due to their obligation to uphold their ideal image rather than pursuing their dreams; in â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†, George Orwell comments on the societal expectations of imperialism and its effects on people who have the duty to uphold the law. In both ofRead MorePrimary Source Analysis on The Feminine Mystique1128 Words  | 5 PagesPotter 1 Rebecca Potter Gray Section 4975 12 May 2015 Primary Source Analysis on The Feminine Mystique The Feminine Mystique is the title of a book written by Betty Friedan who has also founded The National Organization for Women (NOW) to help US women gain equal rights. She describes the Feminine Mystique as the heightened awareness of the expectations of women and how each woman has to fit a certain role as a little girl, an uneducated and unemployed teenager, and finally as a wife andRead MoreAnalysis Of Betty Friedan s The Feminine Mystique Essay1946 Words  | 8 PagesBetty Friedan played a significant part in sparking the second-wave of feminism in the United States. Friedan authored The Feminine Mystique, which publicized women’s passive behavior and apathetic livelihood. In her novel, Friedan highlighted society’s partisan treatment against women based on their constrained living condition as a housewife. Friedan argued women’s growth potential had been restricted due to women’s glorification of family, loss of identity, lack of education, an d misinterpretationRead More Comparing Suppression of Women in Feminine Mystique, Radicalesbians, and Trifles638 Words  | 3 Pages Suppression of Women through Isolation in The Feminine Mystique,nbsp;Radicalesbians, and Triflesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; It is far easier to break the spirit of one human being than that of a united group of people.nbsp;Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, Radicalesbians, and Susan Glaspell’s Trifles come to the same conclusion: isolation and separation caused women to be vulnerable to domination by male society. Social stigmatization by men, an inability to describe the situationRead More Betty Friedans The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufmans Diary of a Mad Housewife3507 Words  | 15 PagesBetty Friedans The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufmans Diary of a Mad Housewife Bettina Balser, the narrator of Sue Kaufman’s Diary of a Mad Housewife, is an attractive, intelligent woman living in an affluent community of New York City with her successful husband and her two charming children. She is also on the verge of insanity. Her various mental disorders, her wavering physical health, and her sexual promiscuity permeate her diary entries, and are interwoven among descriptions of theRead MoreFeminist Analysis : Betty Friedman s The Feminine Mystique And Called Out Television1203 Words  | 5 Pagesfour walls and depended entirely on their spouses for money. Society, basically thought real women’ roles was to be a mother, a housewife. In 1963, Betty Friedman published her famous book The Feminine Mystique and called out Television, educators for constructing women’s roles for them. Feminine Mystique can be understood as the fact that women have been given an idealized image. The main idea of Friedman’s article, in the 50s, women were suffering from a disease that had â€Å"no name†not becauseRead MoreThe Feminine Mystique1107 Words  | 5 Pages1a. Source A is an excerpt of a book written by Betty Friedan in 1963 called â€Å"The Feminine Mystique.†The excerpt is titled â€Å"The Problem That Has No Name,†details how women were expected to be a housewife and how they were unhappy with only having that role. Friedan wrote the book after taking surveys of college students and friends during their 15 year reunion and seeing how unhappy the women were with where their lives had went. She began researching why they were unhappy and saw that they wantedRead MoreThe Feminine Mystique1413 Words  | 6 PagesIn The Feminine Mystique, Friedan embarks on a journey to discover â€Å"the problem [that] lay buried, unspoken for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yea rning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and BrowniesRead MoreFeminine Mystique1075 Words  | 5 PagesThe Feminine Mystique, a novel written in 1963 by Betty Friedan, provided a strong wake up call for women in America about a problem that was negatively impacting them, but not spoken of. After women fought so hard in the 1930s for the right to vote and equality with men in many areas, the author describes how changes in attitude after World War II were convincing women that their most important role is to get married, have kids and take care of the home. However, these women then felt an emptiness
Monday, December 16, 2019
Importance of Participation Free Essays
This is a vital issue today that what is the purpose of electing the political parties to form the government. If we look the entire democratic process it completely gives the picture of non people oriented leadership establishments in political leadership, getting education, starting business doing any social services. The democracy’s look is capitalist. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Participation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Till we change this look and understand the democracy has given the first right to common people and that right is representative right and now we have to think how this right should be used by the common people to lead the society entering into the political institutions. The representative right is now used by the wealthy classes in our society and they able to build the political parties and in maximum cases they constituted the constitutional framework that gives the political parties to come in front of the common people through election commissions registration process. If we seriously look into the function of election commission they should limit themselves to act for preparing the people’s mandate giving programme and listing the voters, but they are doing some extra job given to them by the political leadership who want to remain in seat of power. The democracy is the rule of the common people first using the representative right from the constitution directly and forming the political institutions to workd for the people. After five years the election commission make the arrange ment for asking people to vote to these institutions which has been formed directly taken the representative right through the constitutional provision to establish the people’s leadership in the political institutions. We have to change the capitalist huge social money costly system in people oriented simple and meaningful process. Which could bring social unity among the world community and the capitalist people also feel for the society and remaining in the society and earning they mustnot ignore the social needs afterall society is supporting them to get the profit and taxes are not the only answer because taxes is to be collected to run the administration properly because present world social system, social centralised imagination is not thought about so every welfare programmes has been taken by the state and the result is that they unable to fulfill the people’s desire. So change the democracy and all political parties should correct the constitution of their country to include the people’s commission provision to provide the people their first democratic right of The Representation to form the political institutions in this way we can control the society and unite the people for better purpose. Peace, security and prosperity would come through the social system supported to political system. How to cite Importance of Participation, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Leadership Ethics and Planned Change- myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theLeadership Ethics and Planned Change. Answer: Introduction Planned change is going against the status quo (Caldwell et al., 2012). Some will be willing to adjust while others will be reluctant to change. An effective organization change, for that matter, requires a combination of strong ethical leadership skills to balance conflict of interest from employees, the board of directors, the patient populations and the planned change to realize success. My experience as a health practitioner will assess the adoption of electronic health information management in a hospital I worked at to discuss effective change management paying attention to resistance to change and the ethical leadership applied. Hospital overview I worked at an oncology hospital in our country as a health practitioner for two years. However, the hospital has never witnessed any challenge with regards to managing information of their patients since the hospital was just introduced into the market. It started as exclusively inpatient with an intention to attract more health seekers as well as increase their revenue. Planned change One of the planned changes created in the hospital during my practice as a health practitioner was the abolishment of the use of manual information acquisition and retrieval to their low population patients and developing electronic information system. This system primarily involved maintenance of information in files that were coded and arranged in sequence depending on the admission date. This information could be kept for a long time and could also be acquired any time of need. There was a planned need to change form the manual storage to electronic storage of information. As the organization progressed with its services meeting the cancer patients needs, the hospital witnessed overwhelming demand. All the resources of the organization were stretched and everybody had to contend with working overtime to ensure all are served. A lot of changes followed that involved adoption of an electronic information system to help in controlling long consultation and admission queues. However, with the beginning of the increase in the population of the patients, the use of the electronic system was introduced. This allowed for the safe storage of information as planned by the hospital management. The effectiveness of the strategies witnessed resistance and how it was solved. The adoption of the electronic health information involved multiple approaches that were not limited to; formulation of an implementation team drawn from across the hospital departments. The typical team included nurses, physicians, medical assistants, administrative staff and compliance office staff with each playing a distinctive role. The lead physician guided the organization throughout the adoption process linking the frontline users to the administrative staff and technical users. The project leader, on the other hand, works in conjunction with the vendor and all the staffs to ensure the stakeholders remain focused on their timelines, monitor project progress as well as maintain routine practices. This ensured continuity of hospital operations at the same time a new system was being installed contrary to an earlier speculation of hospital closure. However, there was a low turnout of the caregivers particularly those who lack technical expertise for fear of being underrated. Wha t followed is a duplication of machines to facilitate sharing of knowledge in the interim period until a time when everybody has been taken through formal training. A stand by personnel recorded patients particulars as the physician undertook the examinations. The final result was then keyed in as he watched. The hospital, therefore, made insignificant lose as opposed to when it could have closed. Some of the junior staff also preempted being laid off, and new staffs who are technologically updated will take their places. The initial discussions in private and public forums created fear that adversely demoralized their work performance (ShokriZadeArani Karami, 2010). A formal communication and involvement during meetings reaffirmed a commitment to ensure that everybody is as per the required technical know-how (Cummings, Bridgman Brown, 2016). The next was to configure the software so that each healthcare giver would access the database from their working locations. This involved the consultation of the health IT vendor to secure the electronic system to render it tamper proofs from internal and external threats. Hardware needs identification followed suite where there was a need to seek for professional guidance to effectively identify the most cost efficient hardware (Feo Kitson, 2016). After hardware needs have been determined, data transfer from the files would follow. The hospital outsourced individuals and combined with its data management team to migrate data from the earlier manual systems prior to a patients next visit. The outsourced personnel were on a temporary basis to save on time that would have been undertaken by the few administrative staff. Nonetheless, the boards of directors were hesitant to provide good will as they perceived such moves to require unnecessary spending yet they can be achieved in phase s ignorant of the fact that they were postponing a risk where they would incur more cost regarding consistent system upgrades to accommodate emerging system needs. It would have also burdened the care givers and the health administrators to migrate the information at the same time serve the waiting patients that would have consumed a lot of time. Demonstrating the cost benefits by the management softened the affirmative of the directors. It also acted as a proof of highest level of trust the Board of Directors bestowed on the management staff that will go a long way in delivering services to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders (Cummings et al., 2016). There was also need to identify and ideally lay out a room that would provide favorable operations of the electronic system. There was an urgency to redesign the front office to create more space to accommodate the health records staff as well as system administrators. However, the established format ensured that the physicians could see the patients while using a computer that compromises the need for patient privacy and engagement medical codes of conducts (ShokriZadeArani Karami, 2010). There is a need for adoption of a triangle of trust design which allows for strategic location of patient, physician, and computer to enhance communications. The best way to design a triangular configuration is through the adoption of a semicircular desk which provides for direct face to face connection between the physician and the patient. Alternatively, place the computer on a cart that can be adjusted into position at the physicians convenience in the examination room to enhance physician-pati ent communication. The only challenge is the board of directors perception of investing in such a system who finally fail with no opportunity to recover the incurred cost. The other portion voted unanimously for the adjustment of the examination rooms to incorporate the new health information management system (ShokriZadeArani Karami, 2010). The final face would involve a training plan to equip the current employees on how to operate the new system. The training took the form of administration of bulletins and operation manuals that the care givers can go through in their free time with regards to system functionality (Shirey, 2013). There is, however, a great need to provide continuous improvement to keep the employees updated on any new system functionality demands. The training required an extra time at the work place which faced mixed reactions. Most of the care givers demanded an overtime pay that will increase the overall cost of hospital operations. The hospital boards of directors were reluctant to adopt such a recommendation for fear of operating above budget. Nonetheless, the management requested the healthcare practitioners to volunteer part of their lunch and tea breaks to at least grasp a concept of the upgraded system. The management, in turn, used the tea breaks and weekly strategic meetings to undertake t he training that limited time and cost that would have been incurred. Volunteering time is a pointer to the good working relationship and a non-coercive urge to acquire new technological skills (Shirey, 2013). What is in doubt about the implementation of the new system is the provision of a course of action in case of system failure. Care givers would revert to the manual system that would appear cumbersome as they are used to the electronic thus the patient particulars could suffer from human errors. The errors could find their way when the new system will be put up that will translate into performance or administration of substandard care; a recipe for intensified legal jeopardy diminishing the established positive rapport with the target population. The backup generator only serves the surgical room but should be extended to the examination room (Lussier Achua, 2015). Summary and Conclusion After a successful formulation and implementation of a new electronic health record system, there was easy access to the patients medical history. The care givers were able to identify previous treatment regimens provided and thus evaluate their effectiveness and whether there is a need to adjust to a new treatment with ease in contrast to the manual records where tracing an individual patients file would take a lot of time. In addition, the system ensured a better coordination of care as care givers can easily locate an individual patient from other referral clinics (Menachemi Collum, 2011). The overall organization performance increased as staff and patients have less to no physical form to fill making the clinicians devote more time to the care of the patients. The overall effect is a patient satisfaction that will translate into more revenue. There was a remarked reduction in the billing errors occasioned by miscalculations to serve long queues (Menachemi Collum, 2011).What is realized from my experience as a health practitioner is that the future of health information management depends on the actions taken today. Although they will be met by equal resistance, what needs to be recognized is the diversity of human reaction to a new phenomenon particularly when cost will be incurred. Some will take a longer time to adjust; others will take the slightest of the available opportunity to adopt the new technology. Both will singly and collectively lead to the realization of innovations in not only health information management but will extrapolate to other sectors. Ample time, therefore, needs to be given to enable the majority to embrace the technological advancement to simplify work. References Caldwell, C., Dixon, R. D., Floyd, L. A., Chaudoin, J., Post, J., Cheokas, G. (2012). Transformative leadership: Achieving unparalleled excellence. Journal of Business Ethics, 109(2), 175-187. Cummings, S., Bridgman, T., Brown, K. G. (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewins legacy for change management. human relations, 69(1), 33-60. Feo, R., Kitson, A. (2016). Promoting patient-centred fundamental care in acute healthcare systems. International journal of nursing studies, 57, 1-11. Lussier, R. N., Achua, C. F. (2015). Leadership: Theory, application, skill development. Nelson Education. Menachemi, N., Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk management and healthcare policy, 4, 47. Shirey, M. R. (2013). Lewins theory of planned change as a strategic resource. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 69-72. ShokriZadeArani, L., Karami, M (2010). The impact of information technology in improving the health care system from the perspective of Shahid Beheshti hospital staff. J Health Info Manag, 8(6), 835-41.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Modern Management Chapter free essay sample
Influencing is referred to as motivating, leading, directing, or actuating. d. Controlling is the management function through which managers i. Gather information that measures recent performance within the organization ii. Compare present performance to pre-established performance standards. iii. From this comparison, determine whether the organization should be modified to meet pre-established standards. These functions are interrelated because the performance of one depends on the performance of the others. For example, organizing is based on well thought out plans developed during the planning process, and influencing systems must be tailored to reflect both these plans and the organizational design used to implement them. The fourth function, controlling, involves possible modification to existing plans, organizational structure, or the motivation system used to develop a more successful effort. 2. How can controlling help a manger to become more efficient? e. Managerial efficiency is the proportion of total organizational resources that contribute to productivity during the manufacturing process. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Management Chapter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The higher this proportion, the more efficient the manager. So if the manager is controlling properly like gathering information, comparing and contrasting pre-established standards and uses resources correctly then they are being efficient. 3. What is the value in having managers at the career exploration stage within an organization? Why? The decline stage? Why? f. The value of having mangers at the career exploration sage is because individuals at this stage is about 15 to 25 years old and are involved in some type of formal training, such as college or vocational education who may have fresh ideas to the organization. Whereas the decline stage is where individuals of about 65 years or older is either close to retirement, semiretired, or fully retired. So these type of individuals may find it difficult to maintain prior performance levels, perhaps because they have lost interest in their careers or have failed to keep their job skills up to date. 4. Discuss your personal philosophy for promoting the careers of women managers within an organization. Why do you hold this philosophy? Explain any challenges that you foresee in implementing this philosophy within a modern organization, how will you overcome these challenges? . I don’t believe there should be women managers, because women are too emotional. Possibly getting sued for discrimination. I would get a well-paid attorney to overcome these challenges. 5. List and define five skills that you think you’ll need as CEO of a company. Why will these skills be important to possess? h. (1) Technical skills: involves the ability to apply sp ecialized knowledge and expertise to work-related techniques and procedures. i. (2) Human skills: build cooperation within the team being led. They involve working with attitudes and communication, individual and group interests. j. (3) Conceptual skills: involves the ability to see the organization as a whole. k. (4) Defining organizational roles: the duty and responsibilities everyone has within the organization l. (5) Encouraging innovative thinking: motivating/encouraging those who have the best interests of the organization. These skills will provide to be important to possess in a CEO because there should be a balance of skills to make an organization efficient and effective.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests
What is the difference between hauntings and poltergeists? Some people might think there really isn’t a difference. The difference is that hauntings are spirits of deceased human beings that appear frequently in a certain place. Poltergeists are a more physical version of ghosts. Poltergeists meaning â€Å"noisy ghost†in German is exactly what it sound like. Poltergeists will scream, throw objects, and make noises such as rapping or taps to make their presence known. In other cases poltergeists have been linked to demons. Most hauntings are usually related to a specific place or tragic death. The differences between poltergeist activity and hauntings are hard to distinguish, but in different situations it is noticeable. Haunting activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same area. While poltergeists activities seem to disappear for a time period and come back. Examples of both poltergeists and hauntings can be found in the history of the Borley Rectory a nd the Tower of London, two very old English building with traumatic and dramatic supernatural histories. The Tower of London is known world-wide for its bloody history and the royalty that have walked through the halls of the building. Although you might imagine the tower to be big it is merely the size of a four story house. It is where the crown jewels are kept, including the Star of Africa, which is the largest diamond in the world. The Tower has a long and gruesome history. More than a dozen people were executed and it is said to be one of the â€Å"most haunted places in England†. The tower is overflowing with paranormal activity, especially ghosts. The most famous ghost is Anne Boleyn. She was the â€Å"most celebrated of the wives of Henry VIII†She was beheaded in 1536 on the Tower Green. Her ghost is usually seen both on the Green and in the Chapel Royal which is located in the White Tower. It is there in the chapel where one of the sightings of her spirits w... Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests Free Essays on Ghosts And Poltergiests What is the difference between hauntings and poltergeists? Some people might think there really isn’t a difference. The difference is that hauntings are spirits of deceased human beings that appear frequently in a certain place. Poltergeists are a more physical version of ghosts. Poltergeists meaning â€Å"noisy ghost†in German is exactly what it sound like. Poltergeists will scream, throw objects, and make noises such as rapping or taps to make their presence known. In other cases poltergeists have been linked to demons. Most hauntings are usually related to a specific place or tragic death. The differences between poltergeist activity and hauntings are hard to distinguish, but in different situations it is noticeable. Haunting activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same area. While poltergeists activities seem to disappear for a time period and come back. Examples of both poltergeists and hauntings can be found in the history of the Borley Rectory a nd the Tower of London, two very old English building with traumatic and dramatic supernatural histories. The Tower of London is known world-wide for its bloody history and the royalty that have walked through the halls of the building. Although you might imagine the tower to be big it is merely the size of a four story house. It is where the crown jewels are kept, including the Star of Africa, which is the largest diamond in the world. The Tower has a long and gruesome history. More than a dozen people were executed and it is said to be one of the â€Å"most haunted places in England†. The tower is overflowing with paranormal activity, especially ghosts. The most famous ghost is Anne Boleyn. She was the â€Å"most celebrated of the wives of Henry VIII†She was beheaded in 1536 on the Tower Green. Her ghost is usually seen both on the Green and in the Chapel Royal which is located in the White Tower. It is there in the chapel where one of the sightings of her spirits w...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Main Aim of a Research Paper
The Main Aim of a Research Paper The Main Aim of a Research Paper A research paper is one of the most commonly assigned tasks at both high school and college. That is why every student knows how challenging such a task may be and often claim that it only adds inconvenience and stress. However, a research paper, if completed properly, is a great way to understand the subject and give a tutor a chance to evaluate a variety of skills. A real goal of completing a research paper It is as simple, as A-B-C: you won’t be able to finish post-secondary grade until you will be ready to complete such assignments. Research papers give your professors a chance to evaluate not only your knowledge of the subject but also your abilities to find relevant sources and data, process it and use the material in a clear and understandable manner. In addition, you will be able to show your tutors how well you are able to shape your personal opinion on a subject and back it with relevant information. The main difference between a research paper and a creative writing is that you should always put logic first. No need to make up anything: just use facts and arguments to cover the topic. It is probably the most valuable and important advice you will ever get on an academic assignment. How to complete As any academic task, a research paper has some rules and guidelines, which you need to follow. While such rules may not be too strict or obvious, there is always one thing you need to remember: always follow the structure. A proper structure of your work gives the reader a chance to understand the subject and make up personal opinion on the matter. Another important lesson you will learn from a research paper is that you should always base it on other works and studies. Being able to process various sources and make up your own vision on the subject is one of the most valuable lessons any student can learn from an academic writing. What will you learn If you think that completing a research paper is causing you stress and you don’t feel like finishing it, you need to consider all of the benefits. Such task gives you a valuable experience of working with various sources, analyzing information and improving knowledge on the subject. That is why benefits of a research paper include: Learning various information. You will always know more! Obtaining logical skills. Constant analyzing will definitely help in future; Argumentation skills that are useful even in daily lives; Gaining confidence to support your point of view. All these skills will bring you an ultimately new experience and you will not only be able to complete a great research paper but will also improve the quality of your life.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Human Resource Management Relations and Rewards Essay
Human Resource Management Relations and Rewards - Essay Example â€Å"Grievances are best dealt with at an early stage, informally, with the immediate line manager. However, organizations should have formal procedures in place to handle cases left unresolved. Having formal grievance procedures in place allows employers to give reasonable consideration to any issues which can't be resolved informally and to deal with them fairly and consistently†. The problems are solved in the grievance hearing meeting. The line manager will hear the complaint of the employee first and then it is taken a open discussion by the group about the issues. Disciplinary cases include poor performance or misconduct by the employee during his work .If an employee’s performance does not meet the set standards, the employer has to improve the performance through informal discussion with the employee. But if the employee continues his poor performance, the employer has to take disciplinary actions against him. Basic useful direction is given in the Acas Code of Practice on Grievance and Discipline issues. It provides a detailed guidance and advice for the employers and employees which will be useful to them in their current and future career. This code is adopted to help the employer and employee to handle the disciplinary and grievance issues in the working environment. â€Å"If the employer decides to a take disciplinary action or dismiss the employee, they should follow the procedures which are laid out in the Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures†.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership and Entreprenuership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leadership and Entreprenuership - Essay Example d as â€Å"a multidimensional concept encompassing the firm’s actions relating to product-market and technological innovation, risk taking and proactiveness†(Kellermans & Eddleston, 2006). Thus an entrepreneur is a person who is prepared for new challenges, face adversities, take risk and achieve profits by identifying opportunities and utilizing the resources available. Leadership has been defined as â€Å"natural and learned ability, skill and personal characteristics to conduct interpersonal relations, which influence people to take desired actions (Eric, n.d.). Thus effective leadership requires accomplishment and influencing. Leadership requires trust and commitment of others, which they can achieve through their own behavior and integrity. Leaders create and deal with change; leadership requires vision, direction, strategies, motivation and inspiring. While both entrepreneurship and leadership have certain traits in common, not all of the leadership traits are n ecessary in an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship to a large extent relies on leadership. Jong and Hartog (2003) have reviewed various definitions of leadership and conclude that three main elements: ‘group’, ‘influence’ and ‘goal’ make a leader. These three elements are related to an entrepreneur who can influence his co-workers with the intermediate goal of enhancing their innovative behavior in order to improve the number and quality of innovations and eventually firm performance. Entrepreneurial attitude can be measured in terms of achievement, innovation, personal control, self esteem, and opportunity recognition (Lindsay, 2005). Lindsay further clarifies that innovation includes recognizing and acting upon business activities in new and unique ways. Achievement can be associated with business start-up and growth results, while self-esteem includes self-confidence. Personal control involves individual perceptions of control and influence over business affairs. Creativity is one of key
Saturday, November 16, 2019
IS spring Essay Example for Free
IS spring Essay Economy should serve the individuals by maximizing its wealth and power C. economy should serve the Rich by maximizing its wealth and power D. None of the above 3. Which one of the following was promoted under mercantilism? A. A nation should build strong army and conquer other nations. B. Grant legal monopolies to businesses that produce goods for export C. Establish colonies for raw D. All of the above 4. Which school of thought promoted freedom of press, rule of law, and a free market? A. Marxism B. Classical Mercantilism C. Classical Liberalism 5. Which one of the following theorists was against any protections for landlords and aid, Landlords gain is industrialists loss? A. Adam Smith B. David Ricardo C. Karl Marx D. Herbert Spencer 6. Which system tends to believe in trickle down economy? A. Socialism B. Communism C. Capitalism 7. What was David Ricardos point of view on foreign trade? A. Foreign trade is not good for economy B. Foreign trade is not good for economy, therefore government should ban it C. Foreign trade is good for economy because it lowers the wages of local labor leading to more profit for the industrialists D. Balance between imports and exports is good for economy 8. In our discussion on Marxism, we presented a number of evolutionary stages of society. Which stage was pointed out in our lectures as Natural Socialism? A. Hunting and gathering societies B. Agrarian societies C. Ancient societies Feudal societies D. Who was the rural Proletariat during Feudalism? 9. A. Factory worker B. Feudal lord C. Farmer 10. In old days, shoemakers used to make shoes using simple tools. They sold it and made some profit for themselves. What type of capitalism was it? Cooperative capitalism A. Manufacturing capitalism B. Modern capitalism None of the above In a socialist society, who owns the means of production? 1. A. State B. Individuals C. Communities D. Bourgeoisie 12. Karl Marx lists a number of things under forces of production. Which one of the following is one of them? A. Labor C. Money, machines, and infrastructure 13. The story It was Grandfathers Birthday was used in our class to illustrate? A. Poverty B. Inequality C. Class conflict D. Alienation 14. According to Karl Marx, what is a class conflict? A. Conflict between two countries B. Conflict between two religious groups C. Conflict between Bourgeoisies and Proletariats 15. According to Marxists, which one of the following nations has a real socialism? A. China B. cuba C. North Korea 16. According to Karl Marx, what is the main reason of growth in Capital in a Capitalist society? A. Modern technology B. Optimum use of workers C. Exploitation of workers Modernization Theory 17. Which one of the following societies is relatively an undifferentiated society? A. France B. Chad C. Germany D. Norway Modernization theorys point of view on why Somalia is poor? A. Poverty of Somalia is a product of internal factors B. Poverty of Somalia is a product of external factors C. Poverty of nations is a product of both internal and external factors D. All of the Native Indians lived in a traditional society. According to Lews Model of 19. Modernization, which one of the following would be one of the characteristics of this society? A. Fewer specializations B. Universalism C. High use of money and market D. Complex bureaucracy 20. Social scientists have criticized modernization theory for a number of reasons. Why did they believe that Modernization theory is based on ethnocentrism? A. Western European definition of development was used for modernization B. Christian definition of development was used for modernization C. It completely ignored the role of colonialism in the development of Europe D. None of the above 21. Amish live very traditional life in the USA. You have been asked by the US government to prepare a plan to modernize them. Which one of the following should be the main focus of your plan? A. Make laws to force Amish to change B. Make laws to force Amish children to go to public schools C. Try to change the values, traditions, and culture of Amish D. All of the above 22. According to Modernization Generally speaking, how does it influence migration? A. Industrialization leads to a decline in migration B. Industrialization leads to an increase in migration C. Industrialization does not have any impact on migration D. It varies from country to country 23. Japan, USA, Norway, South Korea, and Netherlands went through the same process of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization. Why are these countries so different from one another? Because of cultural differences Because of religious differences Because of environmental differences All of the above World Systems Perspective 24. Which one of the following theorists said that foundations of dependency were laid down during 19th century Europe? A. Karl Marx B. A. G. Frank C. Adam Smith D. Moore 25. Which one of the following nations is Capital intensive? B. China C. India D. Bangladesh 26. Rwanda is a poor nation. Which one of the following reasons of under- development of Rwanda refers to Chase-Dunn? A. Colonialism B. Wars imposed by core nations C. Local environmental and social reason 27. According to Robert Cox, global financial organizations give out loans to poor countries. What is the real goal of these financial policies? B. Help the elites of those countries C. Help their own nations 28. Which one of the following characteristics refers to periphery nations? A. Urban B. Politically powerful C. Poor economy D. Stable governments 29. You watched a video on Wallenstein. What did he say about the future of Capitalism? A. Greed to accumulate wealth will help Capitalism to survive B. Capitalism will collapse as it is C. Capitalism will be replaced by religious fundamentalism 30. Which one of the following statements on Global economic and political interdependence refers to Chase Dunn? A. It helps poor nations through diffusion of technology B. It helps rich nations because they are able to sell their technologies to poor nations C. It helps both rich and poor countries Assignment 1 Generally speaking, in which continent life expectancy tends to be very high? 31. Africa Europe Latin America D. Asia 32. Which nations tend to have very high infant mortality rates?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Adventures at a Jamily Gathering :: Personal Narrative Writing
Adventures at a Jamily Gathering â€Å"This is a little ridiculous,†my brother sneers, shivering. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon, 30 degrees and dropping; we’re about 40 people from the entrance gate, and the concert doesn’t start until 7:30 pm. At this point, I’d have to agree with him. This concert is the last to be held this year at the Alpine Valley Amphitheater, and rightfully soâ€â€by the time Pearl Jam takes the stage, the temperature’s dropped to 15 degrees, and the band walk out doused heavily with stocking caps and scarves, and Eddie Vedder, the band’s frontman, welcomes the audience to â€Å"The Ice Bowl.†The crowd erupts in a roar that is part â€Å"Damn straight!†and part, â€Å"Yeah, and your asses have been sitting cozy in the tour bus all afternoon!†Wait, maybe that last part was just me†¦ This is my third time seeing Pearl Jam in concert since I discovered the band in 1994, and though I am still dedicated enough to endure the cold in order to ensure a decent spot on the general admission hill, my enthusiasm for the band and its music has waned a bit since my first show. As I wander up and down the line of fans waiting somewhat patiently to be admitted into the amphitheater, I see myself circa 1995 in several of the people I meet: their fierce protectiveness of the band, suspicion of half-assed fans, and the competitive nature of their devotion aren’t foreign to me. The Jamily is strictly members only, and the fans that comprise Pearl Jam family will let you know quickly if you’re in or out. Thanks to my obsessive-pursuit-of-Pearl-Jam-related-information phase, I was able to get most of the hardcore fans to trust my credentials enough to talk to me about their fandomâ€â€but it wasn’t always easy. Some of the fans’ interrogation of me was much more thorough than mine of them. I was assaulted with a variety of questions covering everything from the distance I’d traveled to see a Pearl Jam concert, how many shows I’d been to, the duration of my fanhood, and obscure facts I was able to recognize about the band. Usually, I passed these credibility tests with flying colors; I think I may have even made a few people nervous. This resulted in the initiation of phase two in which the fan asserts the superiority of his/her fandom over that of any other living being.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mba/ (Finance and Marketing)Fresher
Vivek Ramachandran 10, Lakshmi Nivas, Mullai Street, K K Nagar, Chennai 600 063 Cell #: (91) 9566009700 Email: [email protected] com Career Objective To work in an Organization, where I can effectively blend my skills as a Management Professional coupled with my Mechanical Engineering Graduation, which will help me explore myself fully and realize my potential, with a zeal to work as a key player in a challenging & creative environment. Qualification ? MBA (OPERATIONS / ERP) –FINAL YEAR ? B. TECH (MECHANICAL) ENGINEER Academic qualification | |Year of |% | |Qualification |Institution |Study | | |MBA |SRM University, |2010-2012 |89%(up to 1st yr) | | |Chennai | | | |B. Tech |SRM University, Chennai | |79. 6% | |Mechanical Engineering | | | | | | |2006-2010 | | |HSC |Sri Sankara Vidyalaya, Chennai |2006 |66% | |SSLC |Sri Sankara Vidyalaya, Chennai |2004 |71% | Mini-Project (MBA) Title: â€Å"A Study of Manufacturing Operations involved in Hi-Tech Fabrication Facilityâ₠¬ Company: Team co. Hi-tech Engineering ltd. Period: 2 months Title: â€Å"Crude oil-â€Å"Crude impact on Indian Economy†Under the Guidance of Dr. Samprasatha Joe Project (B. Tech) Title: â€Å"Optimization of Surface Characteristics using RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY for Ball and Roller Burnishing Process†Description: †¢ Ball and roller burnishing tool are used in CNC machining centre to super finish the milling process. †¢ The tool and work piece material are tungsten carbide and tool steel (T215CR12) respectively. †¢ The input parameters are feed, force, step-over, ball diameter, roller width, no of passes and speed. The output parameters are surface roughness and micro Vickers hardness. †¢ The characteristic of burnishing process is analyzed using ANOVA analysis. †¢ The output parameters are modeled and optimized using response surface methodology. †¢ Surface plots and Contour plots are plotted for the output parameters. †¢ SEM p hotographs are taken for milled and burnished surface. Training Summary (B. Tech) Company name: Ashokleyland, Chennai Duration : 2-weeks Areas covered : Engine Assembly, Chassis Assembly Company name: Diamond Engineering Ltd. , Vandalur Duration : 2-weeks Areas covered : Steel Fabrications, Dispatch Department Software’s known †¢ Implementation in SAP ERP (Materials Management) module. †¢ Operation knowledge of MS Excell, MS Access, MS Word, MS Power point. †¢ Basics in SPSS software. †¢ Operating Systems        : Windows 7/XP. Strength †¢ Highly Determined, self motivated & committed towards work. †¢ Willingness to learn. †¢ Eager to take up challenging opportunities in life. Extra-curricular activities †¢ Organizer for COMMUNE 2011,a national level event. †¢ Secured 1st place in DUMB-C at SAMS †¢ Secured 1st place inX-FACTOR in Millan 2010, a national level event. Participated in Aurush 2009, a national level event †¢ Certificate course in YOGA at SRM UNIVERSITY . Personal profile Name : R. VIVEK Sex/Status: Male/Single Nationality: Indian Language Known: English, Tamil Hobbies/Interests: Playing cricket, listening to music. DOB : 05th Dec 1988 Job Location : Anywhere in India Declaration I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars. Place: chennai                                                                                 (R. VIVEK)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Food Adultration Essay
The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form; prohibited substances are either added or partly or wholly substituted. Normally the contamination/adulteration in food is done either for financial gain or due to carelessness and lack in proper hygienic condition of processing, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and their effect on health. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ THEORY The increasing number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration are very difficult. The consciousness of consumers would be crucial. Ignorance and unfair market behavior may endanger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening, tests for their detection. In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems. Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases like cancer, diarrhea, asthma, ulcers, etc. Majority of fats, oils and butter are paraffin wax, castor oil and hydrocarbons. Red chilli powder is mixed with brick powder and pepper is mixed with dried papaya seeds. These adulterants can be easily identified by simple chemical tests. Several agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK – acronym for agricultural marketing .This organization certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Real Reason Behind the Recent School Shootings essays
The Real Reason Behind the Recent School Shootings essays Family environment and the press are two major influences resulting in the recent tragic school shootings. As much as society continues to focus the killing rampages on factors such as television and music, what children are exposed to in reality contributes to the violence. The most recent school shooting in Michigan involved a six-year-old first grader who killed a classmate with a .22 caliber pistol. The news coverage had vanished after two or three days, and I was left wondering what had happened. Considering the fact that the media wore the Columbine incident out, I wanted to know why they did not pay more attention to this school shooting. As evidence did arrive, it was discovered that the child lived in a household where cocaine, heroin, and many other illegal drugs were commonplace. Also in this home guns were easily accessible to the child. Children growing up in this type of environment certainly are likely to be held accountable for future violence. Even though I am against the news media presenting too much school violence, Americans should have been deeply disturbed by this shooting because of the childs young age. The Michigan shooting should have enlightened Americans to the dilemma we face in this country. Two weeks after the Columbine High School shooting, information on the mass murder was still being broadcast on television. The press was feeding young viewers ideas on how to kill their classmates. News was reported how the teenage murderers acquired information regarding building bombs, obtaining guns, smuggling guns into the school, and proceeding to kill their classmates. A mentally unstable teenager could simply watch these news reports and write a book entitled, How to Slay Your Classmates. This onslaught was ridiculous and the news coverage should not have been permitted to continue for countless weeks. Society has determined three reasons on which to blame ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
All what you need to know about Down syndrome
All what you need to know about Down syndrome Down syndrome (also known as trisomy 21) is a genetic disorder in which a person is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome. This disorder causes the patient to go through physical development delays, mental disabilities and a variety of distinguishable facial features. The possibility of being affected by down syndrome occurs by chance, the parents of the infected persons are genetically normal. This disability is permanent, and it usually shortens life expectancy. Although the disease has no known cure, people infected with down syndrome can still live very healthy and fulfilling lives. Medical advances have created support for people and their families that have been affected by down syndrome, providing opportunities to help prevail over the challenges of this disorder. In a normal cell, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, making it a total of 46. 23 of the chromosomes come from the mother’s egg and the other 23 comes from the father’s sperm. The XY chromosome includes the Y chromosome found in the sperm and the X chromosome found in the egg. In Down syndrome, there are three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two, this is called a chromosomal abnormality. The additional chromosome is either as a whole (trisomy 21) or parts of it (translocations). The effects of Down syndrome are different from person to person depending on how long the extra copy, the infected genetic background, and random possibilities. Down syndrome can affect all humans and similar effects have been found in other species (e.g chimpanzees and mice). Scientists have created transgenic mice with the human chromosome 21 and their own chromosomes. There are three chromosomal patterns that result in Down syndrome: trisomy 21, translocation and mosaicism. Trisomy 21 also known as nondisjunction is when a baby has 21 chromosomes instead of two. When a pair of 21 chromosomes fails to separate properly either in the egg or sperm. The extra chromosomes go on to be replicated into the cell in everybody. 95% of people with Down syndrome have trisomy 21. Translocation occurs in only 3% to 4% of all cases. In translocation, a part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division then attaches itself to another chromosome. The extra piece of the 21st chromosome causes the characteristics of down syndrome, translocation and may show that the infected person’s parents are carrying chromosomal material that is arranged in an unusual manner, genetic counselling can be sought to ascertain more information when these circumstances occur. Mosaicism is when disjunction of chromosome 21 takes place in one of the cell divisions after fertilization. After this happens there is a mixture of two types of cells, some contain 46 chromosomes and others 47. The cell that contains 47 chromosomes has an extra 21st chromosome. This type of Down syndrome only occurs in 1% to 2% of all cases of Down syndrome. There is a slight difference between trisomy 21 and Down syndrome. Nondisjunction is when the homologous chromosomes don’t separate properly during cell division. There are three types of nondisjunction, when the sister chromatids don’t separate during mitosis, when the sister chromatids don’t separate during meiosis II and when the homologous chromosomes don’t separate during meiosis I. Nondisjunction causes the daughter cells to have abnormal chromosome numbers. While trisomy 21 is when there is an extra copy of the chromosome. The average age that people with down syndrome live is increasing from 10 years in 2010 to 60 years now. However, their survivorship is determined by some heart problems by some factors; about 12% die in their first year, 60% of those with cognitive heart problems live to 10 years old and 50% live to 30 years old. 85% of those with no heart problems live to 10 years old and 80% live to 30 years old. Only 10% lives to 70 years of age. Down syndrome cannot be cured. During pregnancy, if the pregnant woman goes through prenatal scanning and the baby is found to have down syndrome 95% of those pregnancies are terminated. 20% to 50% of individuals with Down syndrome have problems of the thyroid gland, low thyroid is the most common form, occurring in half of all infected persons. These problems can be due to a poorly or totally non-functioning thyroid at birth also known as congenital hypothyroidism which happens very rarely or develops later due to an attack on the thyroid by the immune system. The rate of heart diseases in newborns with down syndrome is around 40 %, out of all the diseases only about 80%have a ventricular septal defect or atrioventricular septal defect (this one is more common). The mitral valve problems become common as people grow even in the people without heart problems at birth. People with Down syndrome have a lower risk of their arteries being hardened. Other problems that may include the art eries are tetralogy of Fallot and patent ductus arteriosus. The risk of having cancer in infected persons is not changed but the risk of leukaemia and testicular cancer is increased and risk of solid cancers is reduced. Solid cancers are less common because of the increased expression of tumour suppressor genes that are in the chromosome 21. Cancers of the blood are 10 times more common in children than with down syndrome. Specifically, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is about 20 times more common and the megakaryoblastic form of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is 500 times more popular. Transient myeloproliferative disease is a disorder of blood cell production that does not happen outside of Down syndrome, it affects about 7% of newly born babies. The disorder is not serious but can be sometimes can be deadly. Most times it is resolved without treatment but, those that have it are at risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The hypothalamic dysfunction is the primary cause of GH deficiency and growth retardation, although there has been minor research on how down syndrome affects our systems (excretory, nervous) there hasn’t been any major research with trustworthy results. People with Down’s syndrome usually tend to develop hypothyroidism but sometimes they can have hyperthyroidism although this is much less common. Hypothyroidism is hardly ever present at birth and it is more likely for people with down syndrome to develop it as they get older. This usually happens because of autoimmunity meaning when the body’s defence system attacks itself it is sometimes called hashimoto’s hypothyroidism (although there can be other causes). Trisomy pregnancies occur when the embryo has three copies of a chromosome rather than the normal two. The most common trisomy is Down’s syndrome or trisomy 21.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers - Assignment Example Sri Lanka is basically a pear shaped island situated in the Indian Ocean between 5-54'N and 9-52'N latitudes, and longitudes of 79-39'E and 81-53'E. The island was originally a part of India that got separated with time by a channel and now is only 35 kilometers of wide at its narrowest. The entire region of Sri Lanka is famous for its cultivation, monsoonal climate, green lavish tea producing farms, elephant breeding, and biological parks. Sri Lanka has always been very famous also because of the highest literacy rate of its population that was supposed to be above 90% in 1990s according to its census. Apart from all these delicacies, natural inheritance, and scenic beauties; there is a dark side of the island as well, which is known as the Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers. The following information will reveal more details about the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka with necessary details and descriptions. The Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers can also be referred to as Liberation of Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tiger Movement, Air Tigers, Eellalan or Ellalan Force, Sangilian Force, Black Tigers, Sea Tigers, Tiger Organization Security Intelligence Service (TOSIS), or Women's Combat Force of Liberation Tigers (WCFLT). This league or liberation party is a militant organization originally based in northern Sri Lanka and was founded in the year 1976. The main purpose and objective of this organization is to actively fight violently secessionist campaign in order to seek independence for Tamils in the shape of a Tamil state in the north and east side of Sri Lanka. This is one of the longest running and unsolved violent conflicts in Asia that has not solved till date and has get into the Sri Lankan civil war as well. At present, the Tamil Tigers are identified as a terrorist group or organization by almost 32 independent countries who regard them as terrorist. This is because of the fact that Tamil Tigers are involved in the well-organized militia cadre, and are dishonorable of carried out violence against civilians and normal people, including elimination and murder of many Sri Lankan and Indian politicians and high-ranking officials. They train adults and children simultaneously and help them to become Tamil Tigers and fight against the government to seek independence by utilizing violence, gunshots, fires, bombings, and suicide bombing as well. They even made use of modern
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Health care model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health care model - Essay Example Health care industries are now moving around a four letter word that is cost, government, insurance firms, and patients. Therefore there are numerous things to manage efficiently hospital industry. With lives in their hands, health care organizations need to function very precisely with executing high quality services and at the same time cutting unnecessary costs. Therefore it needs a proper structure which will have a very specific, narrow, and low authority role in place. Health care industry is customer industry, thus it need to done some effort to ensure customer expectations by a customer centric customized service approach. In every department there should be different vice presidents who will work under a common president or manager. Medical workers and doctors need to have coordination among them and act as a team. Usually in every industry front line workers are the one who generates unprecedented value by their service but in return receives very little remunerations which affect their behavior at work. We need to solve this discrepancy for providing better service. To change the health care system clinicians, doctors, nurses all of them need to aware about new protocols and technologies to deliver modern care to the patient. Although it’s a long term plan, therefore to make it more religious good governance and well articulated management structure is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
JFK assassination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
JFK assassination - Research Paper Example The sheer emotion and rawness of the coverage appealed to people’s senses that brought the people closer to the news. It was also by no means dismissible that at the heart of the breaking news were America’s affable and media-savvy president and the grief-stricken first family devastated by a tragedy. Overnight, the mostly newspaper-reading and radio-listening nation has turned their attention to their television sets to get a blow-by-blow update of the latest news. Merriman Smith, a United Press International (UPI) newsman, was riding in the presidential press pool car just behind JFK’s limousine on that fateful day in Dallas when they heard three loud shots. The second and third sound made it unmistakable that they came from gunshots. Smith immediately grabbed hold of the car’s radio phone and contacted the UPI headquarters to deliver the news update. Cronkite, inside the CBS studio in New York, was just informed of the president’s assassination coming across through the UPI teletype machine. As Cronkite’s news team breaks the station’s regular programming to deliver the assassination news unsure of the president’s condition, Smith was in Parkland Hospital with more breaking story. Smith informs UPI that President Kennedy has died at 1:00pm. Breaking the soap opera slot, Cronkite emotionally delivers the news.2 Smith rushed to the office and fed the whole world with the news through the five bells that rang on the recipient UPI machine to indicate the urgency and weight of the message. Walter Cronkite was a close confidant of Smith’s. He knew exactly what Smith meant by the message fed to the world in such a short span of time. Cronkite took to the television immediately, putting a break to the ongoing programs. He had to go on audio, as the available camera was slow at loading images. Cronkite became the most trusted person in America at that time.3 From the time of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Identifying Hazards In The Workplace Construction Essay
Identifying Hazards In The Workplace Construction Essay Historically, health and safety laws in the United Kingdom (UK), for example, The Factories Act 1961, and The Offices, Shops and Railways Premises Act 1963, were applied to definite operations, and were planned prescriptively to correct acknowledged wrongs. (Ridley and Channing, 2008: 42)  Health and safety legislation usually developed a section at a time, and each section covered an exacting class of person and was not of a reliable manner.  (Ridley and Channing, 2008: 42) Legislation only useful to those workers who were on site, thus if the job required working away from their designated area, as a contractor, there was no legislation in place to cover these employees. Separate legislation with variations and methods of enforcement would apply to a factory, an office, a mine, or a quarry. There was certainly a need for change within the legislation in order to offer safety to employees. In May 1970, Labour Secretary of State for Employment and efficiency, Barbara Castle, appointed a Committee of Inquiry to undertake a wide-ranging review of health and safety within the UK. Lord Robens chaired the committee and its remit was to examine critically the provision made for the health and safety of persons in the course of their employment, furthermore to consider whether changes were needed and, if so, of what type. Three main factors prompted this enquiry: There had not been a comprehensive review of health and safety as a whole. (Hutter, 2004: 21) There were disturbing levels of accident and disease at work, which were felt to be in need of scrutiny. (Hutter, 2004: 21) The traditional regulatory approach that is, an approach based on an extensive system of detailed statutory provisions administered and enforced by government departments and local authorities, was considered to be in need of examination. (Hutter, 2004: 22) The main criticism levelled by the committee was that administrative jurisdictions were fragmented; there were too many incongruent agencies responsible to government departments, enforcing excessive legislation. It was proposed that a more integrated system needed to be created to increase the effectiveness of the states contribution to safety and health at work. Moreover, it was argued that [r]eform should be aimed at creating the conditions for more effective self regulation by employers and employees jointly (Hutter, 2004: 22). The intentions being to make those involved understand that health and safety matters are their own concerns and not just the remit of external agencies. In essence, Health and Safety was moving forward from a regulatory process to a self-regulating process. The recommendations of the Robens Committee subsequently led to the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) 1974, which is the principal enabling legislation for the UK; it imposes duties on employers, employees, and manufactures. Training is specifically mentioned within section 2 (2) HASWA 1974 and states that In addition to other requirements it is the employers duty to ensure the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees. (Tolleys, 2009: 1467)  This does not place a duty on an employer to provide training, however, it recognises that having carried out generic and specific risk assessments of the working area; an employer may well believe that training would be an effective measure of control of skills, knowledge, and competency. capability is not specially recognized within HASWA 1974 with exemption to an suggestion in section 19 (1) which refers to the appointment of inspectors of health and safety. This relates to such person having appropriate qualifications as it thinks necessary for carrying into effect the relevant statutory necessities within its field of responsibility (Tolleys, 2009: 1466). Introduction In this assignment researcher have explained health and safety acts and also have explained the safe working environment in the work place. Researcher have explained the electrical hazards, fire hazards, emergency evacuation plan, working smoking policy, hygiene facilities, first aid and manual handling Electrical hazards  Electricity is a very useful source of energy but it is very dangerous. Circuit Overload Protection Overloading electrical circuits are very risky and should not be legal at any time. All systems shall be installed as designed by the manufacturer and in order with the National Electrical Code and restrained electrical codes. Each electrical circuit breaker or fuse should be clearly evident with the name of the electrical application served by that circuit. Breaker or fuse categorization allows for interval of the electrical current to the circuit in the event of a disaster due to electrical shock or defective appliances, and assists in classification of circuit overloading. Breaker boxes should be accessible at all times. Use of Extension Cords Conservatory cords used with moveable tools should be of the three-wire type with three spike plugs, excluding when using double insulated tools. Plugs should be nonconductive. The user should make sure that the wire sizes of addition cords are competent of treatment the load without heating and this should be checked upon before starting the job. Numerous plug-on attachments on addition cords shall not be used. Make sure that all addition cords are useful and free of uncovered wiring and spillages, unravelled area. Extension cords must only be used for temporary purposes, not for permanent installation. Where there is a undying need for an electrical vent, one should be installed. While in use, the addition cord must not be located in such a manner as to present a nimble hazard or under rugs, carpets or chair mats. Addition cords must not be placed where they may be injured by foot or traffic. Addition cords must not be run through holes in walls or ceilings or t hrough doorways or windows. Electrical Grounding All electrically operated appliances shall be powerfully stranded. Electrically operated appliances may be stranded in the subsequent ways:         By an accepted grounding type accessory plug, provided the ground wire is attached to the metal inclusion of the electrical conductors and to the plug associated to the tools cord. The ground wire must be attached at all times while the tools are associated to the power supply.           By means of training instrumentalist run with the power conductors in the stretchy cord linked to the piece of equipment. The ground association must always make contact with the electrical vent ground while the piece of equipment is linked to the power supply conductors.  http://www.sefsc.noaa.gov/HTMLdocs/electricalsafe.htm Fire hazards Fire safety becomes everyones job at a worksite. Employers should educate workers about fire hazards in the workplace and about what to do in a fire crisis. This plan should sketch the coursework of key items in the event of a fire and supply an evacuation plan for workers on the site and wee to locate in a safe a secure place away from the building. In the assembly industry, a fire plan should be set up at the beforehand to start any destruction job. Building Fire Exits Every workplace building must have at least two means of flee distant from each other to be used in a fire emergency. Fire doors must not be blocked or locked to stop emergency use when employees are within the buildings. Postponed opening of fire doors is legal when an agreed alarm system is incorporated into the fire door design. Exit routes from buildings must be clear and free of obstructions and appropriately marked with signs designating exits from the building. Portable Fire Extinguishers Each workplace building must have a full balance of the proper type of fire extinguisher for the fire hazards present. Employees expected or predictable to use fire extinguishers must be instructed on the hazards of fighting fire, how to appropriately manage the fire extinguishers available, and what actions to follow in alerting others to the fire emergency. Only permitted fire extinguishers are allowed to be used in workplaces, and they must be kept in good functional situation. Appropriate protection and assessment of this equipment is compulsory of each employer. Where the employer wishes to abandon employees instead of having them fight small fires there must be written emergency plans and employee training for appropriate migration. Emergency Evacuation Planning Each employer needs to have a written emergency action plan for evacuation of employees which describes the routes to use and procedures to be followed by employees. Also procedures for accounting for all evacuated employees must be part of the plan. The written plan must be available for employee review. Where needed, special actions for helping actually impaired employees must be addressed in the plan; also, the plan must include events for those employees who must remain behind for the time being to shut down crucial plant equipment before they evacuate. Fire Prevention Plan Employers need to execute a written fire avoidance plan to complement the fire evacuation plan to minimize the frequency of evacuation. Stopping unnecessary fires from happening is the most resourceful way to grip them. The written plan shall be available for employee review. http://www.pp.okstate.edu/ehs/training/OSHAFIRE.HTM Workplace smoking policy An employer in discussion with the employees lays down rules and actions that govern some or all of the following: Functioning ethics that guide the smoking policy such as the rights of non-smokers and obedience with any legislation that relates to smoking in the work place. The places and times that smoking is allowed, if it is allowed at all. The aim should be to certify the abolition or minimisation of smoke disclosure to employees where they work. Employees should also have the option of smoke free rest areas, and it is up to the employer to decide on condition for smokers, such as smoking rooms. The schedule for visitors or members of the public that enter a workplace. Contractual obligations or conditions such as time allowed for smoking breaks, consequences of collapse to abide by with the policy. Support for smokers that wish to quit such as smoking termination services. Technical improvements such as improved ventilation where smoking is approved. The approach to be adopted for employees with higher health risk such as people with asthma or pregnant women. Working practices, such as roistering, that reduces employees exposure to smoke. Details of how the smoking policy may change over time it could become more uncertain after an early adjustment period. Procedures for reviewing the policy, ensuring obedience and resolving disputes. Hygiene facilities  Providing hygienic washroom facilities in the workplace are not only enviable, its a legal requirement for all UK commercial grounds. ABC Hygiene is an experienced hygiene services company that understands your business legal desires in this area as well as the need to current a concerned and specialized image to both staff and consumers. The Company provides all the tools and services your business needs to sustain clean and fresh washroom facilities; ensuring that you can prudently manage everything from sanitary waste, soap dispensers, air fresheners, hand-drying and sanitising, right through to vending machines. This breadth of service is superior by the companys genuine promise to deliver a high-quality, trustworthy service, duly provided through its team of friendly, yet specialized persons. First aid People at work can go through injury or sudden illness. It is most important that employers have made schedule to ensure their employees receive abrupt concentration if they are injured or taken ill at work. This site provides information on all aspects of first aid at work and will be of interest to employers, employees, first aiders and training organizations transversely all industry sectors. The Health and Safety First-Aid Regulations 1981 require employers to provide tools, services and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These Regulations concern to all workplaces including those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed. Detailed information can be found in the Approved Code of training and Guidance:  The Health and Safety First-Aid Regulations 1981 L74. What will be depended on the conditions in the workplace, this includes whether skilled first aiders are needed, what should be integrated in a first aid box and if a first aid room is needed. Employers should carry out an judgment of first aid needs to conclude this. The Regulations do not place a legal responsibility on employers to make first aid stipulation for non-employees such as the public or children in schools. However, HSE strongly recommends that non-employees are integrated in a first aid needs evaluation and that condition is made for them. Risk assessment consists of a detailed risk assessment on a wet/dry heat area within a spa. It will incorporate what a risk assessment is and what it is for, also a risk assessment procedure and the possible dangers that could occur in the work place if the health and safety rules are not followed. A essential knowledge of health and safety is required before a risk assessment can be completed. The Health and safety at work act is a set of rules which are set to care for the employees, employers, clients and the business itself from any accidents or illness. The health and safety act rules are there for both employees and employers to abide by to make sure the safety of anyone i.e. clients, delivery people, that may have anything to do with the workplace. A risk assessment is a major part of health and safety for any business as this will help stop accidents and serious harm to all worried. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people within the work place. It is used to prioritise any possible dangers, to assess how dangerous they are and how to stop them. Huges P (2007) pg 67 states risk assessment methods are used to make a decision on priorities and to set objectives for eliminating hazards and falling risk. Businesslink.gov.uk (2008) states that you are not expected to reduce all risk, but you are compulsory to defend people as far as sensibly practical. To perform a enough risk assessment there are five steps to make sure a thorough test has been done. The first being to be familiar with serious hazards from the minor ones and then once these have been recognized, the second step would be to make a decision on who these may influence this will include anyone who has anything to do with the business. The third element of a risk assessment is to appraise the level of the risks that have been found. A qualitative appraisal can be done in most cases which would enable the evaluator to grade them as medium, high or low depending on the potential danger it could cause. The fourth step would be to record your findings and then start to put into place methods of avoidance. Lastly the risk assessment should be reviewed on a regular basis. Overall the risk assessment should consi st of identifying the hazards, establishing who they may influence, assess the risks; record the result and the make sure that regular checks are kept and recorded up to date. Keeping a record will help to observe the health and safety within a business.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Developing an Appropriate Response to Child Abuse Essay -- Child Abuse
Child abuse is one of the fastest growing social problems in the United States. A social problem is, â€Å"a condition that a significant number of people believe to be a problem. A condition in which there is a sizable difference between the ideals of a society and its actual achievements†(Coleman et al. 2006:2). However, society has changed the way it views the issue, and is working towards finding a solution to this awful problem. Child abuse encompasses four main areas: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Child abuse is considered a sociological phenomenon because it is a learned behavior. Learning the social patterns as to why people abuse will give a better understanding to its reasons, and also the development of society in the way that it views children. 3.6 million children were victims of abuse in the year 2006. Sixty four percent were victims of neglect, sixteen percent suffered from physical abuse, and eight percent were sexually ab used. Also in 2006, 1,530 children died as a result of abuse; an average of four children everyday (Child Welfare Information Gateway 2008). A study was done by David G. Gil, author of Violence Against Children: Physical Child Abuse in the United States and Journal of Marriage and Family, conducted a study about the types of child that was abused. His findings indicated that children of all ages are abused. He also found that abused children are more likely to come from single-parent homes or from large families. Income, occupation, and education are all factors that indicate the higher rates of abuse. Most children in his sample were abused by their mothers, and fewer than half the abused children in his sample were living with their biological father... ...lcohol abuse problems, children are often the most vulnerable. Briere (1992) talks about society’s responsibility to take care of its future, and using the feminist, functionalist, and conflict theory perspectives, it is our responsibility to change the way in which children are taken care of. The treatment of childhood maltreatment effects is still in its infancy, however. It is likely that the next decade will bring with it a burgeoning of treatment techniques and approaches relevant to child abuse. As this field develops, so too grows the opportunity for clinicians to provide increasingly more effective services to abuse survivors. To the extent that child abuse trauma underlies a significant proportion of modern mental health problems, these developments are likely to have substantial implications for mental health practice in the years to come. (P.163)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Saussure and Bloomfield
The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast two important linguistics that reached a significant milestone in the history of Language. Their names are Leonard Bloomfield (April 1, 1887–April 18, 1949) and Ferdinand de Saussure (November 26, 1857– February 22, 1913). Leonard Bloomfield was an American linguist who led the development of structural linguistics in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s. Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist who taught at the University of Geneva, whose ideas about language laid the foundation for many significant developments in linguistics in the early 20th century. Bloomfield came from the Neogrammarian School of linguistics. That means he focused on the historical aspects and evolution of languages. He studied particular languages, their history and how words are generated. Both Bloomfield and Saussure studied language as a structure or with a scientific basis. The main difference is that Bloomfield studied linguistics diachronically: its historical and comparative development. Saussure studied language synchronically: he made the comparison between language and chess. There is no necessity to know the history moves; you could understand the system just by looking at the board at any single moment. This is the synchronic study of Language. Another marked difference is that Bloomfield himself never suggested that it was possible to describe the syntax and phonology of a language in total ignorance of the meaning of words and sentences. His view was incomplete, as he studied part of the system and not the whole. In contrast to this, Saussure studied Language as a system, including all aspects of it. He considered the system has three properties: Wholeness, since the system functions as a whole. Transformation, as the system is not static, but capable of change. Self-Regulation, this is related to the fact that new elements can be added to the system, but the basic structure of it can not be changed. The conception of Language was different for each of them. Bloomfield believed that Language is related to stimulus response acquired by habit formation. He claimed it is used to satisfy human’s needs. On the other and, Saussure considered language as a multitude of signs, where each sign links a phonic sound (the signifier) with an idea (the signified). The reason why they differed in this conception is because Saussure studied it from a mentalist conception. He considered both the signifier and signified mental entities and independent of any external object. Opposite to that, Bloomfield argued that linguistics needs to be more objective if it is to become a real scientific discipline. He believed that the main target of linguistic inquiry should be observable phenomena, rather than abstract cognitive processes. Therefore, Bloomfield rejected the classical view that the structure of language reflects the structure of thought. As a consequence, they also differed in the conception of Language acquisition. According to Bloomfield, a child acquires language through repetition and stimulus-response. Through further habits, the child makes a start on displaced speech (he names a thing even when it is not present). Saussure, on the contrary, viewed language as having an inner duality, which is manifested by the interaction of the synchronic and diachronic, the syntagmatic and associative, the signifier and signified. Taking everything into consideration, both Saussure and Bloomfield had a significant impact on linguistics. Saussure is considered the founder of modern linguistic and cultural studies. He has influenced several fields such as philosophy, anthropology and semiology. He is the linguist who revolutionized the study of Linguistics, as he outlined his theory of language, in which he suggested the need to study language in a scientific way, rather than studying it in a cultural and historic context. Bloomfield, for his part, did more than anyone else to make linguistics autonomous and scientific. Although Bloomfield's particular methodology of descriptive linguistics was not widely accepted, his mechanistic attitudes toward a precise science of linguistics, dealing only with observable phenomena, were most influential. His influence waned after the 1950s, when adherence to logical positivist doctrines lessened and there was a return to more mentalist attitudes.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Eleven Minutes
‘’Eleven minutes â€Å"– Paulo Coelho It took many years gruelling quest before I found author whose style of writing is natural and real. Paulo Coelho is my favorite writer and like nobody else knows a way how to grab my attention. He is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. His books have been translated in 71 languages. Critics identify him with phenomenon of mass culture. He is rated among the best writers of all time. For me he became a true authority and I dare say that for many also.I read almost all his works but especially one exerted a huge impression on me. ‘’Eleven minutes’’ originally â€Å"Onze minutos†was published in 2003 in 39 languages and until 2005 sold in 6 million copies. It is one from this books which has a powerful magnetizing effect on me. The novel tells a story about young woman Maria, her beauty attracted to men. She lives in the Brazilian province. We meet her as a child who dreams of a prince from fai ry tale and a quiet house overlooking the sea. Her first innocent contacts with love leave her heartbroken.As a teenager she already knew what suffering is and was living in the belief that love brings only pain and is not worth to worry about. She is confident that will never find true, pure love. After graduating school she found a job in a store with fabrics. Owner fell in love with her but these unpleasant experiences from the past cause that she was only guided by a desire to hold money. This contributed to the fact that Maria has used him and then went to Brazil. There she met a rich guy who offered her a job as a dancer at a nightclub in Switzerland.Excited girl thought that the fortune had smiled upon her and this trip will help her make a career and earn the money she has always dreamed of. But Maria soon discovers that the work is different than she had imagined. The salary was low and working conditions below her expectations. Also, the employer was a completely different man. She decided not to give up because only her stubbornness could help her achieve the desired success. She entered into an affair with a rich Arab. She began to neglect her duties as a dancer, which led to job losses.Unfortunately, as it used to be in the life of Maria her lover dumped the girl and with this left another deep wound in her heart. This unpleasant experience cemented her belief that love is nothing. She wanted to become a model but she didn’t succeed it because the man who had to take care of her career turned out to be only a man seeking a woman for one night. Deprived of all hopes and dreams were not wondered long and with the adoption of a proposal from a stranger a part of Maria’s soul died. After that fateful night she has been meditating on her life.She could not go home with nothing therefore she decided to follow the path she chose. Maria borrowed many books about sex and bought clothes that seemed relevant to her profession. She began looking for work which proved to be very easy. After the first, actually the second night she didn’t feel like her, she hasn’t thought about it and started to do it automatically like someone who is devoid of all feelings. She tried to explain why she was doing but she couldn’t. Maria wanted to become the best in her profession to earn in the short time a lot of money.After six months she was unrivalled. She had high expectations of her customers which helped her keep respect for herself. She wanted only to survive the next 6 months and with a sizeable sum in the account return to Brazil where she will buy a small farm, animals and parents will take under her roof. She moved to a more comfortable dwelling and was careful to not fall in love. One day, when she had free afternoon went for a walk when she met a painter named Ralf Hart. Maria felt by him as the friend whom she had known for a long time.Girl for the first time told someone the whole truth because she felt s afe with him. At all meetings the man showed her true life reminded her that prostitution did not lead to anything besides money that has no value. Maria guided by an impulse decided to abandon the present life and return to the country. She did not intend to ask Ralf to go with her. She was grateful that he made that she was capable to love again. The end of her stay in Geneva was approaching. In two weeks, she had to leave Europe. She decided that the day before departure, she will say her lover about her plans.He tried to persuade her to not leave but she was adamant. Last night they spent together and then she went to the airport. All the time Maria believed that Ralf will show up at the last moment, like in the movies, take her in his arms and never let go. But that has not happened. When she flew to Paris, was still a lot of time until the next plane. She thought about it, or not spend one day in Paris, explore, contemplate about what had happened, but it turned out that the t icket does not allow for departure the next day.Suddenly she heard a voice. It was Ralf. He said that he had seen her at the airport in Geneva and flew to Paris to make her a surprise. She did not care about what will happen in the future, the present was the most important at this time. I stood before choosing to describe the entire book or just a fragment. I decided to describe everything not only a part because a whole novel and its message had a great influence on me. Novel’s language engages the attention – it is specific to the style of Coelho.On the one hand we find a metaphor, rich symbolism, subjectivity and emotion marked by language, which is perfectly adapted to the philosophical sense of the whole work. But this is not a reason to worry about because philosophical doesn’t mean something difficult. Coelho want to get closer to his readers, he isn’t inventing his own, an abstract style. On the contrary – often uses colloquial words and p hrases, so readers can easily identify with this book and its characters as human as he is. Even Maria is close to us – the script of her life could be a scenario, each of our lives.Her reflections are forcing the reader to his own reflection and try to answer questions like: what is for us sex nowadays? Or how much of our lives can change the case, for example the reading of boring books about the science in an exclusive cafe? These and other questions will also find the answer in the discussions of Mary with her customers, Ralf and the librarian. As I already mentioned the book contains many quotations. Especially one is impressive for me: â€Å"Everybody wants absolute love, and is not to be found in someone else, but in ourselves; we simply awaken it.But in order to do that, we need the other person. The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with. †With these words comes a great moral, if we will be love ourselves with our shortcomin gs and weaknesses, we will be immensely happy. It's not about loving ourselves unconditionally and did not notice our own faults but try to work on them as far as possible and then keep a distance to ourselves. If we would satisfy our own needs then we will be able to love others, because each of us is dying for love, even if we try to defend against it.And I think that everyone has a moment in your life when he opens up for this feeling, it happens when we meet our true love. This book will inspire you to find the â€Å"light†that Ralf saw in Maria that she didn’t know she have. It awakens your senses and sensual side, allowing passion and love to take you to different heights. The novel not only shows us how to realize our dreams, but also how to follow your heart and love without being selfish because we cannot own anyone. Our love should be free as we want to be free. No words can talk about this book†¦. just wonderful.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Coursework 9 For ECO320 Example
Coursework 9 For ECO320 Example Coursework 9 For ECO320 – Coursework Example MONETARY POLICY Fed’s Monetary PolicyDescribe the Fed’s objective function and how it can be used with an economic model to evaluate alternative monetary policies?In the world of economy, different policymakers may try their level best to stabilize the economy mainly by smoothing out the various business cycles in the surrounding. According to Fed’s objectives, its primary goals included the following: maximizing output, reducing the rate of unemployment and also ensuring that the rate of inflation in the economy is low. Fed’s objective function is also referred to as the Fed’s loss function mainly because when the value of the function is much higher the economy becomes worse off. The objective function describes the tradeoff between inflation rates and the output level in the economy. Fed’s objective function can be used to evaluate alternative monetary policy. The difference between the actual inflation rate and the ideal one is the inflat ion gap; the inflation gap rises during economic expansion and reduces in the period of recession, and it is merely positive. The tradeoff between the output gap and inflation gap is always determined by the Fed’s objective function (Surico, 2007). However, Fed’s objective function looks at the aggressiveness of the policymakers and during the period of economic shock the inflation rates or output levels in the economy are returned to their exact levels. Besides, the economic model depicts that when output increase for a while, the unemployment level will reduce and over a certain time inflation rate decreases (Surico, 2007).Why didn’t policy based on the Phillips curve work to help the Fed reduce the unemployment rate to a lower level than before? What happened in the 1970s as the Fed tried to take advantage of the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment? The policy on Philip’s curve did not work to help Fed reduce unemployment level to a lower level because the tradeoff between the higher level of unemployment and higher inflation is no longer there. Therefore, there is a positive correlation between high inflation and high unemployment. In the 1970s, policymakers tried to take advantage of the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation rates but it did not work either. However, this caused the rate of expected inflation to raise hence the level of unemployment and inflation rose. Similarly, this also led to the short-run Philips curve to shift upwards.ReferenceSurico, P. (2007). The Feds monetary policy rule and US inflation: The case of asymmetric preferences. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(1), 305-324.
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